Soon the time alone in the delivery room was finished and it was time for Jenny to be rolled into her post-deliver room, where the others were waiting for her arrival and that of her newborn son. Just like the others, they had kept the name of their first child as something between just the two of them. Even not informing their parents of their choice before the day of the birth. After much consideration they chose to name their son Charles James Westwood, with his sign and nickname being Charlie meaning 'free man'. They had chosen that name because they wanted him to live a free live, without the weight of traditions, expectations and family rules holding him down. To live a life free from the shackles that Jason had grown up with and more like the life his mother had led. With James being an inherited name and Charles being chosen for its meaning, they had found the perfect name for their first born.
When the name was announced, it was loved by all. Everyone happily called out the name Charlie, like they had been using it for years. Their son seemed to like the ring of it as well, as whoever called out the name would catch his attention and was looked at with curious eyes. When the visiting hours ended and the new parents were finally left alone to get some rest, Jason and Jenny let the quiet of the empty room embrace them. The only sound they could hear were the soft breaths of their son, who was sleeping in a basin like crib next to Jenny's bed, and each other's breathing. Both tried savouring this peaceful moment after the hectic hours before and the hectic days to come.
Jason had decided to sleep in the post-delivery room with Jenny and was determined to do so in the same way they would have if they were in the comfort of their own home. Ignoring the guest bed that the hospital had provided, he had gently crawled into Jenny's bed, that was barely large enough to hold both of them, and had allowed her to lean against him. Letting Jenny take a nap on his chest, while he read one of the books that had been brought for her till he would feel tired enough to fall asleep as well. While Jenny couldn't stay awake from exhaustion, his day hadn't been nearly as strenuous as Jenny's day and any tiredness he did feel was overpowered by his feeling of excitement for the arrival of this day, of this moment, of the arrival of their first child, his and Jenny's son.
Despite the book being a good book, an interesting story, he felt himself getting distracted over and over again by the two adorable creatures within his sight. One was lying in his arms and the other was peacefully sleeping alongside her. It wasn't long before the baby that needed to be changed and fed around the hour woke up from his nap, while his mother was still deeply lost within hers. This gave Jason an excuse to put the book away and spend some time alone with his son. He carefully walked over to Charlie's side, while trying his best not to disturb Jenny's sleep. He lifted him from his crib and looked him deep in the eyes. Letting his son take him in, while he did the same, in order to make up for the nine month head start that Jenny had in terms of bonding with their son. Softly he spoke to him, so that he could get used to his voice, held his tiny hands and carefully adjusted his tiny blue beany. Enjoying every moment of his first private moment with the son he had waited so long for.
While Jason was completely immersed in his one on one with Charlie, Jenny's maternal instinct caused her to wake up. When she noticed both her son and Jason were missing, her eyes looked across the room in search of a sign of either. She found them standing across the room by the windows. Using the light coming from outside to light up the otherwise darkened room. She watched them quietly as she saw Jason smile gently at the tiny human that was half him and half her. Listened to him talk and watched him pretend that Charlie was talking back. Minutes passed before Jason noticed the eyes that were watching him in the reflection of the windows. Knowing they could only belong to one person, he turned to meet them with his own clear, blue gaze, that was filled with the love and joy he was feeling at that moment.
As he turned his eyes back towards their son, he whispered a few final sentences to their son, just loud enough for Jenny to hear. While he walked Charlie back to the bed he said, "I guess our one on one has to end here. Your mother just woke up and I think she is dying to see you and you probably can't wait to trade me in for her. Don't feel bad about it, I know I can't compete with her. I would much rather be in her embrace as well but for today I will let you borrow her. Since you have done your best in order to make this pregnancy as easy for her as possible and the delivery as short and painless as possible, you have earned it. Eat your fill my dear son and go back to sleep, your mother and I will join you soon enough." After that he handed the newborn over to his anticipating mother, who was staring at father and son with an unfaltering smile ever since she had woken up from her nap. Once her son was fed, burped and changed, just like the nurse had shown them two times before, Jason gently placed him back in the small crib by the bed before he crawled back next Jenny.