Sparring Match Last

In that moment, Garp's punch hit through Xin's gold lightning energy, splitting atop his staffpoint. There was a black stream of light that sunk into the staff, Hit Xin's body!


Xin slide thru the floor

"What a strong Punch"

Garp pointed his finger at Xin and Laugh, "Bwahahahah Xin brat, you are the strongest student that I have encountered in the younger generation in my years of life. The speed and power which I have been so foolishly proud of have no effect on you."

Xin had also attained many insights through this sparring. Hearing Garp say this, he nod.

Garp's momentum erupted once more. In that moment, it was as if his entire body had become weapon with violent potential, incomparably destructive!


With that nonsense skill name.

This was Garp's strongest move. It used his own fused ultimate punch and will as the driving force in order to activate the ultimate skill. With Garp's current power, he could display the punch he can release!

Punch energy pierce through the void, and a sharp whistling wind howled through the entire underground training facility.

Meeting this final strike of Garp, Xin's vision was steady, and both hands grasped staff that almost melt because of the intense heat he knows that he can only use last attack before his weapon destroyed. His heart had already focused into the staff, and the god power was gathering to its limit.

Behind Xin, the shadow of the Monkey appeared once again.

Xin's staff thrust out!

Tyrannical force screamed forth, violently smashing into Garp attack. The tiles under their feet were shattered into fragments and some rock are pulverize; with this attack, they were evenly matched!

At this time, another energy began to resonate. The Garp right fist had created a strong punch, coming down at Xin!


The audience cried out in alarm. Sengoku, Crane, and everyone else felt their hearts stop. The first punch was already unstoppable, but there was also another punch coming. This was a double attack!

Xin's pupils contracted, and god essence quickened within the God force. The shadow of Monkey, roared forth! And a giant fist come down to Garp.

That's right for our viewers at home that shadow is not an illusion that image is Xin will that materialize.


The giant fist struck above the fist of Garp, the God power exploded forth!

Ka ka ka!

It was like a glorious purple sun had dawned upon the stage. The punch energy was immediately incinerated into nothingness, and some residue fall, crashing down into the ground.

At the same time, the giant shadow punch rushed forwards. Although its power was greatly reduced, it hit towards Garp!


The armament haki protecting Garp's body was blown apart, his entire body bin hit. He was sent flying backwards, spitting out a mouthful of blood!

Garp slammed against the one of pilar and fell onto the floor.

The entire audience was silent. In truth, Garp's defeat was beyond anyone's expectations. It was more accurate to say that they already knew who would win and who would lose.

However, as they truly saw Garp lying flat on the martial stage, severely wounded, and vomiting blood.

Sengoku was heavily breathing, gasping for breath. In this last attack, he actually favored Garp's odds of winning. But after watching the entire battle play out, he was extremely shocked – this was because of the shadow of monkey that shoot out!

How could Xin possibly accomplish this?

Sengoku glanced at the other people that present, and he saw that only the Vice Admiral Crane and Zephyr were shocked with disbelief. As for the kids, they showed no difference. Of course, they couldn't be blamed for not recognizing what happen.

Garp is exhausted but he can still laugh "Bwahahaha Kid your good this is my first time to taste defeat in my career your the only one who can make me miserable like this"

Xin grasping his breath cant even reply to Garp in this single match he almost use all his stamina


Ding Alert! Alert! Because the user is stamina is empty the Hood of Good will change back to his original appearance.



A smoke come out and Xin back to his child self he is now lying on the floor covered with sweat.


Ding !You Complete Special Quest :The Marine Superman Strength

Ding ! You receive +10,000 exp +5% body balance + 5% Superman Body

Ding ! You Special Reward Zankensoki ( Cut-Fist-Run-Spirit ) Book X1

Ding ! You comprehend special type of skill "WILL"

Ding ! Because you fight and defeat a strong enemy you receive +2% body balance + 2% Superman Body

Ding ! You receive +1,000 exp

System "Please check your status for your personal information


At this time because Xin is to exhausted he did not realize that he already fall asleep.