The time spent at Jenny's aunt went by just as pleasantly as they had predicted and the second aunt most certainly did not disappoint. Those two few hour visits were enough to make them feel that they had each gained 5 kg from all the food that had been prepared for them and enjoyed full heartedly. The day after that, this being the last day of the celebration, they returned to Mary to spend some more time with her and give her some more time with her beloved grandson. There they were again fed as if they hadn't eaten in ten years and wouldn't be able to eat for another five. Well fed, all of them spoiled rotten, the family of three returned back to England. There their usual hectic lives started up once more, with Jason in particular being more busy than ever.
With work piled up from his days off, a new big deal and product launch taking place just a few days apart, both Jason and Stephen were swamped with work matters. Not being able to return home until well into the night. Even when Jenny tried to visit him during lunch, he would have barely any time to spend on her and even less attention to give her. Though he would try to make up for his lack of attention during the day and the evening, by giving all the attention he could spare whenever she was still awake when he returned but this wasn't nearly enough for Jenny. The days that she was able to stay up and wait for him to come home were few and the time they could spend with each other at those times was little.
Jason tried to make it a matter of quality over quantity but Jenny couldn't help feeling unsatisfied from this trade off. Making her almost miss the time when he was being all clingy and the way he managed to make her feel embarrassed with the way he was showing his affections. So, these days Jenny was hoping that this busy time of his wouldn't last for much longer as it had started reversing their roles. Wanting even a shred more of attention, she had used every trick in the book and had even gone to more extreme measures. Her current actions and this change in their dynamics was something she didn't like one bit. Wondering if this was how Jason was feeling whenever she was too busy to give him the amount of attention he wanted and deserved. Because if that was the case, she was starting to feel bad for him. In such a short time it had caused her to go from tempting him to pay more attention to her to provoking him into giving her what she wanted.
Just the other day, he had been at work in the home office during a weekend and she pretended to have an appointment to meet up with Elizabeth and Sophia to have dinner and go out afterwards. For the made up occasion she had decided to wear a dress that Jason had regretted buying her back when she first moved in. It was a tight, formfitting dress, with a low cut neckline and a slit on the side. Practically revealing more than it was hiding. Especially with a figure like Jenny's. Thus wilfully wearing an outfit that Jason would not approve or agree with in a hundred years. In that outfit she walked past the glass office with the opened door and yelled out a casual goodbye as she pretended to actually leave. But despite her passing the office in just seconds, and despite Jason's focus being on the laptop screen in front of him, she hadn't gone by unnoticed. The glimpse he caught of her outfit, be it from the corner of his eyes or his subconscious taking in more of his environment than he was aware of, was enough to get him to jump up from his seat to stop her from taking another step further.
While he was holding her wrist, stopping Jenny in her movement, with a shocked and worried expression on his face, he asked her, "Where do you plan on going wearing that?" Though being able to catch his attention that quickly while walking past him, even as his eyes were focused on his laptop, made her feel good in a way, it wasn't enough to fill her lack of attention that had built up over the weeks. So, when she heard his question, she wondered for a moment if she should just tell him what was bothering her or have a little fun with it in order to have her way without Jason knowing this shameful, ugly side of herself.
After what seemed like forever to Jason, whose heart was beating a mile a minute when he saw what Jenny was wearing and who was anxiously waiting for Jenny's answer, she said, "Out. With Elizabeth and Sophia." Not understanding her sudden change in dress choice he asked her with clear dissatisfaction, "In that?! This piece of lingerie?" Jenny shrugged her shoulders after hearing Jason's question. "What's wrong with this? You are the one who bought it for me and we are going on a 'moms gone wild' tour after dinner. So, it felt appropriate for the occasion. Maybe there I will be able to find someone to notice me and spend some time with me. Cause lately my husband doesn't seem to feel up for the task." Hearing the dissatisfaction in her words on their current situation and understanding the words behind them Jason used the wrist he was holding to pull Jenny towards him. Making her bump into his chest with a thump. "Well in that case, let me shower you with a level of attention that will fill that need right up and prove to you that your husband is always up to the 'task'. A type of attention that will make it impossible for you to continue to wear that dress or at least make sure everyone knows you are already taken."