With a look of clear amusement and while fighting back her urge to laugh Jenny said, "Really, how do you guys come up with these things? Nothing like that. I interned here and got to know a lot of them during that time. I managed to impress some of them and since they wanted me to pick this hospital over the others that had made me an offer, they gave me my own office and a few other benefits. Though the head of the hospital and owner aren't my relatives, I am close friends with someone who is. That probably didn't hurt my situation. As for the rounds, trust me when I say I am no genius. I know a few of those and I certainly can't compare myself to them. I just seem to have a knack for this. I don't really know why myself either but just like you recognize a piece of a puzzle that would fit in a gap in front of you, I simply recognize the diagnoses that would fit the case in front of me."
It was at this moment that Jason approached her from behind and said, "Oh, she is just being modest. She might not be a formal genius but she definitely has been called a prodigy more than once. So, calling it a 'knack' is an understatement." When Jenny heard his voice she turned around and smiled at the sight of her handsome husband. He placed a quick kiss on her cheek before taking a seat next to her. His arrival seemed to have introduced new questions to her new colleagues, so Jenny answered their questions before they needed to ask them. "You guys, meet Jason Westwood. This flattering charmer isn't just some stranger off the street but my husband of six years. So, if you ever see him kissing other women on the cheek or anywhere else for that matter, be sure to tell me." Seeing the dumbfounded faces of her new colleagues, Jenny let out another chuckle. Feeling happy that she was able to have a bit of fun with them after having to forgo her first opportunity.
In a stammering voice each of them repeated a part of her words, while Jenny handed Jason the sandwich and drink that she had bought for him when she was getting her own lunch. "M-married?!" "Jason WESTWOOD?! As in Westwood international's Jason Westwood?!" Jenny just dryly said to Jason, "Ah dear, it seems your fame has even reached the hospital. Who knew I had married such a celebrity." Both of them appeared to be ignoring the situation in front of them on some level as Jason replied, "Good. That is the only thing keeping people from having strange ideas about you. I would have pitied the poor fella that might have married you in my place if you didn't accept my second proposal at the time."
The two of them were so shocked from what they were hearing that the young man, who part of that comment was directed at, didn't even notice Jason telling him to keep his distance from Jenny. Both of them were still focused on the impressive identity of Jenny's husband, the idea that she had rejected him once and the fact that she was married in the first place. While they were lost in their own thoughts on how someone that looked like she had just finished high school had beaten them on so many levels, Jenny and Jason happily enjoyed their lunch while Jenny told Jason about her day so far.
After that shocking, yet informative lunch, the two colleagues used their breaks during the following days to find out more about Jenny. Now that they knew she was married, they were surprised at themselves for not noticing the the two obvious rings on her ring finger. But no sooner had they processed the first batch of information, when they found out about another piece of shocking news. Not only was Jenny married but she even had a child already AND was expecting her second child in a little over six months.
They discovered this when the day came for Jenny to have her first official ultrasound and she decided to take Charlie along. He had become increasingly interested and excited about his baby brother or sister. So, she figured he might enjoy a chance to have a proper look of the baby on a real ultrasound machine. But apparently this day was more exciting for her two colleagues then it could be for her and Charlie. Seeing how beautiful and how cute her and Jason's son was, they could barely contain their excitement and became even bigger fans of Jenny than they already were. Looking at the little boy, who unlike his mother looked older than his actual age, they became completely enamoured with him. A reaction Charlie seemed to have on most strangers that met him for the first time.
But while they treated him like they would any other child his age, expecting him to react like a child his age, they got a first hand experience on the difference between a genius and a prodigy. With an emotionless expression and a monotonous voice, Charlie left them speechless after schooling them then and there on their mistakes. In a shocked tone of voice they asked Jenny, "Why? How is even your preschool aged son smarter than me?! Is this what you get when something close to a genius and a prodigy procreate? They give birth to some super genius?" Jenny chuckled before she said, "Sorry, he gets like that when you provoke him. I already taught him he shouldn't use violence, I can't take his words away from him as well." Like that they left the two of them behind before they went in the doctor's office to let Charlie see his little brother or sister.