Nothing but kind

A mere thirty minutes later the couples started emerging from their rooms one by one with the parents being blissfully ignorant to what had happened behind closed doors. With Jason finally obtaining what he had been denied that morning, he appeared to be in an even better mood than earlier in the pool. With all of them being later and all of them on some level aware of what must have occurred when they returned to their rooms on all sides, everyone wisely kept their mouths shut and enjoyed a refreshing beverage of choice instead.

After a few drinks and warm snacks, it was finally time for them to head out to the restaurant. They decided to use the walkway along the shore so that they could enjoy a nice view and breeze as they made their way over. Some chose to walk with just their partner and turn it into a romantic walk, while others had traded their partners for one or both of their parents or child as they had spent all afternoon with the former. In no time they reached the restaurant where they shared a wonderful meal filled with the local specialties. They stayed at the restaurant till closing's time, leaving with filled stomachs and in high spirits.

The night's air, which had cooled down the temperature considerably compared to earlier in the day, helped those that had a bit too much to drink to sober up. With more than one of the females not taking a jacket along to dress up more warmly for this time of day, the men did what a gentleman does and they took off what layer they could take off and wrapped it around their wives. Only Jason had chosen to give his jacket to his mother-in-law instead and kept Jenny warm with his own arm wrapped around her. Mary was plenty surprised by his offer and rejected it many times before conceding when he put it around her and walked off to where Jenny was waiting for him. When she saw his solution for her daughter, she felt relieved and smiled at the happiness which was clear to be seen on her daughter's face, making her feel happy as well.

Luckily, Jenny had taken a thin scarf along, which wasn't much but it managed to keep out most of the wind because of the non-breathing material it was made from. Thus providing her with a layer to shield herself from the cold air. The warmth was provided by Jason's broad arms. Giving her all the protection she needed. As they walked side by side, Jenny complimented his kind gesture by saying, "That was a sweet thing you did there." Jason replied calmly as he said, "Well, she is a kind woman and I don't want her to feel like she is missing anything by being the only one here without a partner. So, I will try my best to be that person to her and for you as well during the few days that she will be staying with us."

Jenny was pleasantly surprised to find out that Jason had thought that much about her mother's feelings. With her arms too short to reach all the way to the other end of his side, she had to use her grip on his shirt to pull closer. She kissed the side of his chest as she tightened her grip around him, before she said "I am even more touched now than I was before. Thank you Jason. I am glad she was able to make a good impression on you over the years." But Jason quickly dismissed Jenny's thought that Jason was acting that way towards her mother because she had made a favourable impression on him and shown him that she was a good person.

"Even if I didn't think well of her, I know you love her very much. So, there is no way that I could be indifferent towards her. All things aside, she has at least done one great thing in her life, which is giving birth to you and raising you into the person you are today. For that, I would always be grateful but as luck would have it, she has been nothing but kind and welcoming to me. From the very beginning, even when I wasn't. Making me care deeply for her. Not just as the mother of my wife but as a person." Jenny's smile grew even wide as she heard these words. Replying softly, "Yeah, my mom is like an angel. So, I shouldn't be surprised that she is liked wherever she goes."

Having reached the consensus that Jenny's mother is liked for the kind of person she is, which was a great and loving person, Jason squeezed Jenny's arm as he pulled her even closer. Like this they finished the walk to the hotel, which fortunately wasn't a very far walk. Reaching the hotel in about fifteen minutes. After which those that were tired turned to the shower to warm up before going to bed. Leaving a small group behind that decided to use another means, the jacuzzi that was located beside the pool. Waking up at noon, Jenny was one of those people that did not feel sleepy. But because she was pregnant, she wasn't able to join in on the fun. Not wanting Jason to miss out because she had to, Jenny participated in the fun with a blanket wrapped around her and her feet in the water to get some of the warmth. Allowing this to turn into another successful day.