Chapter 4: New York, July 2020

I sighed in relief as we landed in New York a couple of weeks later. Long-haul flights had never been a favourite of mine. But we had lightened the burden through having stopovers in Hawaii and California. Elaine had suggested that we would travel America while we were going on the trip. I couldn't argue against it. It was insane travelling all the way to New York, hoping for an extra-terrestrial demi-god to give you a lot of money. But going on a USA holiday made a lot of sense.

We had a lot of fun during our trip, hiking around the Hawaiian national parks and volcanoes. We had Scuba-dived in Hawaiian lagoons. We had visited Hollywood. We had fired guns and gambled in Las Vegas. While in Rome, do what the Romans do, so to speak. While we hadn't gained 20 kilos yet, it was at least a work in progress. The only drawback was that my migraine and flickering vision, impaired my senses. But since the medical professionals couldn't help me, I had decided that I should enjoy life as much as I could, while I still could.

As we reached our hotel, I realised that I needed to contact Rangda about my mission. Without her, I would soon run out of money. I went to bed and connected my Zetan Monocle.


"You bloody fool! How could it take you two weeks to travel to New York?" Rangda roared.

"Well, Elaine suggested that we saw some other destinations on the way here. Besides, you never gave me a timeline?" I replied.

"Do I have to spell everything out to you? When I give a directive, I expect priority. Your interpersonal relationship will have to come in second place. "Rangda replied.

"Apologies, Empress Rangda. So, what do we do now?"

"Well, because of your oversight, you lost the opportunity to become a billionaire. Someone else already won it." Rangda said sarcastically.

"But, I could have bought that ticket from anywhere. Why did I need to come to New York in the first place?" I argued.

Rangda shook her head and ground her teeth in disapproval. "IIIIIIHHHHH" She shrieked, and the terrible noise hit me like a sledgehammer right in the face. "Stop arguing, Human. I am your Empress, and you must obey me. "

"Yes, Empress. Forgive me." I moaned.

"I don't believe in forgiveness. But you are not useful to me dead. There is a $300 million jackpot on tomorrow night. But to get it, you need to do something for me first." Rangda said.

"What do you command, Empress?" I replied.

Rangda smiled maliciously and replied in a condescending tone. "Ah. Look at you. You're learning fast. I reckon you can become a good pet!" I didn't reply. There was no point in arguing with Rangda. Besides I suspected that her terrible shrieking could kill me if she intended to. I nodded, and I went down to the floor, bowing to her.

"Excellent! There is a Zetan artefact in New York that I need you to get for me. It's small and not particularly valuable, yet I need you to get it to prove your loyalty. Get the artefact, and I'll make you wealthy and powerful." Rangda instructed.

"Understood. What do I need to do?" I replied.

"The American rapper Fay Zhed owns a Zetan Angel chip believing that it's an average gemstone. He is using it in his sapphire earring. I need you to get it and insert the sapphire into your ear. Once you have inserted the chip, I will give you the winning lottery numbers. "Rangda instructed.

"So, you want me to rob him of the earring? Where is he located?" I asked.

Rangda shrugged her shoulders and replied. "You can rob him, steal it covertly, blackmail him, buy it, receive it as a gift. There are many scenarios where you get the artefact. I leave it to your creativity to determine how."

"Okay. How do I find Fay?" I asked.

Rangda shook her head and replied. "So much for using your creativity, eh? He'll be in his room at Marriott for another half an hour. Room 907. I'll talk to you later. "

After saying this, Rangda disappeared from my vision. I got up to my feet and ran towards the window. My memory served me right. The Marriott was just across the street. The Angel Chip and my salvation were so close, and I had to pursue it now. I left my phone on the bed and ran towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I heard Elaine shout from the bathroom. I didn't respond. There was no time to lose, and besides, I didn't want her to know!


I was at the ninth level of the Marriott Hotel Downtown, courtesy of the key card that I had pickpocketed from one of the hotel cleaners. I looked at the corridor ahead of me. There was a security guard stationed outside one of the rooms. This was no doubt to make sure that no crazy fans disturbed Fay Zhed before his performance this evening.

I had my course of action clear in my head. When Fay walked past me, I'd fake a trip and pull his earring with me in the fall. It wasn't the best idea, and I hated Rangda for telling me to use my creativity. I wasn't a bloody thief, what would I know about stealing things?

As I was spying on the guard from behind the corner, I noticed that he received a phone call and walked away from the door. New plan! I would use my stolen key card and get into Fay's room to steal the earring while the guard was away!

I walked briskly towards the room and I used the key card to get in. As I entered the room, I felt the thick smoke of marijuana and Fay Zhed seemed to lie unconscious in a corner. Next to him, there was a cannula, half-full of a substance that I assumed to be heroin or some other opioid. I am in luck I thought as I detached the Earring with the Zetan Angel Chip from Fay's right ear.

Suddenly the door opened behind me, and time seemed to slow down. "Hey, who are you?"

I heard the guard shout. 'Combat mode: Non-lethal options unavailable. Please authorise lethal force.' My monocle showed. Oh shit! I had to kill to get out of this mess. I authorised lethal force. And the monocle highlighted the pistol located on the bedside table. I jumped towards the gun, grabbed it, and turned around to shoot the guard. My shot missed!

How could this be, what was going on? The guard fired at me and missed. The monocle showed me the situation in slow motion. It predicted the guard's movement and I hit him the between the eyes with my second shot, but not before the guard had fired a second shot. I got up and looked at Fay. The guard had accidentally hit Fay in the throat, and he was bleeding out. Oh shit! Fucking hell. What would I do now?


I inserted the Zetan Angel Chip into my head, and I heard Rangda's voice. "Interesting solution to the problem. A bit crude and not highly creative!"

"So what do I do now? I asked in desperation.

"The monocle can't get you out of this mess, but I can. Relinquish control over your body to me for the next ten minutes."

"Relinquish control? This is insane!" I growled back.

"Okay, so I assume you'd rather die in a shootout with the cops? Such a shame. We could have achieved so much together!" Rangda said mockingly.

"Sorry, Empress. I will do as you say." I whimpered.

Having said this, I opened the settings for the technology. Inside the settings, I surrendered control over my body for the next ten minutes.

After releasing control, everything became like a movie. I was a passive spectator witnessing my own actions. I place my pistol in the dying Fay's hand a squeezed his hand to make sure that his fingerprints covered up mine. After that, I ran out of the room. I ran towards the fire stairs and followed them all the way down to the basement of Marriott

Once I was in the basement, I activated the fire alarm. I hid in the toilet while everyone was evacuating the building. A few minutes later, I entered the security office. Inside the office I typed in the password, and I deleted all the security footage of the building. After that, I picked up a chef's jacket and left the building via the delivery entrance. As I got out, I dumped the chef's coat in a dumpster. I got back to the main road, crossed the street, and walked back to my hotel.


"Martin, you're bleeding," Elaine said as I returned to our hotel room. Rangda released control over my body, and I got back to my senses. Ouch, my neck stung a lot. I put my hand on the wound, and it got soaked by blood. I realised that the cut wasn't deep enough to bleed me out, but there was another terrible implication. Had I left my blood at the crime scene? I recalled how the bodyguard's shot had grazed my neck before it had killed Jay. Thus, my blood was at the crime scene, and I was in trouble! I thought of jumping out of the window to end it all, but I controlled myself. Why would I let my paranoia cause my downfall?

"Martin, you need to go to the hospital!" Elaine nagged.

But I wouldn't go to a hospital. Having my blood sampled by the American authorities? What an idiotic idea. "No! I cannot go to the hospital. You worked as a nurse back in the days, go to the pharmacy and get some threads and needles. You need to stitch me up!" I replied.

"I hate you!" Elaine exclaimed.

"That might be, but you'll do as I say, or we'll both go to jail. I reckon you'd rather share the 300 million US dollars." I replied coldly.

Elaine said nothing. Instead, she left the hotel room to collect the necessary supplies. 30 minutes later, she returned. Elaine stitched me up without uttering a word.


"3, 22, 23, 32, 37, 58. Powerball 2." Rangda whispered as I was filling in my Powerball lottery ticket at a lottery agent in Manhattan. I hadn't been out all day, but I needed to hand in that winning lottery ticket. I had watched the morning news on the TV. The official version was that Fay Zhed, had a drug-induced psychotic breakdown. He had started shooting at his bodyguard who had returned fire. Both men had died in the altercation.

It amazed me that the police had made such a sloppy investigation, but I felt relieved at the same time. Perhaps, that was the reason I missed the first shot that I fired? If the monocle had enabled me to kill the guard with the first shot, Fay would still be alive, and I'd be fugitive. The idea startled me. Who was in control of my life?

I knew the answer, of course. It was the same entity who was now giving me the winning Powerball numbers. I thought for a second to throw away the ticket, but I stopped myself. Regardless of what I did, I was now a murderer. For all intents and purposes, it was better to be a wealthy murderer than a raving lunatic locked away at an institution.


"Come on, guys. Smile a bit more!" The photographer said with a pretended cheerfulness close to resignation. I am sure that Elaine and I were the first couple to ever win the Powerball and who failed to smile for the camera. I didn't want to have my picture taken. I'd rather be wealthy without having my picture all over the news, but apparently the lottery had to disclose the winners.

"Please smile so that we can get out of here," I whispered to Elaine.

I felt an epileptic shock when the photography flash struck my eyes. As I got back to my senses I heard the photographer's cheerful tone. "That's a great picture, guys. Let's wrap this up."

As I left the Powerball office, I felt strange. Like most people, I had sometimes dreamt about winning the lottery. But now that I had all the money in the world, or close to it at least, I felt like a prisoner, crushed under the responsibility bestowed upon me. I had sworn to aid Rangda, and while I had been able to disconnect her before, I was now bound to serve her. The Angel chip, which had merged with my brain, made it impossible for me to ignore her. And the bloody thing was irremovable at least that's what Rangda wanted me to believe.

Thinking of Rangda, I heard her chilling voice "There is a jewellery store over there. They have a replicated Zeto Crystal in stock. Enough to keep you alive for a bit longer." I thought of asking for more details, but not now. For now, I'd buy the crystal with my newfound riches.

A while later, I bought the crystal pressed it against my skull, where the migraine was tremoring. The relief was immediate, and I felt like a new man. I looked at the crystal it was dull again, just a useless blue rock. I dropped it in a beggar's cup and continued walking when Elaine ran up to me.

"Why did you give the beggar the sapphire?" Elaine asked.

"Because it's useless now. I used up its power to heal my wounds." I replied.

"You're stupid and selfish. I love sapphires, and what good are they to the beggar? Give me some money! "Elaine commanded.

"Sure, here you go," I replied and handed her a wad of cash.

Elaine ran back to the beggar, and a minute later she came back. "This stone is beautiful. I will have it cut in half and use it for our wedding bands!" Elaine said happily.


The following day, we were at JFC airport. We were heading for Peru in South America. Rangda had commanded me to find Pachamama's Veil. The Veil was apparently a crucial artefact to re-energise the Primordial Zeto Crystal once we found it.

Elaine was acquiring a new wardrobe from our ill-gotten gains while I was drinking a beer at the airport bar. While I wouldn't mind some new clothes, there was little use for fashion brands on our upcoming expedition. But money was plentiful and if she wanted to go shopping to clear her mind, who was I to object?

As I was drinking my third beer, James Winter approached me. He was also wearing his monocle. "Martin Orchard. We meet again." James stated coldly. Clearly, he hadn't gotten over our last encounter in Nepal. I had beaten him senseless and then attach the monocle to his eye, forever changing his outlook on life.

"James. It's been a while. How are things?" I said with fake enthusiasm. I felt terrified. James Winter was younger and a lot fitter than me. During our last encounter, I had worn the monocle, and he hadn't. This had enabled me to knock him out. If we both had elevated minds, however, I stood no chance against the trained assassin opposite me.

"Don't worry, Martin. I came to thank you for taking out Fay Zhed for us."

"Us?" I asked.

"I am with the CIA now. But I have been talking to Pierre, Ben and Szymon. We have bigger plans for the World. "James revealed.

"So, why did you want him dead?" I asked.

Hearing my question James smirked at me and replied: "Funny that Fay's murderer asks me why we wanted him dead. What was in it for you."

"It was an accident. I needed something of his." I replied.

"Very well. Your motives don't concern me." James replied.

"We wanted Fay dead because he was a Muslim hip-hopper who propagated for world peace. We can't have that. Your pathetic attempts at concealing your crimes didn't trick me. But I got your back on this one." James revealed with a mocking tone.

"So, why are you helping me?" I asked.

"It's not about helping you. This is an excellent opportunity to frame Iranian intelligence operatives for the murder. We wouldn't want a peaceful stagnating world, would we?" James asked, rhetorically.

"Well, thanks for helping me. Good luck." I replied

James got up and spoke: "It looks like your wife is back. Enjoy your Lottery winnings and your Peruvian holiday. We will keep in touch."

I didn't reply. I looked at James as he approached Elaine. James greeted her briefly and then disappeared into the crowd. Elaine approached me with a worried expression on her face. "James knows what you did!"

"Yes, but let's get out of here before he decides to use that knowledge against us," I replied.

After that, we hurried to our plane that would take us to Lima, the Peruvian capital.