
Nymph happy said, "Then let's start we need to finish this fast ..master still waiting."

"The Harpy nod, "Yes that's right ..master is waiting"

Then Nymph extends his two arms.

'Paradise Song

A supersonic sound attack come from Nymph mouth.

And hit Harpy whos guard is down.


Nymph laugh, "Hahaha "Master is waiting for me there?" you thought I could be deceived by those kinds of lies?"

"Haha..those .. lies"


Then Nymph cry, she knows what kind of person is her master.

There's no concept of love to them there master only likes to torment them until they get tired on them and eventually dispose of them like scrap.

Suddenly the twin harpy appears at her back and grab her head and slam into the ground.

The green-haired ask, "What should we do with this bitch?"

The brow-hared said, "I don't know how about torture her?"

"Yes, that's right why not tear off her wing so that she can't escape?"

"That's a good idea sister"

Then the brown-hair girl pindown Nymph while the Green-hair girl tear-off Nymph's wings.

After that harpy ask, "Now then can you use the stealth system to us?"

Nymph feel the pain on her back she know that her beautiful wing was gone.


From distance Xin can see three angeloid, two with robotic arms and feet and the other one is lying on the ground.

Seeing Nymph condition he ask Ikarus to hurry.

Xin said, "Hurry Ikarus!!"

Ikarus nod, "Um"

In the distance The twin Harphy sees Ikarus and the monster coming fast to them.

The green-haired girl hurry said, "Use the Prometheus sister"

After hearing her sister voice the brown-haired girl ready the Prometheus and fire at them.


A laser beam flies to the sky straight to Ikarus whose flying in top speed.

Seeing the incoming laser beam Ikarus hurry dodge it, it almost hit them thank god that her speed is Mach 4.

Much faster than the laser beam speed.

Seeing that the other already attack them Ikarus activate her system.

"Variable Wing System"… safety release.."

Xin feel that something happening at Ikarus so he hurry asks,"What happened to you ?"

"Uranus Queen Mode"

Ikarus' eyes turn red her wings turn bright and a halo appears in her head.

Ikarus hug Xin's body tightly and said, "Apologies, master .. I've been lying to you … I am a battle angeloid type Alpha,[Ikarus] a weapon"

Xin feel that Ikarus was shaking , Xin calmly said, "I know"

"You see Ikarus … from the very start I know what you are … even you hide it from me"

Xin gentle smile at her, "I already know from the start that your weapon … I feel that you are lucky you have the ability to defend your family and friends"

"So don't be sad … im still here ..just like what i said im your family"

Tears come from Ikaru's eyes, she quivering said, "Yes … My Master,,"

Xin said, "You can let me down now I have a way to fly … "then Xin take Kinton Cloud at his inventory.

Then he jumped into it and said, "Defend me while I'm helping Nymph"

Ikarus nod," Type Alpha, Ikarus commencing attack"


The harpy hurry fire at her.

"Her she comes …. Fire at her."

"Let's split up sister so that she can't easily defeat us"



Then Xin easily landed near Nymph who badly beaten by them.

Xin sadly said, "Your master pretty terrible to you?"

Nymph slowly said, "What are you doing here? are you here to laugh at me?"

Xin sighed and patted her head, "No I'm not .. I'm here to help you"

Nymph sadly said, "But you can't help me you see this," She pointed the choker at her neck.

"This is a ticking bomb, my master activates it to kill you and Ikarus"

Xin gentle smile," Only that? You don't know that in the otherworld I can catch cannonball with bare hands"

Nymph hurry said, "I'm not joking to you !? this boom can easily destroy this small town"

Xin did not reply to her, He takes the change connection to her choker and place it at the big rock.

Then Xin take out his stone staff.

Nymph worried said, "What are you doing?"

Xin grin at her and said, "I'm going to destroy this chain of yours"

Suddenly Xin stone staff become bigger.

Xin twirls the stone staff, the stone staff spin at Xin's hand slowly and eventually become faster.

Xin said, "Do you know how thunder made?"

Nymph said, "As the air rises, the water vapor cools and forms a cloud. ... Heavier, negatively charged particles sink to the bottom of the cloud. When the positive and negative charges grow large enough, a giant spark occurs between the two charges within the cloud."

Xin nodded, "That's right but I'm doing it in the most barbaric way….. I'm using the friction in the air and the vibration on my staff to create an electric spark, while I'm rotating it, I'm not only creating spark I'm making an intense heat"

Then Xin staff start to glow red while some spark coming around it.


Xin said, "Get ready I'm going to smash your chain now!!"

Suddenly the stone spirit awake,' Hey kid what are you doing?'

Xin said,'I want to smash the chain binding her'

????,'Oh I see a new girl …. Then this grandpa of yours will help you, I will teach you my most treasured skill I have'

Xin doubt said,'Are you sure?'

????,'Kid do you think this grandpa of your is bragging … if you know what i did in the past you will worship me to death'

Xin hurry said,'Ok your great-grandpa stone staff... Can you teach me now I can't keep twirling you in the whole day.'

????,'You kid ….. Ok, I'm not going argue with you here learn this,'Then a gold energy from the staff and enter in Xin's head.

Xin shock in what he learns, "Th-This is ….."
