Hell like Training (2)

Splash Splash

" Ehh"

Being splashed by water woke me up from sleep and I shrieked loudly. Their was still some drowsiness, headache and my whole body was aching badly. I look around me and saw I am in a forest and Freya was standing in front of me with a wooden Buckets.

" Get up "

I got up from the ground with aching body and streech my body and then looked around the surrounding area. From what I can see from my previous check and current check is that this is a huge forest and in which sun rays can't easily enter easily. Forest was dark like silent night and there sounds that were passing through my ears which I can't decide were real or illusion created by my brain.

Freya looked towards me with smile and said in low voice

" Welcome to the dark valley of Terr, it place where even the rays of sun can't reach and this valley is place where old war has taken place. So the spirits of the death lurks around in the valley, it is also home to many dangerous beast who will attack you by various means. So here is what I want you to do, I want you to head towards the west and enter an old palace and you have to get an item located in the volt of the palace. The palace is located at the top of a mountain in the center of the forest, there are deadly traps laid all around the mountain which can kill anybody."

" what is in the palace that you want me to bring "

" Sorry princess, it's not my wish but it what your father order me. He want you go in the palace and retrieve an fist side green emerald which placed in a sword which is called Asclepius Eye and it is located in the palace volt. Odin wants it to be locked in asgard's volt because it has power of disease and poison. And it can effect billions of being all at once. "

" Okay, but don't you think this task should have been done by an asgardian warrior instead of me who didn't even gone through mature ceremony."

" No, your father want to you to do it, so that you can train to fight any and every kind of danger which will be come to you and asgard."

I looked towards her and nodded my head in approval. after which I started to walk towards the west, while I walking Freya shouted from behind me.

" I will be waiting for you on the other side

of the forest. you have one month for completion of the task or you will failed."

I heard her and without responding was walking straight ahead.


It has been one and half hour since I started walking and it's looks like,I am going right direction and because I marked every tree in my path.

While walking, I was looking towards all direction and being vigilant. I looked to every tree and leave on path.

Suddenly a pungent smell enter my nose. I stopped in my tracks and hide myself behind a tree while been close to the ground. because I realised the smell was of blood and odor of some kind of animal.

One time, I have read in a book that some animal mark their territory by spreading urine all around their home.

I raised my head up and looked to check any movement around me. After confirming there was no one around me. I came out of hiding spot and started to walking past the area.

After crossing the nesting area of the, I started walking fast. I walked some distance when, I heard wolf howling but I didn't put it to mind and keep on walking and then sound of horse running came from my behind.

I turned to looked at the where the sound was coming from and saw a black figure in the distance. First I thought it was a horse, but when it got nearer to me. Only one word came to my mind.

" Fuck "

I turned around and started to running without looking back. Because what I saw wasn't a horse. but something that scared the hell out of me. it was a beast called Warg and I have read about it in asgard's library. it has legs of a horse and remaining body and head of a wolf's. it is huge in size, compared to a human Warg is three times bigger.

I was running with all my strength while being followed by a warg. I kept running straight without thinking anything and picked up a long stick with sharp edge from the ground and ran towards a giant tree and ducked to a giant root that growing outside of the ground. while the beast followed me in and ducked under the root and it huge body got caught in the root. I looked back and gave a sigh of relief, but it did not give up and exerted strength with all ferousness while looking towards me and bearing it's teeth towards me.

I looked towards it and pushed my leg as support and held the wooden stick like a spear pointing towards it and rushed towards it and pushed the spear towards the front. the beast shot it hove towards me and while bearing anger and killing intent in it's eye.

I dodge it's hoves from by ducking and jumping around it. and jumped on it hove and ran towards it head and the beast open it mouth to bite me but I saw through it and didn't get caught but stepped up on it nose and jump up and peirce the wooden spear in the of the beast brain through it's eye.

Before it can react, I jumped towards ground from it head and rolled on the ground to stabalize and stand up properly.

The beast began to struggle in the pain while shaking to it's might to remove the the spear. the beast used to much force that the spear got inserted more in it's head and it increase it's suffering. the root which was holding it can ripped from to much shaking and the beast to roll on the ground and started loud screeching in pain. it continued for half an hour and then the beast dead and I dropped on my knees to rest...