A regret of a lifetime

"If it is true as you say, and all you want is for my daughter to meet your son regardless of what she decides to do afterwards, then I have no reason to object. Who isn't to say she will meet the right man for her in another country. I always imagined her to marry one of our own, but love is something that cannot be decided by others. Therefore I will by no means force her to marry your son, nor do I think I hold such power over her. My daughter is a stubborn woman and always has been. I can only try to make her be open to the idea of meeting your son and ask her to see if there is a connection between her and your son, but that is all. Can you agree to Jenny meeting your son once and that you will accept the outcome, whatever it may be? If my daughter rejects this proposal, can you promise me that you will leave my daughter alone?"

Susan of course agreed instantly. This might not have been her primary vision, but this was the best outcome after what had happened yesterday. All she needed was Jenny to meet Jason. She was convinced that after the two met, Jenny would change her mind. After all her son had many admirers even with his current temper. If she could spark the slightest interest in him, she was convinced Jenny too could see the charm her son possessed. With Jenny's mother on her side she felt reassured and left to inform her husband of the good news. She left Jenny's mother with a big hug and left her with her business card, so that they could tell her Jenny's decision as soon as possible. Who knows, maybe Jenny could even join them on their flight!


Soon the time had come for school and the after school activities to be done and Jenny had arrived home. By now she had left the events of yesterday behind her and decided to pretend she had never met Susan. After putting her backpack away and changing her clothes, she came down to give her mother her daily hug. As she entered the living room she saw her mother siting on the couch with a serious expression. "What is wrong? Why do you have such a serious look on your face? Did something bad happen?" Jenny's mother did not answer her questions and simply said "come here sweetheart, we have something to discuss." As Jenny tried to figure out what her mother wanted to talk to her about in such a serious manner, she walked to the couch and held her mother's hand. A habit she had from her childhood days.

"Today an English woman came to see me. She told me you two had met and she had proposed a certain idea to you. She had used some wrong words and had angered you in the process, causing you to angrily reject her. Is this true?" Jenny was both shocked and angered. How dare this woman come to her home and repeat that nonsense to her mother. Had she not been clear in her rejection. Seeing her daughter's facial response, she received the confirmation she was looking for. Her daughter indeed knew the woman who had visited her today and had indeed proposed for her to marry her son in exchange for riches. Now that she had tested the validity of the story, she could start upholding her promise.

"Honey, I know that that lady rubbed you the wrong way, but these were words said in desperation. Why don't you see the positive side of the situation. Someone loved you so much, she wanted you to marry her precious and only son after a single day! She asks nothing of you but to simply meet her son. Have I not taught you to always help people, who ask for your help? If you don't want to feel like a possession, you can reject everything she offers. This does not withhold you from doing her this favor. Regardless of how she approached you, don't lose sight of what this could mean for you. This might be fate and her son could be your intended. No one knows what surprises life holds. This might be your surprise. If it turns out this is a great young man and you decide to not even meet him, it could be a regret of a lifetime. Don't let the idea of me hold you back from living your own life. God has blessed me with four children, though each of you hold your own place in my heart, I can manage being without one of you for a period of time if that brings you happiness."