The entire class was silenced by what just had happened. Their prince hadn't picked the side of the girl they had long presumed to be his future wife, but the side of some stranger of unknown background. What could their connection be for him to disregard his long standing friend? Who were they supposed to side with now? Jason and Jenny exchanged a short glance before he too returned to his seat by the window. He always had liked sitting by the window, because it allowed him to admire the lands surrounding the school building and it was truly beautiful. He couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. Something heard by all, but only believed by the friends right behind him. All the others figured it must have been a figment of their imagination. Never in all these years had they seen him smile. much less laugh. Though his friends had seen him laugh before, they had never seen him do it in a public space. He always had his guards up and never wanted give anyone the satisfaction of witnessing that, because it would take away of his intimidation factor and it would give people ammo as they would find out what he liked. Regardless if the information came in the hands of wannabe friend or foe, it would be bad news. Both of them would ruin that which had brought him joy each through their own means. The suck up would try to get in his good graces by gifting him said thing or pretending to be interested in that activity or product as well. His foe would try and threaten him with it, beak it, attend activities where he would be likely to show up as well and give him a foul mood. No matter how he though about it, showing his emotions would be bad news for him. Even if he didn't hold himself back, this would still have been a rare sighting as there were few things in live that he enjoyed and the odds of one of those presenting itself during class was very small. Seems like he had found something to add to the list, or should they say someone. Someone whose presence increased the likelihood of him finding enjoyable things during class and of Jason revealing more of his inner thoughts and emotions. Time would prove if this would indeed be a bad thing or a good thing.
The reason Jason was laughing was because he found it funny how the day had started and how it was going till so far. Jenny had made such a fuss about not letting anyone know about them for fear of not making friends, but because what had happened over the day everyone knew they had something to do with each other. Sure they might not know that she was his fiance, but they sure did know to stay away from her. No one would question if her existence was important to him and and she herself had been the cause of them finding out by lighting Elizabeth's fuse. Maybe he should thank Elizabeth after class. If not for her meddling and arrogance, no one would have dared to question Jenny. Seeing how angry Elizabeth was when he entered the classroom Jason deducted that Jenny had put up a good fight as well. He felt it was a real shame he had missed it. Judging by the words he heard her whisper to Elizabeth he knew it must have been a good show.
Before the students had a chance to spend another thought on the subject, the substitute teacher came in and class started. After class ended it was time for the first break of the day. Jason took this time to go back to the roof and discuss the event so far with his friends, who were quite curious about what had happened after they had left and about the chuckle from earlier. Of course he only left after sneaking a glance towards Jenny, who caught him instantly and replied with a reassuring smile. Their wordless conversations were slowly improving. However Jason's glance wasn't only caught by Jenny but also by Elizabeth. As soon as Jason left the classroom she went towards Jenny's desk to continue her fight from before. "Don't get too arrogant because of what happened. It doesn't mean Jason cares about you, he probably feels obligated to look after you. Once the novelty wears off and he gets tired of you order will be restored! You are a nobody and his family will never accept you as anything more than a charity case he has to look after at school. So get thoughts about being anything more than that out of your head now. He and I have promised ourselves to each other since a long time ago and a shrimp like you isn't going to change any of that!"