Xin the SSS-Class Criminal

Sirzechs walk closer to Xin, seeing that Grayfia stand in front of him look like a hen protecting her egg from the intruder.

Meanwhile the other Mao becomes tense, they don't know what will happen this time, after all Sirzechs almost flip the whole underworld just to find the mysterious fiance of Grayfia.

Grayfiea stares at him intently and asks," What are you going to do Lord Sirzechs?"

Sirzechs expressionless said," I just want to see the Lord of Fie Clan, and to see what he has that I don't have?"

Grayfia was about to say something when suddenly Xin tugged her clothes.

When she turn around she see Xin smiling at her and said," You are popular Grayfia-oneesan ~"

"Lord Sirzechs even want to confront me because of you ~"

Grayfia said,'' No it's not that, Lord Sirzechs asked me for marriage but I rejected him, but he did not stop. He court me for more than 400 years but i always reject me because of you"

Xin asked," Why reject him, after all he looks decent and gentleman?"

Sirzechs who heard what he said felt good somehow, while the other Mao felt that Xin had thick skin he shameless bootlick in front of Sirzechs.

Grayfia straightforward said," Even Lord Sirzechs is handsome, you still my fiance, and that thing is not going to change even you refuse"

Xin sadly said," But-"

Grayfia said," No but, my choice will never change you been chosen by the previous Mao and that thing will never change"

"And what is that form, did you play somewhere and curse to be Fox Yokai?"

Xin wry smile and said," Well, many things happen, and in the end I become criminal of the underworld"

Grayfia was shocked, she did not expect him to become a criminal after coming back.

She hurriedly asked," What did you do, did you kill someone!?"

Xin embarrassed said," Well .... I did not kill anyone ... it just …"

Seeing his embarrassed face, Grayfia urged him to tell the reason, while the other Mao was staring at him, they all thought what kind of crime did this kid do.

Meanwhile, Sirzechs sitting not far away from them drawing a circle in the sand. he was devastated again being rejected in front of the other Mao and his actual rival is a kid.

Xin said," I beat …... some devil ...."

Grayfia sigh and said," You only beat them, and that is only a small matter, after all dispute is always happening in the underworld"

"Do you remember who you beat and what clan they belong to?"

The three Mao nodded, fighting with the younger generation is normal here in the underworld, but the most embarrassing is that the devil who got beaten even report what happened to them.

Xin thought," I can't remember all of them, wait let me ask Melan if she remember all of them"

Melan walk beside Xin and said," The devil master beat come from, Gamigin Clan, Sallos Clan, Barbatos Clan, Purson Clan, Naberius Clan, Stolas Clan, Shax Clan, Balam Clan, Oriax Clan, Furcas Clan, and lastly the Phenex Clan"

"Overall Master beat 306 Devil from Young to Old"

Grayfia was shocked, while the other Mao was dazed, they did not expect that this kid would beat a lot of devils. And not only that the devil he beat is from a prestigious clan in the underworld.

Ajuka said," Wait a minute, I somehow remember this case"

Serafall nodded," Me too"

Asmodeus said," That case is the thing just report for today's meeting"

Serafall shock," Yes you are right Fal-Tan, the SSS-Class criminal that is strolling in some main City and forest of the Underworld"

The three of them stare at Xin who is talking to Grayfia. They did not expect that the most wanted criminal in the underworld is already in front of them.

He even comes to pretend to be a representative of a clan, but well he dont need to pretend after all he is the real Fei Clan Master.

Seeing that they all know he is, Xin removes his transformation magic and comes back to his original form, he removes Melan transformation too.

"A child age 8 - 9 years old, white-silver hair, ruby-like eyes, and feminine looking face" Serafall said.

"The other one is a girl with voluptuous build with long, black hair styled in pigtails secured with dark-pink ribbons. Her hair also has a long strand of protruding hair, and violet-colour eyes" Ajuka stares at Melan.

Asmodeus asks," Where is the Nekomata?"

Xin point Koroka who is in his shoulder and said," She is here, she transformed into a cat"

They stare at the cat who is staring back at Koneko attentively.

Grayfia asks," Lord Xin, can you tell me who did all this thing happen?"

"I think all of the Mao here want to here your explanation"

The three Mao nodded. Xin then explained to them what really happened.

After hours of explanation, the Four Mao now understood what happened, they did not expect that, this kid is really mischievous.

Grayfia sigh and said," Melan, why did you not stop Xin doing all of that?"

Melan stare at them and said," Master is doing it for fun, and there no harm what he doing after all, those devil want to take master so i beat them and hang them all in the tree"

Grayfia said," But-"

Melan said," Don't worry, Grayfia-san, Master never kill anyone, he even play robber in the sea and rob all pirates that he pass"

All of them now understand why this kid did it, so the reason is, he done it already in the past, and the first victim is pirates somewhere.

Serafall smile and dais," I think that's cool, hey Xin-Tan, let me come to you and rob some devil later ~"

Xin eyes become bright and said," Yes let's do that, why not find a hideout of any wanted criminal and then rob them, that is much more fun ~"

The other Mao stared at both of them, they did not expect that he would want to rob again after he was done here.