
Jason's expression turned from startled to grim as he nodded and said and followed Elizabeth. He knew that if she asked like that it could never be anything good and the bad feeling he got when Nick told him that she and Jenny were going to be late for lunch came back. They each used an excuse to not go back with the rest and met up behind the school when the first bell rang. This way they wouldn't be disturbed. Neither of them minded being a bit late for class. No one would dare ask Jason why he was late and Elizabeth had asked Jenny to tell their teacher that she had forgotten something in the chemistry classroom and would be back after getting the janitor to open the door for her.

After making sure no one was around Elizabeth started speaking. "I think it is no surprise when I tell you that us having to do something for the teacher was a lie. Don't blame Nick, he didn't know the truth either other than what I told him. I thought that Jenny being late on her own would be more suspicious, so I decided to be included in the lie. The reason we were late was because Jenny had to have a talk with that Max kid." The moment Jason heard this a blazing cold came from his body and his eyes became narrow. Elizabeth swallowed away the lump of fear she felt in her throat for having to yet tell the worst part and braced herself for his reaction as she continued.

"H-he had apparently offered her some ...'help' with something, but she was contemplating whether she should accept that help or not. I advised her against it, for the same reason probably that you dislike him. Which is that he is into her. Though I couldn't get her to reject him right away, she did agree to see whether there was any truth to our accusations. So, during lunch she went to confront him. To my surprise he admitted his feelings for her and Jenny did the right thing. She rejected him and his help. Even said that she would hand over her class representative duties."

Elizabeth looked up to see Jason's reaction, hoping that he would have become a bit more relaxed hearing Jenny did the right thing. Initially at least. But Jason's jaw remained clenched as he said, "But..." So, Elizabeth continued. "But he somehow wormed himself back in. He got her to give her a second chance. Using the class representative job as an excuse. Though Jenny is too kind for her own good and decided to believe him, I have a bad feeling and I think you should be aware of this threat that is lurking around you guys. I am afraid that it is up to you and me to be the bad guys." Jason nodded. "I agree. Thank you for telling me this. I will take care of this little pest. He has been flying around freely for too long. Buzzing around what isn't his. So, tell me. What is this help you were talking about." "I am afraid that I cannot tell you that. It is something Jenny wanted to tell you herself, so I don't think it is my place to say anything about it. I have already told you too much. If it wasn't for her not seeing the dangers in hanging out with that guy, I wouldn't have told you about today either. I simply hope that I made the right decision in telling you this. Don't make me regret it."

"Very well, I will wait until she tells me about it herself. I will try to keep you in mind, but I can't make any promises at the moment. Let's hope that guy knows what's best for himself and won't take things too far until Jenny tells me of her plans." With that they went back into the school and each went in their own direction to their classrooms.

The next few days were spent peacefully. Jason kept his silence and Max kept his distance. Making both Elizabeth and Jenny feel relaxed. Sadly that didn't last long as not long before Jason's grandfather's party, Max started his plan as he started getting closer to one of the girls in class. Purposely he did all he could to show all their affectionate moments in front of Jenny. In hopes of convincing her sooner. Though Jenny wasn't completely convinced, she was slowly starting to lower her guards around him. During one of their after school preparations Jenny asked him about it. "How are things going between you and Madeline? You guys seem to be getting closer. Is it serious?" Feeling that Jenny took the bait, a sneaky smile came on Max's face for a brief moment before he replied. "Well I don't want to get ahead of myself. It wasn't long when I liked you. I want to tell myself that I am not that capricious in terms of who I have romantic feelings for. But we are having fun and I enjoy spending time with her. We are taking things one step at a time. I am not going to rush into this, because I don't want to get rejected. One rejection a month is enough for me." He said with a chuckle.

Max knew that if he oversold his 'relationship' with Madeline, that it would come across as unbelievable. So, he made it sound casual with touches of seriousness. Using his rejection by her as the reason for taking things slow. Using that and her guilt as his means to get back into her good graces and it seemed like it was working. She herself had asked a question that had nothing to do with their school responsibilities and they were even back to having a laugh with each other. It wouldn't be long till he would be considered a friend once more.