
The others didn't notice the absence of Nick and Elizabeth until after breakfast. After being made to look bad by the spoiling Jason, Harry and George needed a much welcome distraction. So they came to find Nick and vent their frustrations out on him by questioning him and teasing him with falling in love so soon after coming back. However, when they turned to the living room it was silent. They knocked on their door, no response. They knocked a second time they and then they were met with silence again, so they opened the door themselves. They looked inside only to find an empty room and finding out that the both of them had left without informing anyone. Once the guys told the others about their disappearance, the girls were quick in the uptake of what had probably happened. "They must have gone on a date!"

Being forced to look at Jason making Jenny breakfast this morning and now hearing about Elizabeth's surprise date, Sophia and Julia were becoming unhappy with their own men. They were feeling neglected and under appreciated, wanting some romance and pampering of their own. Though under normal circumstances they were quite happy with the guys they had chosen, but right now they were paling in comparison. In their eyes Harry and George's behavior of the past couple of days consisted out of playing during the day and being perverted at night. So to let their men know how they were feeling, they started pouting and throwing hints in the air in the guise of a seemingly innocent conversation with each other. "How lucky is she, that she has found a guy who wants to surprise her like that." Sigh.. "Tell me about it. How romantic. Taking her on an unexpected date like that. It feels like I haven't been on a date in ages." "Yeah me too. I guess Nick was always a spontaneous guy. It's just that right now he isn't using it to chase skirts, but to give Elizabeth an unplanned and romantic day out. I guess not all guys can have those skills." "Yeah, unfortunately not all guys are good at giving sweet surprises."

With each sentence, they would cast a sideways glance at the guys, making it so that only a deaf and blind man would miss the hints they were giving out. Harry and George felt the unhappiness coming from the words of their fiances and looked at each other to have a wordless conversation with their eyes. They knew they had to step up their game if they wanted to end the vacation the way they had started it, which was on a happy note. They too knew that they had slacked off these past few days. If it weren't for these two events happening on the same day, they might have gotten away with it. But they knew they were quite lucky to find girls like them and they were usually very easy going. They too deserved to be spoiled every now and then. They might not be as good in the wooing as Jason and Nick, for whom it seemed effortless, but they were capable enough when they tried. A little effort and a hint every now and then, was all it took for them to bring out their romantic side. They let themselves get inspired by the words the girls had said before and what Nick had done today. If an unplanned date was what they wanted, an unplanned date was what they would get.

Harry was the one to break the tension first and took the lead on their two man improv. "Not all guys might be, but your guys are." "Exactly, we didn't want to say it yet, because we wanted to tell you at the right time. Now that you are pouting like that, we might as well spill the beans early." Julia and Sophia shot op in their seats and looked at Harry and George with anticipating eyes. "Our guys are?" "Spill the beans? Are there beans to spill?" Even Jenny and Jason were looking over in their direction to see what they were planning to say. "Elizabeth isn't the only one going on a date." As if they had studied what to say, Harry perfectly continued their story from where George left off. "From the first day we got here, we had already planned to spend the last full day and night separately." Once Harry's sentence was finished, it was George's turn to speak. With each switch in speaker, the eyes and faces of the girls turned along, making it seem like they were watching a tennis match instead of a conversation.

"When we came here, we passed multiple little towns along the foot of this hill and we each picked a town to have a private date with our fiance." Jenny turned her face to look at Jason to confirm if this was true, but Jason simply let out a silent chuckle and shook his head. Jenny didn't spoil the fun and simply continued looking at the show playing out in front of her. Getting enjoyment out of the elaborate white lie the other two were telling. "We planned to go explore the town, eat, drink and spend the night at one of the local hotels" "In an hour three cars will show up to take us to one of these towns and will reveal our date destination." With each word, the excitement in Julia and Sophia's eyes grew. When the last sentence came out of George's mouth, the girls could no longer contain it and shrieked out from joy. They jumped up and down clasping each other's hands. Once everyone had gone deaf from the ear piercing sound and all the surrounding birds had fled, they turned towards their sweet partners and jumped in their arms. Saying the words 'thank you' over and over again, while peppering their faces with kisses. As the girls rushed to get dressed, the two guys huddled together to turn their improv into reality.