Rias's Child ~

Rias and others come in, the first thing that Venelana and Zeoticus, Rias's father, is not actually their own daughter but the boy with crimson hair carried by Melan.

Xin look at Rias's father, a handsome middle-aged man with the same crimson hair.

Zeoticus Gremory is the current Head of the Gremory Clan. He is the father of Rias Gremory and Sirzechs Lucifer, and the husband of Venelana Gremory.

Zeoticus has the appearance of a middle-aged, handsome looking man with long crimson red hair that is tied in a loose ponytail with a black hairband. He has bright blue eyes just like his two children, Sirzechs and Rias Gremory. He also has a short and red beard or stubble.

Zeoticus confused asks," This kid is?"

Xin removes Melan's hands and jumps in the ground, he walks beside Rias, holds her hand, and looks innocent and naive.

The others suddenly notice that Xin's hair suddenly changes and the way he look at Rias's parents look cute.

Rias surprise at what Xin did, she also confused why he suddenly changed his hair color and that innocent face is irresistible.

Xin shyly looked at Rias's parents and said," H-Hello ~ Grandpa, Grandma ... I'm… X-Xin Fei, I'm Rias's Mothers…. Son…" Then he blushes for the final touch.

The girls want to hug Xin while Rias understands now what he wants to do, he actually wants to impersonate himself as her son.

"WHAT!!" Zeoticus and Venelana both surprise, their baby girl bring a cute and innocent-looking child.

They want to reject him but seeing the trademark of their family and that is the Crimson Color Hair.

They both accept that he is really Rias child, from the look they both 100% deceive by Xin.

Zeoticus hurry ran in front of Xin and happy said," Grandson come, hug Grandfather, ~"

Xin, of course, play hard to get, he hide behind Rias while holding her thigh tightly, he peek behind attentive looking at Zeoticus

Zeoticus hurry said," Wife, look at this adorable Grandson of mine ~ i cant help to hug him but he look scared on me"

Venelana looks at her daughter to see if something changes on him but she can't see any change, she look the same when she left him last time.

She fully knows that if a woman gives birth, some of their bodies start to develop but her daughter don't have any change, and not only that why his son is already big.

Venelana asked," Rias, is this child your son and the man's son?"

Rias flustered and said," Y-Yes mother… "

"Why is your child already big? if I'm not wrong if you do the deed after i left, then you should not still have a child"

"Your pregnancy period is too fast, and based on how big your son is, he should be 3 to 4 years old right?"

Rias starts to formulate some lies inside of his head but Xin is much faster than him.

Xin said," Father said that he use time and space spell to fasten my growth, he said that being a cute child than a noisy baby"

Venelana looks at Xin and asks," How do you know that?"

Xin nervously said," F-Father told me…. ?"

Venelana thought," What's your name again?"

Xin thought that he should change his name but he actually spilled out the bean right in the spot.

"Okay you win," Xin said and stopped hiding behind Rias.

While Rias carries Xin in front of her like a doll, Venelana looks at them and thinks that they both look like mother and son.

Then she looked at his husband who was excited for a grandchild. She helplessly sigh, hoping that his son gets married already and gives them a grandchild.

Venelana said," Okay you guys sit, i will ask for food for the butler outside"

All of them nodded, Rias sat in the middle while Akeno and Asia sat in her sides, they both attentively looked at Xin.

They thought that Xin looks cute in his original form but his crimson hair this time is different.

Meanwhile, Melan who already started taking Xin pictures using her new HD camera with 100G capacity, she already filled the other memory card with Xin picture so this one is new.

Akeno said, "Xin change your hair like mine later okay, i want to see what my son looks like?"

Aisa embarrass said," M-Me too, change to a blond hair too"

Xin nodded, "Let's do it later, but I think something more fun, why not go to another Clan like the Sitri clan and impersonate Sona-Oneesama's child?"

Ria hurry nodded," Let's do that later, i think Sona will going to get scared if she know that she already has a big son ~"

Meanwhile, Zeoticus dejectedly sat in the corner of the room while making a circle in the carper, he did not expect that his dream grandchild is impostor, he was hoping that he would get a grandson soon.

Venelana came back with a butler and maid carrying food for them, after serving all of them Venelana sat in front of them and ignored his dejected husband.

Venelana said," I still did not congratulate you in defeating Raiser in last Rating Game"

Rias sip her tea and said," Its fine mother, that rating game is easy, if not for that stupid regeneration of Raiser.

"But still i did not expect you to become power in a short amount of time, I only thought that training only makes you guys a little bit stronger but it's not."

Rias proudly hug Xin who sitting in her lap while eating some pastry said," Of course Xin-kun is the one who train us"

Xin said," I will train you guys more later, "Xin said and continued to eat.

"Yes!," They all excited much more Ravel and Xenovia who did not experience Xin's training program.

"But still are you sure that you will stick to this child until the very end?" Venelana said while looking at Xin who is in this form.

Even she want to take Xin and to pamper him in this form, he is much adorable and huggable than his old form who is too handsome.

Rias notice her mother's gaze and hug Xin tightly said," I will not going to give him to you"

"I'm only looking, Hohohohoho ~," Venelana said.