Nico Olvia

Meanwhile, in Ohara Island, a person walk stealthily as if he trying to side from someone.

The person is wearing a cloak and a marine cap, while staring left and right ensuring that no one sees him.

Seeing that no one actually see him enter in the Island, he sighed relief and removes his hood.

Who thought that he was not really he, the person in the cloak is a woman.

Her hair was white instead of black. Her hair was long and slightly curly, she had a lighter skin tone.she is none other than Nico Olvia mother of Robin who left many years and left O'hare to study the Poneglyphs in order to honor his wishes.

In the distance she see the Tree of Knowledge where Ohara Library build, he was nervous if her daughter already escape.

While she entering at the port she didn't see any people, she doesn't know if Saul help the citizen of the Island to escape. But she was nervous about her child, this is the first time she come back but not to care for her but to help her escape from incoming catastrophe.

She hurry run at her older brother Oran before she left her and entrust her daughter to him.

Olvia don't know if her daughter and brother are still here so he runs at his brother's house to check.

But after coming to his brother's house, she sees that no one in the house, she still feels nervous about her daughter's safety.

Then he ran at the O'hare National Library to check the other Archaeology.

Seeing that there's no mark of battle in the place she passed, she sure that the marine still did not arrive.

After running in full speed she sees that the Three of Knowledge is still safe but there are no people anywhere.

So she tries to get in to see if the books in the library is being carried by them when the archeology escape.

Who thought that he can't enter the perimeter of the library, as if there's an invisible wall encircle into it.

Olvia confused," What happened here?"

"Why i can't enter"

Suddenly she heard a voice from nowhere.

"You can enter inside because I place a big surprise inside of it for incoming marine"

Olvia suddenly alert she takes out her pocket knife and stand in defense posture.


"Here Miss archeology's ~"

Olvia turn left and right but she did not see anyone, but she was sure that someone is here.

When suddenly someone touch her shoulders, her back suddenly feel cold, she hurry slash the unknown enemy.

Who thought that the slender hand catch her knife easily with two fingers.

"You can't do that ~ what if someone hurt because of your recklessness?"

She sees a man wearing a fox mask while pinching her knife with his finger.

Olvia jump back to take a distance, she is ready to fight back now because she knows that her daughter is safe.


She punches in with his slender fist, while Xin early dodges her.

Xin confuse ask," Why are attacking me?"

Olivia did not respond at him and kicked him in his face, Xin lean down to dodge the kick and lazy ask again," Just like what i said, don't attack recklessly ~ what happens if someone gets injured because of you~"

Olvia didn't listen to him, she now desperate to hold him here hoping she gain more time to her daughter and others that escaping.

She punch in Xin's face again,but Xin easily catch her fist, Olvia can't withdraw her hand so she desperately bite Xin's shoulder.


"Are you a dog! Why need to bite me!"

Xin hurry release her hand and try to remove her from him.

Who thought that Olivia cling at him like a koala bear while biting Xin hard, Xin tries to remove her gently because he don't want to hurt him but who thought that this woman hug him tightly while using her arms and legs to lock him down.

Suddenly Xin's mask accent fall, Olvia stare at the man to see who he is, but she suddenly daze.

Because she was to close at Xin, she can see all the details from Xin's face.

White silver-hair,ruby-like eyes, straight nose, delicate face while his eyebrows are knit in each other, he look despise but he still handsome.

Seeing Olvia was daze, Xin hurry remove her from him.

Xin gently place her down and said," Miss Archeology you can't do that, what will happen if someone sees me like that"

"My good reputation will be destroyed if someone sees us, thank goodness that there are no people in the Island right now"


Meanwhile up in the air, inside of the Airship, Robin and Frankenstane see all happen below.

They even see that Olvia bite Xin at his shoulders, the two feel envy and below to the unknown women.

Robin stare at the face of the woman to remember her, she memorized the face of the woman so that in future she will help Xin to stay away from her.

Even though she feel that she already see this woman, she can't still remove a bad feeling that maybe one day his only friend Xin will be taken away from her.

And she doesn't want that to happen, Xin is the only friend she have, there is already a cute and shy girl waiting at Xin.

Xin don't need another mature woman in his life.

Two is already enough.

Who thought that first expression of Robin to her mother is a girl that need to be stay way from Xin.
