Xin new victim

Xin said," Uncle, you are too wicked, you even try to kill defenseless woman ~"

"Do you know that women and children must protect to any kind of harm."

Suou, Shuri, and Akeno see a small hand and then Xin starts to appear in front of them, staring Suou like trash.

Suou used all his strength to get back his sword but he was shocked that he couldn't take it from, he angrily said," Who are you, why are you intervening on us!!"

Xin said," I'm just a tourist that passed by, I came here to see what happen but who thought that i only see is a despicable old man who only know how to threaten a pair of mother and daughter"

"And you even want to kill them defenseless, I don't know what kind of terrorist group you belong to. If I know it I already hunt all of you down one by one"

Suou angry said," You are only a little bit strong from me, and don't meddle in the problem of my clan!"

Xin said," And so? Why not tell me what clan you belong maybe i can visit it later"

Suou shout," I'm from Himejima Clan a well know on our shrine priestess and priest"

Xin shock," You are from a good clan but you are despicable? When did a priest become detestable like you?"

Souo angry said," So you really are going to intervene on the problem of my clan?"

Xin grip his finger and destroy Suou sword and said," So what if i intervene you are weak to stop me"

Suou take back his sword and walk out, he said," Then die here with that mother and daughter"

Shuri whos holding Akeno hurry said," You need to get out from here, you will going to be killed"

"There are a bunch of fallen angels, devils and human from my clan waiting outside"

Xin smiled and said," Don't worry, I'm strong, the people outside are too weak to be my opponent"

Shuri nervous siad," But-"

Xin cut and said,'' Why not get ready yourself, we need to leave from here. This place is not safe now"

Shuri suddenly remember to scape from here, she hurry gave Akeno to Xin and said," I will have a bit of energy, if I push myself hard I can let you two escape"

Xin stared at this woman, he already said that it's fine but she is still insisting on escaping from here.

He sighed and give back Akeno to her," Wait here and i will solve the problem outside first"

He walks out, as if the barrier never exists, Xin comes out straightly, he gazes around and sees a bunch of enemies already gathered around the house.

Suou laughed at him and said,'' Are you ready to get killed here kid? This is the result of your interfering to our work"

Xin smiled brightly and said," Can you all mister get out from here? I promise i will let you all escape ~"

All the people stare at each other and then laugh loudly.


"Are you saying that you going to take us all"

"Escape? From you, are you a God kid? Hahaha"

Seeing that they only laugh, Xin helpless take his stone staff and said," Well, you guys don't know what good on you"

"Well then stay here and get naked ~"

Xin pounced to a nearby devil and bash his head to knock him out, the group of devil suddenly shocked they did not expect that the kid was really going to fight them.

They angry dash to take down Xin, but they did not expect that he is to strong for them

One by one the devil, fallen angels and humans who try to take down Xin fell on the ground while clutching their heads.

Suou who saw everything happen became pale, he did not expect that the kid was really strong, much stronger than he expected.

Seeing that his clan member started to subdue him, he tried to escape, but when he turned around he heard a voice.

"Where are you going uncle ~? Going to escape?"

Suou horrified seeing Xin smiling behind him, he tried to fight but, just like the others, he was smacked by Xun in the face.

Xin grab all of them one by one and strips naked, ties and eventually hangs them under the tree like scarecrows.

He smiles at them and said," Why did you guys did not escape, hai ~ being good people is really hard. "

"Look at yourself you all been captured, if this thing heard to your world all of your comrades will laugh at you guys"

All of them start to clamoring in front of Xin.

"Let me go, kid, do you know who I'm!!"

"You despicable kid, you only strong that's all!!"

"You shameless kid, if I ever escape from here I will hunt you down!!"

All of them try to break the rope that binds them, but they notice that the rope is too strong not only that, the rope is itchy too.

Xin grin at them and said," You guys will never escape from me, the only one can destroy tightrope is a high ran being in your races"

"And take note, the rope have a special effect, and that is itchy, the more time you spend with it the more itchy you feel ~"

Xin took all their valuable items and burned their clothes. He happily walked back inside of the house to check for the mother and daughter.

Inside of the house, Xin notices that Shuri is already pale, while Akeno is crying beside her.

He hurried to see what happened and he was shocked to see that Shuri used her remaining energy to make two teleport talisman for them.

Akeno noticed Xin and hurriedly said," Onii-chan help my mother, please! Her face looks sick!!"

Xin walked to check her condition, and he was shocked again to see that Shuri used her life force to make the talisman.