
William laughed merrily, as if he didn't have a care in the world. But those eyes, they told me something else. Something dark and dangerous. This hunk wasn't to be messed with. I could sense the danger within him. Another shiver traveled up my spine. Once again, James must have noticed my slight movement because he lightly stroked me, calming me with the warmth of his presence. I calmed and breathed slowly as I watched the cold exchange.

"The old man is as remarkably healthy as ever I'm afraid," William said with a sour look. Then he cocked his head to one side as he eyed me. Instantly my heart leaped in dread. "Hello, sweetheart," he greeted. "Mia Donovan, is it?"

My throat went dry as dust, and I stared at him in fear. Oh God, he was such a beautiful creature. Beautiful, dangerous creature. I knew in my bones this guy would kill without remorse. And I had a vague feeling I was his target. Well, maybe not the killing part, but his target nonetheless.

James lightly moved me farther behind him, hiding me from William's view. He chuckled and then said, "What interest do you have in my woman?"

The moment James said my woman, my heart somersaulted within my chest. I gazed at him and felt warm all over. I knew my face was going red from the outrageous statement, and I was indeed glad the night was now cool and the streets were dark so no one noticed my blushing.

"Oh?" William stated, one handsome brow arched in mocking question. "Are you James's woman, sweetheart?"

He directed the query at me, and I was cornered. I felt James's intense gaze on me as well and was compelled to return the eye contact. When our stares met, he too was waiting for my reply. Bastard! I thought with fury. He did that on purpose.

I had a feeling if I were to say yes to the query, then William would leave me alone. If I were to say no, however, why then William would take me with him, whether James liked it or not. I had no idea whether my assumption was correct, but I did know one thing within my gut, and that was James wouldn't like it if William took me. Hence, all hell would break loose. Above all else, my instincts told me both men were somehow involved with Andy. How, I didn't know, and I desperately wanted to find out.

James or William. Which of the two should I trust? Instantly my eyes flicked to James. I didn't know why, but I was drawn to him, this powerful man who made my heart leap and my body sing.

Tentatively I nodded. "Yes… Yes, I am," I said low.

I noted James smiling. My breath caught at the back of my throat. Gosh, he was handsome.

"Oh?" William said, coming closer. He moved so his face was mere inches from mine. The light blue of his eyes stared deep into my own as he said, "You're as beautiful as your brother, Mia. Hmm, looks like I have to work very hard to steal you."

At lightning speed, James had his hand on William's throat. Face-to-face, he sneered while William smiled. I blinked in confusion as panic once again descended upon me. Around us, William's men drew their weapons. Two men had guns in the air, ready to fire. One had two knives in his hands, and the other two had brass knuckles, one in each hand. Only the one who had opened the door for William stood calm as if a fight weren't about to break out.

James didn't seem intimidated by William's mean-looking guards. Rather, he seemed pleased, and I was confused and scared by the glint in his eyes. It looked as though he wanted a good fight.

I, however, wanted no part of this dirty play. I cleared my throat and said clearly and loudly, "Even if you managed, I still wouldn't go with you."

My hope was William would just leave us be. Opposite to my prayer, however, he didn't seem to register my blunt declaration at all. Instead, he shook with laugher as he raised his head to the sky. When he stopped, he said, "Oh no, James, my friend. You can't do that to me. You see, that's not how it works. You've already taken Andy from me. You just can't have both brother and sister, you know." He cocked his head to one side. "Ah, I see."

He was looking at me now, and I felt something akin to apprehension settling within my being. "You're here to save your brother? It's no use, sweetheart. No use."

I was instantly pissed. "How do you know it's no use?" I demanded.

James said coldly, "The lady gave you her answer, William. She chose me. Better get your ass out of here before I beat you and your men senseless."

At this proclamation, William's bodyguards suddenly looked nervous and took a few steps away from us. James simply raised a handsome brow, challenging them. I thought it was odd that five burly men—men who no doubt had killed many within their ruthless world—were scared of him.

Then my mind wandered off on its own, wondering if James Maxwell was famous, or should I say infamous, in this dark business world. Perhaps he was a merciless mafia leader of some type that went around murdering people for money. The thought didn't sit well with me, and I panicked a little.

Had I chosen the wrong person to trust? What was I doing getting myself involved with these people? But Andy. I had to save Andy. And James? Hiding me and protecting me with his hard body? Why did I feel safe around him when I shouldn't be? I was more than a little confused and scared.

William laughed, drawing my attention from my internal dilemma.

"I'd love to have a good workout with you, James." Then more quietly and seriously, he added, "Shall we make a date?"

"That would be a pleasure," James said, smiling, his eyes glinting.

The two men exchanged a sort of understanding, and then James roughly let William go.

William easily gained his composure and tidied his suit. He turned on his heel and headed back to the car. As he stepped in, he said, "Remember, it's not only me who wants Mia and her brother." With that, he waved and the door was shut.

As the cars departed, I watched, wondering what William meant when he said it wasn't only him who wanted me and Andy. Were there more people after us? Dead or alive?