Susan broke the silence. "I know I said that I only wanted you to meet Jason and that I would accept the outcome, regardless of what it would be. So. I will not hold it against you. I agree that Jason might have rushed things, but even though you don't feel that way about him now, can you be sure that you won't develop feelings for him in the future as well? You guys have only known each other for a short time, but it is clear that you get along with one another", Susan asked. Susan saw that Jenny was clearly upset by this situation. She could see tears beginning to form in her eyes, which she was trying hard to suppress. Her voice cracked, but her words were firm. "I can't say anything about the future, but right now Jason is just a friend to me. I cannot promise that feelings that aren't there, will develop in the future. Knowing his feelings are so strong already, it feels unfair to drag this out with no guarantee on the outcome. So if I have to answer his question right now, my answer has to be no".
Jenny looked up to face Susan's eyes as she finished this sentence. Jenny felt bad saying these words, because she knew that her actions hurt everyone present. But she couldn't force what isn't there. Her mother felt for her as she could see the guilt her daughter was feeling. So Mary sighed deeply before getting up and giving her daughter a hug. She had been very brave and she had given this a chance. What wasn't meant to be, wasn't meant to be. "It is okay honey. No one could have predicted this outcome. You tried with an open mind and have done what you could. Our flight has been brought forward due to an upcoming storm later tonight, so I am afraid you don't have time to look for Jason. We have to leave in half an hour. This might be for the best. That way you don't have to force him to a painful goodbye." Jenny loosened her hug with her mother and looked at her with shock and teary eyes and jumped back in. After regaining composure she went upstairs and brought down her and her mother's suitcases. The car was already waiting for them and she used the remaining time to say her goodbye's. She was probably not going to see any of them again, so despite not being a hugger, she hugged each and everyone she had gotten to know over the past few days. Garry, Stephen, Susan and all the other personnel present. They had all received her with such kindness and now she would have no way to repay them.
Susan stood in her husband's embrace while waving Jenny and Mary goodbye. Saddened by how this adventure had ended. Where was Jason hiding at such an important time. On the one hand she was happy to know her son had not lost the ability to love and proud that he showed such bravery when the chances of rejection were so high, but on the other hand she was felt that he was foolish. Why did he have to rush. It only brought him pain and made them lose such a great family. She sighed while shaking her head. What was done, was done. For now her focus had to be on comforting her own child, who must be hurting right now. Fifteen minutes had passed when she heard the door opening again and heard Garry great Jason. She rushed to the hallway and took her son into her embrace. "What's wrong? Why are you hugging me all of a sudden? Where is Jenny? I have to talk to her" Susan tightened her hug when she heard his question. "She left sweetheart. She went back to the Netherlands. Her flight time was brought forward due to the upcoming storm. She must be past customs by now." Jason loosened his mother's hug and took the keys to the fastest car they owned, "I have to go to her. This isn't over yet!".