Believe me

At the evening,

Jeffery's apartment,

TV Sound.

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Lucy in her pajamas eating chips *crunch crunch crunch*

Jeffery being the chef he starts to make dishes


A beautiful aroma of cooked vegetables and boiled chicken pour out the whole room.

Jeffrey from the kitchen "Lucy, do you like corn soup?"

"Umm... no, if you want you can have it"

"Oh okay okay"

Lucy takes the TV remote and changes the channel.

(Be aware the citizens of City Z, Again a new murder has been taken place under the nose of the police. A seventeen-year-old girl is the victim. The police officers are still not able to find out who the murderer is. It is still suspected that escapee Jay is the murderer. A special warning to all the women out there to be safe.)

Listening to this Jeffery comes to the living room and saw Lucy stunned and clenching the bag of chips. Jeffery approaches her and turns off the TV and sits beside her and hugs her "It's alright I'm here with you! he won't be able to touch you!! Not even a single strand of hair."

"But many innocents have lost their lives because of him" Lucy leans on him.

"He will pay for his sins! don't worry"


Jeffery pats her head. He raises her chin and asks "Do you believe me?"

"uh? ...what? ...why are you asking?'

"Just answer! do you believe me?"

"Yes more than my life you are my closest friend. Obviously I do believe you"

"Then, believe me, I will protect you with all my might just rely on me okay!? That's the only thing I ask you to do."

"You are really a good friend, I guess no one will comfort me as you do..."

"I'm doing this for myself" Jeffery interrupts

"Uh? I didn't get it" Lucy with a confused look.

"You will know soon after this crisis. Let's eat something"


They have their dinner by watching some songs on TV and goes to sleep.