Finally, Minerva entered the school building.

She passed through the glass furnished front doors and entered a stylish lobby. She could see students from every year and house; mingling, socializing, discussing the new term and what it would bring. She spotted Malik and Phoby chatting together and hurried over to them. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Klaus stroll up to them, a thick white colored wristband held in his right hand.

Malik waved but furrowed his brow, confused as she strolled up. "You didn't get yours?" He asked.

"Didn't get what?"

Klaus ran up holding out the thick white bracelet. "Catherine was supposed to give these to you, but she's really busy so I had to. They're house bands. They help other people identify what house you belong to, without you having to make glass explode to do it."

"Thanks, Klaus."

"No problem. By the way, I've been told that the orientation ceremony is about to start, so you guys better head into the assembly hall."

The assembly was short and sweet. Minerva beamed with pride when she saw Catherine and Amelia sitting at the council table. The remaining students got up and recited the school anthem, Minerva bashfully fumbling up the lyrics. She was surprised to see Phoby and Damon recite the song perfectly, word for word. "They must have been preparing to excel at this school," she muttered to Malik, who shrugged and stared forward. The students sat by their class and grade, with the first years on the left, all the way to the sixth years on the right. Finally, the principal got up to speak.

"Welcome, all students, to a new year." The students broke into cheerful applause. "For those of you who may not know, I am Mrs Sabre, the current acting principal for molecule academy. I wish all you new students a good start and a promising term. Do not be fooled; Molecule Academy holds academics in high esteem. This is not a modern-day Hogwarts, although it may seem like one, at times. Never get too carried away with you Molecule abilities."

Minerva caught Catherine's bored gaze, mouthing the principal's speech line by line. She must have given this speech every new term, she reasoned. She wondered how many times Catherine had heard the same speech given out. The principal struck her as a very precise and repetitive person, able to do the same thing over and over again, with perfect results. She briefly wondered if the principal had a funny side, or was empathetic towards good humored fun, and silly pranks. Most likely not.

"For returning students, remember, this is not a time to slack off. Sixth years, I am sure that the though has already crossed your minds that this will be your last year at Molecule Academy. I advise you to leave a legacy that will go on after you are gone, whether in your academics, hobbies or molecule abilities."

Daimen smirked and casually stroked his glass flask of mercury. Minerva watched the liquid metal swirl around, following the path of his fingers.

"My final word to you, regardless of your year or affinity; Make a legacy. Make a future."

With that, she vanished into thin air.

Stunned silence followed, along with the snickers of old students who had seen the phenomenon before. Then, a loud burst of thunderous applause.

Minerva found her name on the class IA sheet. Phoby and Damon found their names under hers, the only sign of satisfaction a thin smile on both their faces. Malik was assigned to class IC. "Bummer." He muttered. "Well, I guess I'll see you guys during breaks, and in the courtyards." He nodded goodbye and entered his class.

The students sat down on their seats, Minerva seating herself in-between Phoby and Damon. The class chattered with excitement but immediately hushed when the teacher walked in. A thin, slender man with wiry hair and a pale complexion set a stack of books down on the table. He sat down and laced his fingers together, his face placid and expressionless.

After an eternity of silence, he finally spoke.

"Good morning class. My name is Mr Clemonte, and I will be your homeroom teacher this session. I suggest that before we get on, every one of the twenty students here introduce themselves.

One after another, every new student stood up and introduced themselves.

"Hi, I'm Mandy. I'm from London, and I'm thirteen. I have an affinity for alkali earth metals, specifically Calcium and magnesium. I'm really happy to be here, and I actually like chemistry."

"Hey, I'm James. I'm American, and I'm fourteen. I have an affinity for transition metals, specifically nickel."

"I'm Minerva. I'm fourteen, and I'm from Wales. I have an affinity for Non-metals, specifically glass. I'm happy to be here."

"Hi. I'm Phoby."

"I'm Damon."

"We're happy to be here, and have affinities for Alkali metals."

"Hi, I'm Estelle, and I have an affinity for noble gases and halogens."

"I'm Daimen, and I have an affinity for transition metals. I prefer Mercury."

"I'm September. I have an affinity for chalcogens."

"Hey guys! I'm Sarah, and I can control plastics."

"Hi. I'm Jonathan. I have an affinity for alkali earth metals, and I like pottery."

"Sup. I'm Dante. I'm good with rubber."

"Guten-tag! I'm Emilia. I can control wood, although I'm not really sure what specific element of it."


"I'm Jeremy. I have an affinity towards Lanthanides."

"I'm Idara. I'm Nigerian, though I live in the states. I have affinities for carbon."

"I'm Leslie, and this is Ann and April. We have affinities for carbon as well."

Mr Clemonte looked around, his brows furrowed, clearly perplexed. "Someone's absent," he declared. "Oh well, no matter. We've no time to wait. Usually, you would only have Molecule Theory last period every day, but you will be having a double period this morning, to help you find the specific elements and molecules you are good with."

As the students packed their textbooks, preparing for the class to come, Mr Clemonte raised his hand for attention.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot. As you try to change states in the next class, try not to kill anyone."