The Bloody Recap

Muckraker magazine is planning a shitstorm of bad publicity, and Claire is trying to counter that by crafting her own public relations campaign.

Michelle Alcantara is still trying to re-enter Gabriel's life by taking every opportunity to be there whenever the need arises, such as now.

And in the middle of it all, Miguel is still unconscious. He has received a unit of blood—Claire's blood—and yet it's not enough. More than half of Gabriel's employees, including Michelle, have been processed and tested for compatibility, and none of them gets the greenlight.

Things are looking bleak for Gabriel and Miguel.

As he sits by Miguel in the ICU, watching his brother's face, wondering about the utter calm in his expression, Gabriel wonders if this is judgment long in coming. Is this payment for all his bad decisions in the past? But why should Miguel be the one to pay?