The going away party

Jenny was still half asleep when she heard knocking on her door. It was her mother who told her to get up and asked if she was going to stay in bed all day. Usually waking her up was not a good idea. Jenny had simple rules for the people in her life. Don't touch my food and don't touch my sleep, then we are good. Jenny was a person who had a bad temper in the morning and it was best to leave her alone until she woke up on her own and had had some breakfast. Early mornings were worse then when she was able to sleep in a bit and seeing that it was an hour till her surprise party, Jenny's mother took her chances. Jenny replied with a bit of reluctance, but with this being her last day, she decided to give in to her mother. Luckily she had put on a cute dress, because she was seeing Jason later that night, and didn't come down in her pajama's. Something that was a regular occurrence on the weekend if she didn't have anywhere to be.

Once she came down and saw the decorations and food on the table, she understood why her mother woke her up. She smiled and ran up to her mom and gave her a big hug. She quickly had breakfast and as soon as she brought her plate to the kitchen, she heard the doorbell ring and the first guests had arrived. In less than an hour her entire house was filled with people she knew. Classmates, teachers, friends, colleagues, family, family friends, everyone was there. Her house was not big enough to accommodate so many people, but even the weather had prepared for the going away party. The weather was great! It was sunny, there was no wind and was one of those rare warm spring days. So the door to the backyard was open and gave everyone another space to stand, chat and enjoy all the food and snacks prepared by Jenny's mother. Time went by in a flash and it was time for Jenny to say her final goodbye's and leave for the airport. She thanked everyone for coming and the gifts, before stepping into her brother's car who drove her to the airport. Her mother and other brothers joined her as her aunts took over the job of the host. Now that Jenny had left, most people who weren't related to her left. All that remained were her family members and friends of the family. They continued reminiscing about Jenny's younger days and how she had grown up so fast. They hadn't expected this engagement at all as everything that had happened had been kept within the family of five till it all was certain.

Jenny arrived at the airport. The drive had taken longer than usual as her brother was driving as slow as he possibly could without creating dangerous situations. He had become the person he hated most in traffic, but it couldn't be helped today. He was about to send his baby sister away to live with a man he hadn't even met before. The first time they would meet would be at the engagement party a month from now. He did not agree at all with this plan, but he saw that his sister was happy and his mother had agreed with them living together so there was nothing more he could do. Jenny could feel his reluctance and appreciated his concern. She gave each and everyone of her brothers a hug goodbye and an extra long one to her mother before passing through customs. The first thing she did after passing was sending Jason a message that she was at the airport and what time she was going to arrive, something he of course already knew by his own research. He had been counting down the days from the moment she left. Finally she was returning to his side.

He had informed his friends of her arrival and had given the necessary warnings. He had gone to the school and had arranged for Jenny to start school on Monday. Normally this would be impossible at Mountforth high. People had to apply two years in advance, they had to have an excellent school record and had to pass a crazy entrance test. This was something they had never made exceptions on, until now. This was where Susan being the principle was very helpful. Though these kinds of exceptions could not be made by her alone, she did have great persuasive powers and she was able to sway the opinion of the board members in just an hours time. All she had to was mention who the transfer student was to the Westwood family and what that could mean for Jason's behavior at school and the members were sold. Their own children were attending Mountforth high and they were feeling hopeless when hearing some of their stories. Now that a chance presented itself for them to improve their school situation, they were more than happy to make an exception such as this. Jason had even persuaded his mother to put Jenny in his class so that she would have at least one familiar face.

Just thinking of all of this, made him happy to go to school on Monday. Along with the thought of seeing Jenny in their school uniform. After letting his thoughts wander, he was called back to reality by Garry calling him for dinner. Jason looked at his watch and saw that it was almost seven, which meant it was almost time for Jenny's flight to leave. Her flight would leave 8 p.m. from the Netherlands and, due to the time difference, arrive at 8 p.m. GMT*. He hurried into the dining room and after dinner he would prepare himself to go pick up Jenny from the airport. That time could not come fast enough for Jason. He even ate faster, hoping the time he would be able to hold Jenny would come faster as well. After changing his clothes and fixing his hair he looked at his watch once more and saw it was ten minutes to eight. He turned around swiftly, went down the stairs and headed out the door into the car waiting in front. It was go time!

*GMT= Greenwich Mean Time, is the timezone of the UK and is the same as the universal +0 timezone.