Buggy Pirate

Then they moved over the cannon, aimed the muzzle at the kid, lifted the torch, and the cannon fire but it explode in the side of the ship they only see a long staff slap it like a fly.

The ship is on fire all the crew panic and start to get water on the sea to put out the fire, after a minute of hard work they the fire died out.

At this time, the kid jumped up from the side of the boat and landed on the deck with a loud bang.

Everyone stared at the sudden appearance of the figure and found that he was the kid on the other ship, silver-white hair, ruby-like eye, white panda hoodie and stone staff in his hand.

Today must be his lucky day…

Ignoring the fearful and nervous eyes of the pirate, Xin jumped aboard the ship and shouted angrily, "Who the captain? Stand up!"

The crew on the boat looked at each other, and they didn't know how to react to what was going on. It was a kid!? And he even dared to come to us!! Seeing the kid, they all thought that he was afraid of them, and he had jumped into there ship to beg for mercy.

After a while, one of them suddenly burst into laughter.

This kid is really stupid. It was understandable that he was angry when someone has attack him, but he dared to jump in the ship and ask for it.

This was not what the ordinary idiot can describe! Didn't he look at how many pirates are here he did not even count?

"Kid! Did your parents taught you how does the pirate flag look like?"

"And you even dare jump on the boat even if you see the flag!"

"He must be new in the sea."

Don't look at them when they were in front of Buggy because he makes them tremble, but when they were with outsiders, they showed what the evil pirates was, and they sneer at Ian fiercely.

At this time, Xin actually saw the people on the boat. The pirates in front of him did not look like pirates at all, but more like a circus. He knows that only one pirate wear this kind of clothes.

"The captain red-nosed? Now i know, so this ship belonged to the buggy pirates."

"Your lucky the captain is resting, now that you know who we are, take out all your valuable items or else we are going to feed you to fish."




Buggy heard the noise outside of his cabin and went out, what greeted Buggy's eyes was his men all on the floor with a lump on the head and a kid with staff in his hand.

Buggy angry when he saw his crew knock out by the kid.

"How dare you, kid! I will skin you alive and personally feed you to the fish!"


"All of you attack him"

At this time, a pirate could not hold back, he raised his sword in his hand and smashed it toward Xin, trying to fight him.

Xin ready his staff and smackdown to unlock pirate.


The unlucky pirate knockout with a large lump on the head.

After that Xin smashes the man with one blow, his staff is like a snake keep smashing the head of the pirate. Every time he switched target, they can only see a fast staff come over to there head and they blank out. The same every time his staff move, there would be a pirate screaming and falling!

"You offended the Buggy Pirates, you're going to die!"

However, after a long time of shouting, no one to fight him. Just now, Xin smashed over eight pirates, and the others were frightened. Just seeing the large lump on the head of the unfortunate mate, they realized that they were not Ian's opponents. So when they shouted, their eyes stare to side of Chief of Staff, Cabaji, counting on him to come forward.

Cabaji was sitting on his unicycle with his arms crossed, his mouth hidden in his blue and white checked scarf.

He did not speak when Xin jump into the ship, he felt too lazy to take care of him, he thought Xin just a kid, so let his men teach him a lesson, but even now he is not speaking! After seeing Xin's attack, he found that he was not his match!

He can't even see when the kid use his staff he can only see a blurred image than an unlucky crew knockout.

Suddenly Xin heard a huge lion roar.

The sound came from the other side of the ship, Xin heard it and looked at it. He saw a man riding a lion and slowly walked out.

"What's the matter? Why so noisy? Do you all know that Richie will going to become angry?" he said unhappily.

When Xin saw this man, he burst into laughter, pointed at him, and said, "Haha! Old man, you have a cool beard there!"

"That's rude! This is my hair, not a beard!!!"

Hearing Kid laughter, the lion rider was furious, and the blue veins were coming out of his forehead. Anyone whose hair was treated as a beard would be angry.

Then Xin asks,"Which race are you? Sheep family?"

Mohji finally saw the pirates lying on the dec and suddenly reacted to what was going on. It was an intruder!

"You have guts and dare to come up to our ship, and provoke us!" Mohji gritted his teeth and said to Xin.


He pat the lion Richie, and said: "kill him!

The Lion Richie roar, jumped up toward Xin with Mohji on his back, and swung its claws sharply toward him.

Seeing that the lion coming to him he raised his staff and smash on both of them.



Both of then knockout with a large bump in the head.

"Are you guys really a pirate? why so weak?"