Jason had just reached the bottom of the stairs when the first message came in. Jason had connections in the private intelligence sector and with a large group of hackers no information seemed out of grasp. In just these few minutes he was able to obtain the location of the guy who was supposed to take Jenny's pictures. It seemed that he hadn't been informed yet and was headed to the Mountforth High at this very moment. "Let's go guys. The hunt has begun" Elizabeth had told him that the girl had sent the guy a picture of Jenny so that he would know who their target was. She had taken a picture of Jenny as she was getting undressed to convince him, which had turned the guy from hesitant to eager. She had told Elizabeth that she didn't want to take the pictures herself because she was afraid that the angle would give her away. To avoid any suspicion or chance of getting caught, she decided to hire someone to do the dirty work for her. He would climb a tree or ladder to take pictures from the small window used for ventilation. Along with George, Harry and Nick, Jason hid around the only window of the female locker-room.
After fifteen minutes they watched from the shadows as a group of guys walked in their direction. The guys all looked like some no good thugs, making Jason curious how they had entered the premises to begin with. The property of Mounthforth High wasn't a place anyone could walk into. It had secured gates, which could only be opened with clearance from the facial recognition software, a student ID-card or if the license plate of the car was registered as one belonging to a student or faculty. Even then, there were guards at multiple check points making sure that whoever was within the gates also belonged there. The girl had probably given them her ID-card and used one of the other means to get into the school herself, but how did they bypass all the guards. Had the girl been planning this for that long that she had figured out the routes of the guards? No impossible. They weren't allowed to use routes, exactly to prevent something like this. He would need to force that answer out of them as well. The safety of the school could not be compromised. Regardless of his position on taking over the school in the future, he would not have people smudge the name his family had worked hard to build over all these years.
Slowly the guys got closer and closer, until they were close enough for Jason to overhear what they were talking about. They were making lewd comments about Jenny and were discussing things they wanted to do to her and what they had done with her picture these past days. Each word more vulgar than the other. Making Jason's hands itch. The other guys could feel their anger rise as well as they heard how they were talking about their friend. In his head Jason counted down the time he needed to wait to carry out this guy's execution. Patiently hiding for the guy to be within his grasp. The moment the group of guys tried to walk past the tree where Jason had been waiting, Jason took a step to the side revealing himself. Instantly he grabbed the guy that matched the picture of the main culprit and lifted him by his throat. "Hey, what the hell you doing man". Once he saw Jason's eyes and the menacing threat coming from them, he was silenced. The other guys got alarmed the moment Jason appeared and tried to help their friend out, but were apprehended by Harry, George and Nick. Each taking one guy for their account. "A birdy told me that you *ssh*les were brave enough to try and harm my girl. Let me show you the price of that arrogance."
The guys were in clear pain and were holding themselves as they dropped themselves to the side to ease their breathing. Now that they were no longer in a state to escape, Jason lowered himself to the leader of the group and asks him how he got in. He reveals that the girl had given them their ID-card and that she had told him where the least amount of guards were. She had said that she would give them a laxative during lunch, making most of them immobile during the time I was supposed to arrive. Apparently, she had been giving snacks to the guards for two weeks now to make sure they wouldn't suspicious. That girl is psycho. It was all her plan, so why am I the one getting punished. Suddenly an eerie smile appeared on Jason's face as he said "Who said she won't be punished? Now tell me, did you look at her pictures?" The calmness in his voice added to the ominous atmosphere that was surrounding them and sent instant shivers down the guy's spine. Jason of course already knew the answer to this question, but used it as an answer to the question he had asked. The guy's eyes turned to twice their size as the meaning of the question landed. With fear in his eyes he said "Y-yes.." Knowing what was coming he felt his heart drop to his stomach as he braced himself for what was to come.
The word had barely left his lips when Jason's punch landed. His great strength, combined with his ruthlessness had earned him the title of 'The devil' and was proven well-earned today as well as a crack could be heard. As he landed a second blow he said "I have to make sure you either no longer remember the images you saw or that you pay the price by having your eyesight reduced".