The good news

After that little freak out at the beginning, Jenny too felt herself becoming more excited about the news of her pregnancy. The doctor had come to see her and told her what she had already deduced from the chart and told her that she could go home as soon as the discharge papers were ready. While they waited, both of them were wearing happy smiles on their faces as they were looking at the test results. Jason had joined Jenny on the hospital bed and had his arm wrapped around her as usual, while his head rested against hers. "You know, if you give birth on your due date the baby will be born on my birthday."

Jenny turned her face abruptly to show that she had not realize that fact. Glancing from Jason's happy expression to the chart and counting the days. Only after she had confirmed that he was indeed right, did she turn her face back to him which was his cue to continue speaking. "If you can manage to make that happen, I won't be needing a gift from you for the rest of my life. To think that I could be blessed to gain both you as well as my long awaited second child on that day." With a chuckle he added, "If I got that, there would be nothing left for me to ask for."

Jenny smiled and lifted her hand to touch the side of his face. With a gentle look on her face she responded with, "I will do my utter best to make that happen. Even if I have to keep my legs crossed for a week, I will keep this child, who I can only imagine must be a rascal for coming to us during this time, inside till the day of your birthday." Jason chuckled again and said, "That would be quite a sight to see. But just hearing you say you will do you best gives me all the confidence in the world that you will make it happen. We all know you are quite the baby whisperer."

Just as he was lowering his face to kiss Jenny once more, they were interrupted by the nurse who had come to give Jenny her discharge papers. It was the same nurse that had given her the chart that had brought them the good news and seeing them like this the cheerful middle aged woman said, "Oh that is much better. A couple should stick close like this instead of quarrelling and fighting. Oh, to be young and in love. Go on, get out of here and flaunt your love to the rest of the world instead of just in front of us poor old women."

Jenny chuckled before happily obliging to her request as she took the rest of the day off in the form of a sick day. Even though the main cause of her dizzy spell had been her pregnancy, her fatigue from the past few days wasn't helping the situation. Now that she knew that she was pregnant, taking care of herself became even more important and she would start doing that right now. On the way home from the hospital, Jenny called up her mother and told her the news. After that she called her brothers to inform them as well and then she stopped the sharing of their good news for a moment. The rest would have to wait until she had told Susan and Stephen. So, she turned her focus back to Jason and they continued to their conversation from the hospital as they were finally speak about her pregnancy with mutual excitement.

Though they had wanted to tell only the grandparents of the news and keep the rest in the dark for a little while longer as she wasn't past the uncertain period yet, with Harry informing their friends of her fainting and all of them certainly worried about her health, she didn't want to lie to them in order to keep this a secret. So, instead they decided that when both of their parents had been informed of her pregnancy, they would let the others in on the news as well. When Susan and Stephen came home later that night, Jenny and Jason called them to the living room. With concerned looks they sat down on the sofa and waited for the two of them to reveal why they had asked them to come here so late in the day.

Once they were seated, Jenny placed the copy of the test results in front of them. "Today we got some surprising news and we wanted to inform you before we let the others in on it." This caused the two of them to look up and down between the piece of paper on the table and the suspicious look on Jenny's face. "News? What kind of news?", Susan asked. Stephen grabbed the paper, while Jenny continued to calmly explain. Dragging the reveal out as long as she could as she wanted to have a little fun with it. "After I fainted at the hospital today, they tested my blood and they also tested for a hormone called HCG. This is a pregnancy hormone and I tested positive."

Immediately both their eyes shot up towards Jenny and they repeated simultaneously, "Positive...?" When Jenny nodded with a clear smile on her face, Susan shot up from her seat and yelled out, "So, you are pregnant!?" before she pulled her into a tight hug. "Oh, that is such wonderful news dear. Just when I couldn't bear my envy of Lizzy and Nick's parents, you tell me this. I am so happy." Pushing Jenny away a bit, while still holding onto her arms, Susan asked, "How far along are you?" Jenny exchanged a glance with Jason and both of them got a wide grin on their faces before she revealed, "Three weeks. And I am due on Jason's birthday. So, I hope you are prepared to throw a double party by then as we will hopefully have twice as many birthdays to celebrate!" With that piece of wonderful news they all went to bed and continued the topic in their dreams.