Nothing to worry about

With Charlie in his arms and Julia holding her little Alice, she and Jason used one of Harry and Jenny's weekend shifts to go and check-up on their friends on a Saturday afternoon. After they had handed them the gift Jenny and Harry had picked out online for their unborn babies, the two of them spent some time keeping the expecting parents company, while the children were playing together in another part of the room. They stayed there for most of the afternoon before they could consider their task as having been completed while all the involved parties had enjoyed their time.

However, the same couldn't be said over at the hospital where Harry and Jenny were. Everything was going great and the day was running smoothly until Jenny suddenly had another dizzy spell after months of being completely fine. This time it didn't end with just feeling dizzy but Jenny actually lost consciousness completely in the middle of her conversation with Harry. Luckily, Harry managed to catch her before she fell to the floor but he had been extremely startled by it all. As he was unaware of her dizzy spell before, he was also quite worried about her and wasn't able to relax until he was sure that nothing serious was wrong with her.

Knowing Jenny privately as well and her husband, he had been tasked with contacting Jason. When he called him up to tell him about what had happened, Jason had just returned home from his visit to Nick and Elizabeth. But the moment he got the news, he quickly handed Charlie over to one of the staff members and rushed back outside to head to the hospital, ignoring all speed limits along the way.

Once he arrived at the hospital in full speed and tension, Harry was waiting by the entrance to take him to Jenny's room. As they were walking he tried to calm Jason down. "Don't worry. All the initial tests showed that she is fine. Her pupils responded normally and her heart rate is fine as well. It seems like she just fainted. Probably from a lack of sleep and stress. We are currently only waiting on her bloodwork and if we don't find anything strange in there, she can go home today." But no matter what Harry was saying, Jason wasn't in the right head space to listen. All he wanted right now was to see Jenny for himself and hear her voice, have her tell him that she is okay and there is nothing to worry about.

The moment they reached her room and he stepped inside, his eyes immediately landed on Jenny's pale face and the familiar IV-bag attached to her arm. He sat down beside her bed and took her hand in his. Kissing the back of her hand as he worriedly wait for her to open her eyes. As if she could hear his words and feel his presence, Jenny answered his wishes very soon after Jason had arrived and just seconds after Harry had returned to do his work. Slowly her eyes started to open and she was trying to discern her environment, her eyes landed on Jason and his complex facial expression. His face looked like it was battling out whether they were more angry or worried about the situation. But when Jenny used a weak voice to try and tell Jason that she was fine and that he shouldn't have rushed over to the hospital, it seemed like the battle had been decided. The victor being of course his anger, which was now being fuelled and strengthened by his worries.

"What do you mean "fine"? Does being in a hospital bed with an IV running in your arm seem like "fine"?! You promised you would look after your health and that you wouldn't overexert yourself. Do you have any idea how worried I was getting a phone call like that. That my wife, who seemed fine in the morning, had suddenly fainted and been unconscious without any apparent reason?" He was in the middle of his lecturing rant of concern when one of the nurses came in to check up on her and bring in her lab results to add to her bedside file for the doctor later, forcing him to cut it short.

"Ah Mrs. Westwood, it seems like you are awake now. How wonderful. How are you feeling?" Jenny answered the nurse's questions and when she saw what she was holding, she asked if she could see the results of her bloodwork. "Oh yes, of course. I forgot you are about to be a doctor yourself. So, reading these must be easy for you. Here, have a look." She handed Jenny the clipboard while turning her focus to the handsome man in the room. "And this must be the husband I suppose? You sure picked a handsome one my dear. You shouldn't frighten him like this. He was as pale as a ghost when he came looking for you. He must love you very much." After saying what she wanted to say, the nurse excused herself. "Well, I will leave you two to it then while I will inform the doctor that you are awake."

While Jason was restarting his earlier lecture that had been cut short, continuing where he had left off, Jenny was looking at her lab results not hearing a single word of it. After a few seconds she suddenly said, "This can't be true." This of course caught Jason's attention, who feared that there was something of concern in those results. "What is it? What can't be true?" Jenny looked up with a face filled with shock and disbelief. "It says I am pregnant..."