Chakra Training

After removing Nami from him, Xin said to Bell-Mere," I will give you that rifle in one condition, you need to successfully learn a technique that i will teach you"

"You only have 3 days to learn it, before I left i will see if you successfully complete my small request"

Bell-Mere," Sure, why not. After all, I was done harvesting and i need to wait for the next season to my tree to bear a fruit"

Xin took a piece of paper and wrote all the details in the Chakra Training Scroll and then passed it to her.

Xin said," You only need to activate all the chakra in your body after that you can get the Flintlock Rifle from me"

Bell-Mere stares at the piece of paper in her hand, she can see lots of detail about some kind of energy, and how to activate it. She knows that this thing is not easy to master. After all, she can see the human figure and some chakra points that need to be activated.

Bell-Mere fold the paper and hide it in her pocket," I will try to learn it but i don't know if i can successfully learn it within three days"

Xin said," It's fine, just try it. We will see after three days if you have the ability to learn it"

bell-Mere nod and star asking what things need to do to successfully learn that Chakra technique.

Because Xin already activates a bunch of energy in his body, he easily teaches her what to do.

After that they take their lunch and go back to their own houses to take a rest, meanwhile, Xin walk on the beach with Stella and Chaos to retrieve all the gold and treasure that they left.

Xin said," I will going to practice first you guys can go back now"

Stella and Chaos modded leaving Xin sitting in a large rock.

Xin is going to start cultivating Chakra. Chakra is formed by combining two other energies.

Physical energy can be increased through training and exertion, and spiritual energy is increased by experience and meditation.

Chakra is unique to the individual, with each having their own colour and "feel" based on their personality and lineage

Chakra resides in every cell of the human body, and is transported throughout by something known as the Chakra Network. This chakra network runs through the entire body, right down to a cellular level:

As an energy, it's extremely malleable. Inherently, each person has an affinity to one of the five basic natures but chakra can be transformed so that anyone can use any of the natures. It just won't be as easy.

Chakra goes far beyond the five basic natures though, able to achieve an insurmountable amount of effects; from the creation of clones to the manipulation of space-time continuum and everything in between. The Yin and Yang natures used separately and together even allow for the manipulation of reality itself.

The level and potency of the chakra has affected their physical aspects too. The more/stronger chakra that a person has at any given time, the faster and stronger they are.

By releasing a burst of chakra, the body is momentarily charged with the energy, allowing the user to move at blistering speed.

A body will have a "maximum" amount of chakra that they can form and use before it runs out and they need to rest to replenish it. With practice this maximum can be increased, but to a certain extent as they are limited to the quantity and strength of chakra that their genetics grants them

Because chakra takes time and a great deal of training to gradually build up, the key to its use is not actually having large amounts of chakra but instead being able to sufficiently control and conserve it. This is called chakra control.

In order to have good chakra control, a ninja should only mould as much chakra as they need to perform a given ability. If they mould more chakra than is needed, the excess chakra is wasted and they will tire out faster from its loss. If they don't mould enough chakra, a technique will not be performed effectively, if at all, likely creating problems in a combat situation.

General training methods for improving one's moulding and manipulation of chakra are the Leaf Concentration, Tree Climbing, and Water Surface Walking exercises. A good way to build up chakra in the body is to spin it into a tight spiral; Whether to spin the chakra left or right is dependent on the way the user's hair grows.

Hand seals are often used to manipulate chakra more easily, allowing shinobi to execute their techniques faster and more effectively. Shinobi who are extremely skilled at chakra control often specialise in genjutsu or become medical-nin.

But this kind of training is useless in the case of Xin, his body can easily adapt and train energy so training is only useless for him. It is better than training his weapon than continuing expanding the energy in his body.

The chakra in Xin's body starts to come out informed materialize, a golden-colored chakra releasing from Xin's body.

Xin 'feels' that his own chakra has unique characteristics like Enthusiasm, Happiness, Positivity and warmth as sunshine.

A unique chakra that Xin only has, and the only one can inherit is Xin's future children and her next family generation.

When Xin is about to stop practicing and about to go back, Xin's blood suddenly boils while his body starts to bleed.

Ding! Warning Host body starts to break Down please think of a solution before Host explodes!!

Ding! Warning Host body starts to break Down please think of a solution before Host explodes!!

Ding! Warning Host body starts to break Down please think of a solution before Host explodes!!

Ding! Warning Host bo …

The system starts giving warning to him but Xin doesn't know what pen to his body. He only just finished practicing chakra that's all.

????," Hey kid you are in trouble again this time"

Xin hurriedly said," Grandpa Stone Staff, thank goodness you awake!! Please help me. I don't know what will happen to my body right now!"

????," There is a bunch of energy colliding inside of your body right now kid because of all of the mare not compatible with each other they start destroying each other to see who going to dominate inside of you"

????," Your problem is hard but easy to accomplish"

Xin asked," What can I do Grandpa Stone Staff?"

????," Easy, you just need to blend them together and create your own energy"

Xin asked," Meaning?"

????," What an idiot kid, you need to combine all the energy inside of your body, after that your problem will be solved… okay I will sleep again and don't do some reckless things kid …."

Ding! Congratulations you receive an Emergency Quest: New Energy.
