
Xin calls Stella, Koala to test if they can activate their magic, Makino was curious so he came to see what they will do.

Xin said to Stella, "We are going to experiment to see if you can activate your Magic"

Stella and Makino ask, "Magic?"

Xin explained, "Magic is the physical embodiment of the spirit. When the physical spirit of an organism connects with the spiritual flow of nature, the spirit forms Magic as a product of the connection. Though Magic goes beyond reason, it is still born of reason and it takes an enormous amount of concentration and mental ability to use it. One's magical powers are also tied to one's life force."

Xin continues, "In short Magic is your own spirit lIke Reishi that you practice, but magic power is tied to your life force if you use all your magic you will die"

"You will only be saved if someone transfers their magic to you"

Stella and Makino understand it was like using nature power combine to your spirit"

Xin smiled and said, "Who wants to do first?"

When Stella about to volunteer someone faster than her it was Koala.

Xin was surprised, he can't help but ask, "Koala do you understand what I just explain?"

Koala slightly shook his head.

Xin was stun but he can feel that Koala start opening up to them.

"Then you can do it first, don't worry this test will not hurt you"

Then Xin get the Magic Awakening Stone and Magic Property Detector out of his inventory.

Xin place down the Magic Awakening Stone and said, "You just need to place your hand into this ball and wait for it to shine"

Koala nervous reach the Crystal ball and place her hand on it.

Few second later the Magic Awakening Stone shine inside it was color red.

Red - Caster Magic

Blue - Holder Magic

Violet - Lost Magic

Xin said, "Koala magic classified as Caster Magic"

Then Xin give Koala Magic Property Detector and let him pour a little bit of his magic.

Seeing that Koala still does not know how to use her magic, Xin explains to him because Xin already mastered the energy manipulation he can easily understand how to use magic.

After that Koala pour a little of his magic into the device.

The copper plate shines then the elemental symbol Lightning active.

Seeing this Xin knows that Koala has the ability to use Lightning.

Xin smile at koala and said, "Congratulations you have Lightning element magic one of the powerful elements in the world"

Koala was still confused, so Xin explained to her.

After a long long explanation Koala successfully understands what magic she has.

Then Xin check the shop for the Lightning Magic book.


Lightning Magic Book List:

Laxus Lightning Magic Book - 10,000,000 Beli

Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic Manual - 1,000,000,000 Beli

Lightning Empress Magic Scroll - 100,000,000 Beli

Electromaster Esper Training Manual - 40,000,000 Beli

Holy Lightning Demonic Book - 10,000,000 Beli

Adramelech Skill Set - 4,000,000 Beli

Lightning Release Scroll - 20,000,000 Beli


Xin buy the Electromaster Esper Training Manual, he knows that this one is the easiest to use but the power that this skill can make is destructive.

Electromaster Esper Training Manual

Railgun (Super Electromagnetic Cannon"): Fire metal objects at three times the speed of sound by forming parallel currents on both sides of her arm with her electricity. Her Railgun has a muzzle velocity of 1030 m/s (2307.2 mph) and can be fired at a rate of 8 shots per minute

Lightning Attack Spear: ability to generate a "spear of lightning" originating from her forehead.

Powerful Electromagnetic Pulse: create magnetic pulses that target the organs

Lightning Strike: call down real lightning using her ability regardless of the season.

Electromagnetism: use electromagnetism to attract and repel metallic materials and use it to her advantage.

Iron Sand Manipulation: use electromagnetism to manipulate iron sand which vibrates ten times stronger than a chainsaw.

Iron Sand Sword: gathering iron sand, manipulating it into a sword that.

Iron Sand Puppet: used her ability to create a gigantic puppet out of dust and iron sand to match the doppelganger's own gigantic puppet.

Electric Cage: combine her electricity and iron sand to create a large cage to trap an enemy.

Flight: manipulated the water vapor forming it into wings using the static electricity from interactions between particles.


After buying it Xin give it to Koala, then let her use one of the skill lists there to see what kind of power can she generator.

Xin give Koala a metal coin.

Koala grip the coin on her finger then she gathered all of her lightning magic to the coin.

Koala's hand was glowing like a small sun then she shot it to the mountain in the distance.

