
She took the phone and she ran away with all her strength, she didn't know what to do, her mind was in a mess. She called a cab sat on it and went home. She threw all her things on to the bed and went to the washroom, she scrubbed her neck and hand too harshly she wanted to get rid of that breath. She collapsed on to the bed as she was exhausted she kept thinking about what happened at Roshini's apartment and curled herself inside the blanket, she slept for 2 hrs and woke up in a shock she didn't switch off the light because she was afraid of darkness, she loitered around the room back and forth, then she ate some food. She dressed and went to the office.

She started her PC and made herself engaged for a while. But the pictures of that night kept haunting.

'Who was that person? Was he Roshinis boyfriend? How come I don't recall her saying that she had a boyfriend'

She was really curious to know who that person was, Rohan sat beside her.

"Lucy you came early! what are you doing here so early and what the hell! See your dark circles! Didn't you have a good sleep? "

Jeffery interrupts "Hey! what's going on ?"

Lucy with a tensed tone " Hey guys I need your help! Roshini is not coming to the office for four days now. I went to her apartment and encountered a thief or a pervert something I need you guys to come with me to see what exactly is going on?"

"Okay let's go I also want to see her she didn't even apply for leave " Jeffery with a serious tone.

"OKAY thank you guys so much"

After the office, they took some torches and electric lamps with them as Lucy explained everything that occurred yesterday.

They arrive at Roshinis house.

Lucy unlocks the door everyone turns on their torches Rohan places one lamp at the door side, Jeffery places another lamp in the living room table.

"Okay you guys go to the left side I will go the right," Jeffery says.

"No no... Please don't " Lucy in a sad tone.

"It's going to be fine I'm here! Anyways if you see something or feel something bad just scream okay!"


Lucy and Rohan go towards the left side it's Roshinis bedroom.

Lucy walks in "There's nothing? If she had gone on a trip she would at least message me"

"Yeah! let's go see inside the bathroom"

"I don't think there would be anything I guess yesterday it was theif that barged in " Lacy sighs.

"But still we should see what's inside the bathroom too." Rohan opens the door and saw a body covered with blood."OH MY GOD " Rohan screams.

"What happened Rohan ?" Lacy enters the washroom after seeing it. She takes a step back and collapses on the ground "Ahhhhhh...." Lucy screams and cries. Jeffery comes running and saw the whole situation.

"Oh my! what in hell world is this? "

"Call.. call the police fast..." Lucy whines

Jeffery calls the police.

After a while, the police arrives they took the body out of the bathtub. And places it on a table. The body was naked there was excess blood on the left side of the chest it was stabbed by a knife, the face was cut off, eyes were shredded, the cheekbones were showing out white as if the person who did it intentionally wanted to destroy her face and take out the bones.