
In the darkness of night Xin suddenly awakened, he felt something coming to them at a fast speed.

He yawns and walks outside while Melan follows him behind, based on Xin's body clock it is already midnight.

He waits a few minutes until a group of devils wearing armor and holding swords arrive at them.

They all land in front of Xin and Melan and ask," Do you see a girl wearing tattered clothes pass here?"

Xin lazy said," No, we don't we just arrive today and we did not notice anything"

The devil stared at him and said," Are you sure? You don't know that girl is a murderer of her own master"

Xin wave his hand and said," No, I really don't know and see anyone pass by here"

Suddenly one of the devil's walk in the manmade bathtub and see a tattered cloth, he walks to his captain and shows it to him.

The devil angry stared at Xin and said," Then what is this?"

Xin said," A rag?"

The captain draw his sword and point it to Xin's head and said," Are you fooling us around stupid kid"

"Do you know who we are? We are the royal guard of the House of Naberius!"

Xin pinch his sword and break it to piece, he said," I don't know you and please don't point your weapon on me, I'm easy to be scared ~"

The devil was shocked, they did not expect that the kid was too strong.

All of them draw their weapons to get ready if a battle starts to happen.

But the captain stop them and said," We are going back"

All of them are confused about what happens but the captain's order is absolute so they follow him back to their clan.

Xin just yawned and walked back to sleep.


Meanwhile, the group of the devil is flying back to their clan, and the devil suddenly asks," Captain why did we fall back? Our opponent is just a kid and a weak woman"

The captain said," I can feel that we will not going to win to them"

"You see that kid, i can't feel any strength from him, not a little bit"

The other devil said," Maybe he is just a low-class devil that so weak that you don't even feel any power from him"

The captain shook his head and said," Do you know what kind of sword I'm using?"

"This sword is so hard that even High-Class Devil can't shatter easily, but that kid just casually did it"

The devil asks," You mean that"

Captain said," Yes that means that Kid is an Ultimate Class or he is in a different clan that special ability"

All of them now understand why their Captain chose to fall back, after all, its idiocy fighting an opponent that is much stronger than you.


Back to the cave, the catgirl heard it all happen, she did not expect that her pursuer would fall back as easily.

She did not know what happened, she only heard why to talk and then something shattered after that they all fell back.

She wishes to ask them but she is afraid to talk to them, she dont know if they are like her previous master.

When she feels that Xin is already lying down with his maid, she wants to ask but eventually she stops after hearing the calm breath of him as if he is already asleep.

She helplessly closes her eyes and eventually falls asleep too, meanwhile Melan who is lying beside Xin takes out her mobile phone and starts taking pictures again.

This time the theme is sleeping, she continues taking photos until she is satisfied.


Early in the morning the girl suddenly awakens, she notices that the big bed is already empty.

When she gets up and comes outside, she sees the girl is cooking while the kid is not around.

She walks to the girl and asks," Where is the kid?"

Melan said," Master ….. Is doing his morning ....exercise …"

The catgirl bewildered, she did not expect that the kid has a good hobby, doing exercise in the morning.

A few minutes later, Xin goes back after finishing her daily quest. He goes back while carrying a bag of assorted fruit that he gets while running in the forest.

He places it on the table while Melan walk to him and give him hot milk. After that, he got himself too and gave a share for the catgirl.

The catgirl nervously stared at them and said," You all read found out who I'm do you?"

Xin calmly said," Yep"

The catgirl asks," Are you not scared?"

Xin said," No"


Xin smile at her," Because I know that you did not really want to do that"

"And the second thing is you can't win against us so I'm confident that you will can't harm us"

The catgirl feels touched when she heard the first sentence but her mood becomes angry when she heard the second.

She asks," The can i come along with you guys?"

Xin said," You can but, we don't know if we going to stay here for a long time"

"After all we only come here because of failed magic transportation, we will leave after our magic fixes"

The catgirl feel said, but eventually, she convinces herself to cheer up, she stares Xin and said," I'm Kuroka a Nekomata, nice to meet you, nya ~"

Xin smiled and said," Welcome, little cat ~"