In a rush Jenny quickly ordered a taxi and jumped under the shower, picked the first sparkly dress she could get her hands on and fixed her hair in a simple, yet elegant bun. After accessorizing to complete her look and applying some simple make-up, she was ready to leave in a little over thirty minutes. While she was being driven to the event, she was trying to catch her breath from all the rushing she had done and told herself that if this were an Olympic event, she would have surely won a medal with how fast she had managed to get ready.
In another twenty minutes she arrived at the venue where the event was being held and she walked through the glass doors of the building. But once she was inside she remembered that she had forgotten one pesky, little detail in her enthusiastic planning, which was her lack of an invite. She stood in front of the two tall men who were standing guard just after the entrance to the building and she was asked the dreaded question. "Good evening ma'am. Could I have your name and invite please?" Jenny laughed awkwardly before she asked, "If I told you that I don't have one because my husband has it and he is already inside, not expecting my arrival as this is supposed to be a surprise, you wouldn't believe me would you?" One of the men replied, "I am sorry ma'am. If you don't have an invite, I am afraid I can't let you. I will get in trouble if I do."
With a pensive stare, Jenny tried to figure out what she could do in this situation except for have Jason come to her rescue and spoil the surprise. Then she had a sudden idea. "I assume you both know who Jason Westwood is and what he looks like. What if I can prove to you that I am his wife and he is the husband I have been talking about?" Both men seemed a bit intrigued and had to agree that if she could prove that she was his wife, then there would be no problem letting her inside even if she wasn't on the guestlist as this party had been partially hosted by the Westwoods in the first place. Jenny grabbed her phone and showed the men the pictures of her and Jason with little Charlie and the multitude of pictures that had been taken by the press of the both of them at events. Though they would mostly be suppressed by Jason, the ones taken at charity events and such, he would usually overlook in order to allow them to boost the awareness for that particular cause as their pictures were in high demand.
After they were thoroughly convinced, Jenny was allowed to enter and she could start her search for the man she came to surprise. She had asked the two men to glance inside to make sure he wasn't anywhere near the entrance as she didn't want to be spotted before she could find him herself. When she received their reassurance that he was nowhere in sight, she snuck inside and walked through the venue near the walls in hopes of not standing out too much. Despite her stunning look catching the attention of many of the attendees, some of them even recognizing her as the wife of Jason, she was able to find Jason before he heard about her being here. She found him in the far back of the hall, grabbing a few finger foods from the buffet when she approached him.
She walked up behind him and as soon as she was in hearing distance she placed a playful hand on his arm as she spoke to him in a distorted voice. She called out to him, "Hey handsome. Are you here alone tonight? Because I could use some company." Not only did Jason pull his arm away with incredible speed and force, when he turned his head towards her, she was met with a glare so cold it could freeze her to her very core in a split second. Luckily, it never came to that as his expression immediately warmed up when he saw who it was. While Jenny was still a bit in shock from the surprise of the look in Jason's eyes, feeling she had caught a glimpse of some frozen hell, seeing the souls of sinners in his otherwise warm and loving eyes, Jason was excitedly planting a kiss on her lips and hugging her in response to the surprise she had given him.
"How come you are here? Weren't you supposed to be at the hospital until late?" Jenny woke up from her shock when she heard Jason's kind voice enter her ears. Her field of vision was restored from the distant blur her mind had taken her to and pulled her away from the cold, sharp eyes she had seen earlier and allowed her to look into the warm eyes she was used to seeing. "Yeah, I was allowed to leave a bit earlier since it was quiet and it was the holidays. So, when I saw your picture I decided to surprise you. But more importantly, is that always how you respond to people you don't know approaching you? That look of yours had me shaking till my bones."
Jason chuckled as he said, "I am sorry. I didn't think it was you standing behind me. But yes, people who are brave enough to approach me with intentions like that will get only one warning. This is the fastest and surest way to ensure they don't even think about doing such a distasteful thing again. So, you can rest assured that even when you aren't here, no women even get the chance of coming near me with those kind of intentions. You are my one and only. I want you to know that and all other women that think about taking the place by my side. That spot is reserved for you and only you."