
After a week the town celebrate the harvest festival,like the other time Xin and the girls come to participate in the festival but this time there another girl coming to them.

Nyhmp ask,"What is festival master?"

Xin smiled and said,"The harvest festival is an annual celebration that occurs around the time of the main harvest of a given region. ... Harvest festival is traditionally held on the Sunday near or of the Harvest Moon. This is the full Moon that occurs closest to the autumn equinox"

Sohara happy said,"Last festival we join in the survival game and Xin win the grand price on it!"

Xin said," Let's go .. im sure the takoyaki is good"

A few minutes later in front of the takoyaki stall.

Xin almost vomit all his dinner because of what he eats,"Th-this taste crap …the plane rice is more delicious than this"

He said to the vendor," Mr. It's nice that you change your stall from shooting to a takoyaki stand but…"

Xin lips twitch," Ho-how can you even make a mistake in cooking takoyaki?"

The vendor angry said," Shut up you stupid kid!!… if i just win in the last festival game maybe this takoyaki stand is now a restaurant"

Xin pout," But ..i see you eliminated before you even shoot someone… and this takoyaki .."

"Why is that the octopus inside is like a rubber band? … and the flour you use is .. if I'm not wrong brand X? … your not too cheap are you?"

Takoyaki Vendor," Shut up and eat"

Xin notice something and said," It is me or your store not popular with the customer?"


Xin ask," Maybe you shabby takoyaki is full of unwanted things?"

"Shut up kid!.... It because this year there's supposed to have some bi event …"

Xin confuses," Big event?"

Nymph come to Xin and said," Master I'm going with the other stall"

Xin patted her head and smile," Ok here take this money to buy whatever you want but not too much"

Nymph nod, then she took the money and happy to go to the other store.


Xin stare at the vendor and ask," Do you have a cough? You need to take medicine for that"

Huge vain pop up in the head of the vendor," You give money to your girl but you never recommend my stall.."

Xin serious said," No, I will not recommend this shop its shabby and taste not good"

The vendor continued," Ok back to the topic … its hard to imagine, but apparently, you can win some extravagant prices"

Xin thought,"I think I heard that word somewhere? But i can't remember where"

The vendor continued," It's taken all the customer away.. You're actually my first customer this year ...rabbit boy"

Then Xin notices an unusual stall not from where he stands.


Xin murmur," Where did i hear that name?"

Suddenly Xin's ahoge signal him to run fast and at the same time, Xin remember the last festival here.

Xin memory comeback, Xin thought,'Yes this tall is where i win one million cash'

Xin did not even think he already run.

But somewhere faster to him its Mikako bodyguard, Xin has been pindown with them.

After capturing Xin they bring him back in front of the store.

Xin try to resist but four muscle guy holding his limbs.

In front of the shop Judas smile evilly at him," Welcome again kid"

Xin ahoge now shaking like crazy, Xin nervous said," Old man don't be petty i know that i win last time but you don't need to be forceful!!"

Mikako come from the shadow of the tree," Calm down Xin .. this year we're not doing anything dangerous like shooting the last festival"

Xin confuses," Eh?"

Mikako smile gentle,"I reflect on it… festival were originally a secret ritual to worship the gods!!"

Sohara, Sugata and the Angeloid nod.

She continued," So I was thinking that this time ..we'll conduct sumo as a Shinto ritual …"

Xin though," Sumo …?"

Mikako grin at him," Yes SUMO!!"

In front of them is a ring.

Xin douth ask," If I'm not wrong this is a wrestling ring?

Mikako shrugging his shoulders,"Its American sumo~"

Xin angry said," Then it's wrestling!! …. No, I'm not going to join .. I'm out of here."

"The price is One Million Cash"

Xin," No I'm leaving"

Then Xin walk out of there.

"HD TV with every kind of channel and exclusive channel for the show DORAEMON"

Xin suddenly stop, his mind struggling he doesn't want to accept, but the price is too good for him.

Seeing Xin's reaction, Mikako sadistic smile and said," And a whole set of Dinosaur Bone"

Xin stop moving, all of them silent look at him.

Xin turn around and seriously said," Pro wrestling he~ if you don't know in my hometown they called me little Hulk Hogan"

Because the price Xin forced to join in the event.

To each and everyone expectation, the first Satsukitane Pro-Wrestling Tournament --Begin.

"Now we raise the curtain on the First Satsukitane Pro Wrestling Tournament!!"

"I'll be your announcer Takehara the math teacher and this.."

"I'm Nymph doing commentary .."

"Moving ON!!"

"The top contender for the championship Mitsuki will not going to join and she will participate as referee!!"

"Now let's begin the first match!!"

"In the Red Corner 130 tall and 80 pounds, The White Rabbit of Sorami Town"

Xin wave his hand in the dozens.

"In the Blue Corner [B 90 W 58 H 82] The Madonna of the shopping district Makiko~~"

Then Sohara walk in the middle and aks both contestants if they are ready, seeing that both of the ready she rings the bell.

"Ting!! Ting!! Ting!!"

"And the bell rang the match begin"

Makiko gentle ask," Rabbit-Kun can you consider … I'm reluctant to hurt you"

Xin stare at her with puppy eyes," Umm … Sister i-i can't… I need to win"

Makiko doesn't know what to do, her maternal instinct stopping her to hurt the little boy.

Then Xin come closer at her and cutely said," Sister ca-can you concede ~~?"

Makiko's face becomes red, she shaking her head trying to resist in cuteness.

Xin hug her waist and said," If you concede .. I'm going to give you a kiss~~"

Makiko's face becomes tomato, her eyes is not focus."O-ok i admit defeat .. let's go come to sister... I buy you candy"

Then she take Xin's hand and walk out in the ring.

The Referee and the audience where stun.

"Its low!! Its to low and despicable!!! Contestant White Rabbit use his cuteness to hypnotize contestant Makiko!!"

"Ting!! Ting!! Ting!!"

"And that how the first round end the winner, The White Rabbit"

Sohara shaking with anger, she know that Xin uses those tactics here sometimes.
