
"Sir if this goes on I'm afraid more girls will be killed like this."

"Yes, we have to find him as soon as possible, check all the nearby CCTV cameras see if Jay has come across one. We need to find him quickly."

"Yes Sir."

At an abandoned factory far from the city.

Mouse's squeaking and running.

A bright gleam passing through a rusty window. A figure standing near the window and staring relentlessly and depressed. It was Jay. He mumbles,

"I miss you so much."

"I will meet you soon my Angel. It's just that I have to make some sacrifices to meet you. I will be meeting you soon, so don't worry, Okay!"

He then comes and sits on the floor and starts to sharpen his knife.

"I will have more people to sacrifice with this knife unless I lose my pleasure in killing. Hahahaha" Jay chuckles crazily.


Jeffrey's apartment.

Jeffrey puts on an apron and enters the kitchen. He slices some carrots and cucumber and makes some soup.

"Lucy... wake up we are going to be late." He screams from the kitchen.

From getting no responses back, he switches off the stove fire and knocks on Lucy's door.

*knock knock*

"Lucy get up! I'm coming in" Jeffrey slowly unlocks the door.

Lucy sleeps soundly she had kicked off her blanket and sleeps in a manner less way.

"What the... She sleeps like 3 years old kid"

Jeffrey approaches her and pokes her cheek "Hey idiot wake up do you want to get fired!"

"I want to sleep more."

Jeffrey sighs and comes with an idea.

"Lucy..... I made some chicken drumsticks for you if you don't wake up I am going to eat them."

"WHAT... DRUMSTICKS...WHERE?" Lucy wakes up in a hurry.

"Haish!!! can't believe it still works on you"

"Why are you so annoying. I really thought you made drumsticks."

"First of all, clean your drool and second go wash up, or else you are going to get fired?"

"What are talking about isn't it Saturday already?"

"Are you living in the future? You idiot it's Friday. Check your phone."

Lucy takes her phone and checks the date and day.

"Oh my gosh, then why didn't my alarm ring?"

"How can I know! Dress up I made some soup and Toasters"

"Oh!!! Okay okay, gotcha and by the way... "


"Hehehe! You look cute in the apron" Lucy teases Jeffrey.

Jeffrey blushes "You... You are so bothersome"

Lucy sticks out her tongue and rushes to the washroom.