By now the story of Elizabeth had traveled across the school. The speed of gossip cannot be underestimated. Jenny, who had been too lost in thought to hear a single word of the conversation between Elizabeth and George, was snapped back to reality by the first bell ringing. She hurried along to her next class, in the opposite direction of the duo. She reminded herself to ask Jason about the weird power dynamic within the school. Luckily after this class it would be lunch break and she would have time to talk to him. If not during the break, then she always had the ride back home. By the time class had started, the story had reached anyone and everyone, including the teaching staff and of course the principal. Susan had known Elizabeth for many years and felt very sorry for her. The crush she had on her son, had not gone unnoticed, but she could tell that he did not feel the same. She needed someone for her son that wasn't overpowered by him, but someone who would make him chase and work for it a little. Elizabeth could never fill that role. Now she had to deal with this embarrassment after losing the guy she loved to someone else. As one of the people involved she should try and help her out. This help would later reveal to Jenny who she is and finally answer her questions. Elizabeth who did not feel like being the center of attention in this way, decided to listen to George's advice and go home for now before break started.
Elizabeth could be seen leaving the premises by the time the bell rang to announce lunch break had started. She had made the right decision in leaving, because what happened during the break would have hurt her even more. This was due to a secret that she had worked so hard to uncover, which soon would be revealed for everyone to see. Jenny quickly packed her stuff and went over to Jason's desk. She had made up her mind yesterday that she would stop trying to hide her connection to Jason, so now it was time for her to put her money where her mouth was. She ignored the curious looks of her fellow classmates and asked "Can I join you guys for lunch?" All three boys were quite surprised by her question and the rest of the class was downright in shock. The other students had their suspicions on what their relationship could be, but they needed a few more hints to confirm. They were sitting on the edge of their seats to find out how Mr. Westwood was going to respond. Even miss Elizabeth had only joined them twice on the roof over all these years and if he were to agree, then she must be something more than a friend. Combined with the whole ring situation of this morning, it was bound to be something juicy.
Jason was happy. Contrary to yesterday she did not distance herself from him and now even asked him to have lunch together. She had even let him let him fix that mess with Elizabeth openly without any lash back or protest. Did this mean they were no longer hiding their relationship? Could he finally do what he wanted to do from the very beginning? Luckily that hiding phase didn't last long. Jason simply showed her a smile and held out his hand. A gasp could be heard at this gesture and all eyes shifted to Jenny. She showed a gentle smile as well and held the hand that Jason held out for her. Whispers broke out throughout the classroom. Harry and George quickly replaced their initial surprise with a smile of their own and went ahead to the roof. Jason and Jenny followed, ignoring the stares of their classmates. As they entered the hallway, they gained the stares of the other students in the school. No one could help but stare at this beautiful group of people who looked like they had walked straight out of a painting. All looked on and whispered as they saw Jenny walking next to Jason. Though they all knew not to mess with her after what had happened this morning, but other than Elizabeth, Harry and George, no one knew what Jenny was to the mighty Mr. Westwood. Now they were walking the halls holding hands. Though they had to admit that they looked good together, even better than when miss Elizabeth was walking next to him, but they did wonder what this meant for who was to be the future Mrs. Westwood. Had they been supporting the wrong female lead? This felt straight out of a drama, so they couldn't help comparing it to one in their heads. Soon the rumors about Elizabeth made place for talks about the new girl.
All this staring started to make Jenny uncomfortable. As she was trying to break her hand free, she felt Jason's grip tighten even more. She looked up at him from a side ways glance and saw that his expression had not changed a bit. "Jace let go. All this staring is becoming too much. Once we get up to the roof, you can hold my hand again" Jason however would have none of it. He showed the other students a glare that they were all too familiar with and in a matter of seconds everyone's eyes were directed elsewhere. Some stared at their own shoes, while others pretended the walls were windows. Anything to not look in their direction, despite wanting to do just that. Jenny let out a giggle and continued walking forward towards his little sanctuary. She had seen it once before and it was beautiful up there. As they went up the stairs she couldn't help but feel, that the stare she thought she imagined yesterday, was there again. However when she turned around, all she saw were poor students who were still pretending that the dirt on the floor was more interesting than anything happening around them. Where could this stare be coming from? It was a weird mixture of hostility and affection. Who could this mystery person be? She decided to let it go for now and look for it the next time she felt it.