Sacred Gear Mutation

When Xin walks back to the clubroom, the Summit Meeting of the Three Faction is about to start any time soon.

Xin who just came back after creating is stopped by Grayfia along the way, telling him to come and join the Summit Meeting.

But who is Xin? He likes to do something fun not to sit and listen to a boring meeting. It's much fun if he stays with the other because he knows that the first wave of the enemy will appear there.

And not only that, he wants to copy Gasper Sacred Gear and if possible Tsubaki and Saji Sacred Gear too.

When he entered the clubroom, he found that Issei, Asia, Ravel, and Xenovia were here too.

He was confused so he asked," Why are you guys here?"

Issei said," Prez said that we can add to the number of the people who can help if something dangerous happen"

All of them nodded, Xin said," Do you guys know that it's dangerous staying here?"

"It's fine, I'm here to help if something really happens," Xenovia said.

Ravel said," That's right and I have the obligation to help the current leader of the underworld faction"

Xin looks around to see who is present here, and only sees Koneko and cardboard that she is actually sitting right now.

He looked around and asked," Wheres Gasper?"

Then a voice rang,"... I'm here…"

He looked down at the cardboard box and asked," And what are you doing inside of that box, Gasper?"

Koneko stood up and the cardboard box opened. Gasper who looked scared pounced on Xin and hugged him, he nervously said," Xin-kun, help me they are bullying me!!"

"One of them chased me for almost half a day with a holy sword.

Xin only knows that Xenovia is the only one who has a holy sword with them.

"Then another girl appeared and gave me a bunch of garlic!"

Xin looked at Koneko who still slightly smelled garlic in her hand.

"And then there's two bad guys want to bully me using a ball,"

Xin sighs and looks at Issei who wryly smiles while looking somewhere as if he did not do it.

He asked," So why did they bully you?"

Gasper said," because of my Sacred Gear!"

Asia walks at Xin and tells him why they did that, they actually want to help Gasper to train, Xenovia did that and she don't want Gasper to be weak, Issei wants to train his Sacred Gear, while Koneko only wants to bully him.

Xin sit while Gasper following him, he sat and said," Okay let me help you in your training for your Sacred Gear"

Gasper excitedly said," Realy?"

Xin point at Issei and said," You can ask Issei, he already my disciple, and he already see the true form of his own Sacred Gear"

Issei nodded," Little Master know the best, he even know the technique that even my self don't know"

Gasper held Xin's hand excitedly and said," Help me too Xin-kun!"

Xin said," Okay i will help you, but first i will copy your Sacred Gear so that i can analyze what kind of Sacred Gear you really have"

Xenovia and Ravel thought,' Copy the Sacred Gear? Is that even possible?'

Xin buff Ravel and Koneko to prevent them weakening by his own Sacred Gear, after all, Xin Sacred Gear has Holy Base Property.

Xin touch Gasper head and then.


Xin and Asia Sacred Gear shine, Xin's sacred Gear appears in front of them in the form of a book then it automatically starts flipping the page and then stops at a particular page.

On that page, a picture of Gaper Sacred Gear appears with its name and description.


Forbidden Balor View 'The Evil Eye that Stops the World,'

Time/Space-Based Sacred Gears


Forbidden Balor View grants the user the ability to momentarily stop the time of anything within their line of sight. The duration of the effect depends on the user's mastery over the Sacred Gear as well as the target's power relative to the user. The range of effect may be further increased if the wielder is able to generate more eyes through which they could see.


Forbidden Invade Balor the Beast: Forbidden Balance Break.

Sacred Gear Scanner: A scanner that can tell the type, abilities, and weakness of a Sacred Gear.


Xin tries to use it but something happens, his 'Golden Gaze Fiery Eyes' and 'Forbidden Balor View' did not mix well with each other.

Ding! Forbidden Balor View mutated with Golden Gaze Fiery Eyes, creating a new type of Sacred Gear.

Ding! Successful Created 'Great Sage Forbidden Eyes'


Great Sage Forbidden Eyes 'Eye's of the Great Monkey Sage'

True Time/Space-Based Longinus


Stop Time: Freely stop time based on how much energy users use. The more energy the user uses, the wider the range of Time Stop.

Slow Time: The user can slow time depending on how much energy he uses.

Sacred Gear Sealer: Can seal any kind of old Sacred Gear, from the weakest to the strongest Sacred Gear.

Forbidden Move, Time Domain: Create a dome as your own field 'world'.

Forbidden Move, Age Time: Gives the user the ability to control the time-space continuously by "sealing Time away", giving them the freedom of stopping all and every motion within their "world," suggesting that it is only accessible to the user of the Magic with the user being shown able to freely move around at will during its usage.

Forbidden Move, Fast Time: Can freely manipulate time on your own will.

Space/Time Lord: Forbidden Balance Break.
