The first day of school had gone by in a flash. Before she knew it, Minerva was hearing the now all-too-familiar sound of the school bell.


It was time for school to end, and for the students to return to the boarding grounds. Minerva caught up to Malik in the hallway, the dark skinned teenager gripping his marble cube tightly and muttering to himself. He had a frustrated look on his face, which Minerva noticed immediately.

"What's wrong, Malik?"

"It's the cube. I can't get it to granulate and it's so frustrating."

Just a few hours ago Minerva wouldn't have understood what he meant. Granulation was one of the tricks the Professor had taught them in the second half of his double period. Making an object change shape from one solid to another was too energy-tasking and exhausting for students at this level. It was better and easier to break down the solid to dust or granules, and the form the dust into your desired shape or form. Minerva patted Malik's back affectionately.

"You won't get it instantly, Malik. That's why you have to practice."

He nodded but the frustrated look on his face refused to go away. "I'll catch up with you later Minerva," he stated, turning down a side corridor. "I'm off to meet the Professor."

Minerva swallowed down her annoyance. Malik would be gone for an hour at best, after which he had to come down to the house for check-in. She scanned the hallway, searching for Estelle, but found her with Daimen, the two, as usual, flirting shamelessly. Ugh. She wasn't in the mood for another hour or two of third-wheeling.

"Hey there, Minerva! What are you waiting for! The bell's rung!"

Minerva turned around. Standing in front of her was a fair girl with rosy cheeks and golden hair twisted into Goldilocks braids. "Hi, Emelia," she began.

"Oh, none of that. Call me Emmie. Or Emma, whatever you prefer."

"Thanks, Emma."

"Oh, and do you mind if I call you Mi-Mi? I have a thing about three-syllable names."

"Sure thing."

Minerva looked around. The hallway was almost empty. She needed someone to talk to, and Emma's cheery character was just the thing to cheer her up.

"Hey Emma, you mind walking with me? I'd like someone to talk to."

"Sure, if you don't mind taking a little detour along the way.

Minerva paused. What kind of mysterious place would this cheery little teenager have to go?

"A detour? I don't mind."

When Minerva heard detour, this was not what she had in mind.

She had envisioned her squatting in a damp alleyway engaging in illegal molecule manipulation

She didn't imagine sitting in a grass bank facing a pond, sitting beside Emma, who was nibbling on a flaky rectangular pastry. She noticed Minerva staring and blushed deep crimson. "I just love them. They're called strudel, my childhood treat. They're usually only sold in Germany and the Netherlands, but I was so surprised that they make them in the pastry shops here!"

Minerva eyed the pastry. It looked like sheets of thin pastry rolled over each other with filling in between. It was a beautiful golden brown and made a crackling sound when Emma bit into it. She noticed Minerva drooling and extended the treat. "You want some? It's really good."

Minerva tore of a hunk of pastry and tossed it into her mouth. Immediately a wave of buttery, fruity goodness washed over her. She grinned and licked the fruit filling off her lips.

Emma gazed longingly over the pond. "So Minerva, why did you want to walk with me?"

"What do you mean?"

"You usually walk with this circle of friends; you know, Estelle, the scary Irish dude, the guy with the dreads in the other class. I didn't think you'd want to talk to me."

"Nah, you're actually pretty cool, Emma. Besides, I think I have a new favorite pastry."

She blushed. "I'm glad you like it. But really, are you out on the outs with your friends or what?"

"No. It's just... Everyone's just starting school and they've already got complicated. Malik's still in school, trying to master his marble granulation."

"What about Daimen and Estelle?"

"Five seconds away from getting married. I don't feel like intruding, and Daimen gives me bad vibes."


"What about you? I hope you don't have any boy trouble."


Minerva sat up, surprised. She never expected Emma to be in the hots. "Who's the lucky guy.. Come on, you can tell me!"

"Emma's blushed cheeks got darker. "I... I don't know. It's to early to tell but... I think I might have a crush on the twins."

"Phoby and Damon?" Minerva squealed. "You're so cute!" She pictured Phoby and Damon in her head, speaking to each other in low tones while Emma watched, sighing, from afar. "Wait. Which one?"

"That's... kind of the problem. I don't really know, they're just so similar!"

"I totally get you. They're like, the same person."

"Sometimes I can tell. Like Damon speaks even less then Phoby does, when they speak at all. He looks a little younger as well."

"I never can tell with those two. You want me to help you out?"

"With what?"

"With the boys. I'm not a professional matchmaker, but I'm sure Estelle and I could get Damon and you set up. When I can get her away from Daimen, that is."