First Family Bond

Xin take Chaos whos stop crying, he wants her to get down but she insists that she wants Xin to carry her.

Xin can only comply, then he bring Chaos inside of his house to cure her wound.

While helping her in her injure, Xin ask what happen.

Chaos said that she wants to go home up in Synapse but her master want to destroy her,she beg but they persist to destroy her so she can only escape.

After that she come to Xin's house to ask of her to shelter her.

Xin sigh and said," Well you don't worry you can stay here with your sisters"

Chaos nod," Um"

Xin asks Ikaros," Ikaros can you help her for her clothes?"

Ikaros nod," Yes ..master.."

After that Ikaros go out to buy clothes for Chaos, while she was out Astraea keep bugging Xin," Hey Master! Is she going to be my little sister?"

Xin nod," Well she is a second-generation Angeloid and you three is first-generation, so chaos is the youngest"

Astraea happy jump and down," Yeah! I'm not the younger one now hahaha"

Meanwhile, Nymph starting Chaos intensely, Xin know why she hostile Chaos because of the last incident when Nymph was beaten by her.

Xin call Nymph to get close then he patted her head," Nymph please can you forgive Chaos, she doesn't know what is right and wrong so she accidentally hurt you"

Nymph pout," But…"

Xin give him a puppy eye," Nymph ~ can you ~?"

Seeing his master cute gesture Nymph can help but blush, she murmur," Well … if you master said it then i reluctant forgive her."

Astraea," I'm not the youngest yeah!!

Nymph and Xin ignore the idiot to her small celebration.

Few minutes later Ikaros comeback holding clothes and some underwear.

Xin ask," Ikaros can you help Chaos to clean herself"

Astraea suddenly interrupted"Let me! Master !! I will help my sister to wash up!"

Chaos tightly hug Xin and said," Big brother can you help me"

Before even Xin replay, Ikaros, Nymph and Astraea said," No!!"

Chaos nervous said," I want .. my brother to help me…"

Xin pat her head and said," Well… let's go together … I need to wash after afterall"

Chaos happy smile, Xin stand and take Chaos little hand then bout of them go to the bathroom.

Ikaros stare at his master," Master …"

While Nymph envious look at Chaos.

Suddenly Astraea said," Why don't we come together with master"

Ikaro and Nymgp suddenly stare at her as if saying 'What a genius!'.

Ikaros and Nymph nod, then the three of them get there own bath towel.


Inside of the bathroom,Xin helping Chaos to wash her hair.

While helping her Xin is starting to teach her what to do so that next time she can do it alone.

Xin take shampoo hat then place it to her head, Chaos asks," What is this brother?"

Xin take some shampoo in the shampoo container and start to apply it in Chaos head," That is a shampoo hat,it prevent the shampoo to get to your eyes"

"Remember that use it when you shampoo your head."

Chaos nod,"Um"

Suddenly Astraea suddenly enter with Ikaros and Nymph while wearing only bath towel covering their body.

Astraea energetic said," Master were here to help you wash up"

Ikaros and Nymph excuse their self.

Xin nod,"We'll help yourself"

As if they plane it, in the beginning, Ikaros come behind Xin and start to wah his hair.

While Xin start to rinse Chaos,after that Xin said,"Chaos can you go first into the bathtub"

Chaos nod then her sit inside of the bathtub, Then Nymph hurry sit in the position that Chaos left.

She flustered ask," Master can you … help me wash my hair please?"

Xin smiled and said," Sure"

Then Xin place another shampoo hat then start to apply shampoo in her head.

Astraea see that so she wait next to Xin, she had already done but she feel envious to Nymph so she wait for her turn.

After Xin done he rinse Nymph long blue hair and ask her to come inside of the bathtub to warm up.

Then Astraea sit after Nymph left, Xin skillful apply shampoo on her hair and rinse it after that Astraea come inside of the bathtub.

Xin is about to rinse himself but he suddenly stop, he notices Ikaros staring at him intently.

Xin can't help but smile at her, he signal Ikaros to sit in his front so that he can help her to wash her hair.

Few minutes later Xin and Ikaros completely clean their bodies.

But there's a big problem the bathtub is not big enough for them.

Astraea said," Master let Chaos sit in front then Nymph-Senpai, Master,Ikaros-Senpai and last is me"

Xin stare her like a genius, he said," Your start to use your brain Astraea!?"

Astraea said," Well yes i'm Astraea one of the three strongest Angeloid not only im strong im super genius too"

Then Xin and Ikaros sit between Nymph and Astraea.

Chaos want to change position with Nymph but she said," You're still young to exchange place with me"

Chaos only helpless sit in front after that she lay her head in Nymph poor chest.

Nymph see what she did so she copy her and lay her head into Xin's chest.

Xin smile at them,then he copy both of them after that he reach his arm to try hug Chaos and Nymph.

While Ikaros hug her master's small body.

Xin suddenly said," Maybe we need a bigger bathtub's too crowded if we wash together!"

Nymph shyly said," Master … maybe we don't need to change the bathtub"

Ikaros nod," Um"

Astraea hurry said," its fine master it's not crowded we can add more if we try"

Xin smile al them.
