The Light Returns

The moment Miguel opens his eyes, the first thought in his head is: Where's Gab? The hospital room is brightly lit, there are machines that surround him, and in a corner, a nurse occupies a small desk and she seems to be writing on a chart.

"Hello," he says aloud, his voice hoarse from lack of use. "Hello, can I have some water, please?"

"Oh, my God, Sir, you're awake!" The nurse is suddenly walking about and tapping on machines and looking at readings. "My goodness! Please, wait, Sir, I'll get you some water."

The nurse disappears into a side-door, and returns almost in an instant, bearing a glass of still water. She helps Miguel sit up. The man gulps down the water like he's been walking in the desert for so long, and only now he's found shelter.

Miguel wipes with the back of his hand some of the water that dribbled down his chin. He smiles. "Thank you so much."

The nurse smiles, too. "Your brother has been waiting for you. Should I let him know you're now awake?"