Eating for two...

The gynaecologist made a picture and a 3D-ultrasound, recording a small video of it for the young couple. She handed them the picture and the USB containing the video, before telling them about how they would proceed from here on out. "The next appointment will be in about 8-10 weeks. Then we can determine the sex and the growth of the baby. Until then try to eat regularly and exercise. Taking care of yourself, is taking care of the baby. Don't believe that nonsense of eating for two. The baby needs very little. You saw how tiny it is. From this point on you need about 300 calories extra per day. What it needs in nutrients and vitamins, it will take from the blood that passes through it. So, as long as you eat healthy and take your vitamins, the baby will grow just fine and you won't develop a shortage of anything nor will you be stuck with a lot of excess weight after the birth. Plus, the bigger the baby, the more difficult the birth will be and you might not be able to have a natural birth, if that is what you want at least. Have you signed up for any courses or read any books regarding parenting and pregnancy?"

Jenny and Jason looked at each other and had to admit that aside from some googling regarding things to avoid, they hadn't done much to prepare. Jenny answered her question honestly as she said, "No, we haven't done that yet but I will make sure to look into those things this week and start preparing. I am thinking of signing up for pregnancy yoga classes because I heard that keeping flexible and keeping the muscles strong, will help during giving birth. As for Jason here, he will have the task of finding us some good books. Parenting classes will be something we will probably look into after passing the second trimester."

The woman smiled as she said, "Don't worry. I wasn't suggesting it is a necessary or mandatory thing. I just want to know what kind of information I should give you and what you are already getting through other channels. Since you are first time parents, there is probably still a lot you don't know and a lot of questions you might have. Classes and books might help you feel more prepared for what's to come and lessen your worries if some symptoms do occur. If you want I can suggest some good books or classes for you."

"Yes, thank you doctor. That would be great. Thankfully I am a med student and we will be following classes about pregnancy and child development during the upcoming semester but it won't hurt me to get some more easily digestible forms of information." After the doctor talked about her for a bit about what subjects they were discussing now and wished her luck with the pregnancy and her classes, Jenny and Jason left her office with the essential piece for Jenny's long awaited reveal.

As Jason was guiding her through the halls with the hand that was wrapped around Jenny's shoulder, she stared at the small picture of their little bun before carefully putting it away. She grabbed Jason's hand, that was dangling in front of her chest, in her own as she spoke to him. "I am glad you were with me here today. It is such a special experience, I wouldn't want you to have missed out on seeing our baby for the first time." Jason nodded. "Yeah, I am glad too. I regret not being there with you during your first appointment but I will make sure to go with you to all future appointments and classes. Especially since after tomorrow it won't be a secret anymore, I can take time off to accompany you a bit more easily. I know I have been a bit slacking on the preparations, but I will make sure to do my due diligence and start reading up on pregnancy and new-born babies starting today."

Jenny kissed the back of Jason's hand in response to his words. "We have both been slacking but we both have amazing teachers in our lives that can help us prepare for most of what is to come. Tonight I will search for a good private teacher, so that we can prepare for what our parents can't teach us as well. Good thing that Lizzy went ahead of us. That way we can learn from her experiences and we can even offer to babysit her baby once it is born to help us prepare for the arrival of our own little bundle of joy." As they were making their way out of the hospital, Jenny and Jason continued to chat about today's events and about their plans to prepare before parting ways. Jenny returning to class and Jason heading back to the office.

When Jenny returned home, she scanned the picture of the ultrasound into her computer and finished her recipe booklet. After printing out the number of copies she needed, she placed them in the boxes she had prepared in advance and sealed them shut. Two boxes were picked up by an express courier, to make sure they would arrive at their destinations tomorrow morning and the last box was placed on the dining room with a note 'For Susan and Stephen. Please open first thing in the morning and prepare as instructed.' Since, the two of them were out for the evening for a funding dinner for the school and would be returning home quite late, she was sure that they wouldn't find the box before the next morning. With the note, she had also made sure that the staff wouldn't touch the box either. Allowing all three sides to discover the news around the same time.