Issie vs Cao Cao

Issei who look like an incarnate of Boob God proudly said," Master i will let you see my full potential"

[ Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! ]

"Boobs Smasher!!"

The pink aura accumulates inside of Issei shoot straight to Cao Cao, it's a gigantic pink electromagnetic beam that easily melts even the soil in the ground.

"Little World"

Seeing that the beam can easily destroy almost the whole City, Xin helpless creates a separate dimension.

The energy came to Issei fly straight and hit at the end of dimension but because the end of dimension is the dimensional gap the attack did not cause any more damage.

Cao Cao did not expect that Issei could release such devastating power from that weird-looking energy orb.

"If this is your last shot then you will lose," Cao Cao said.

"No, this is not the end, I will let you see my new form," Issei said.

"I, who am about to awaken,"

"Am the Heavenly Dragon who has stolen the principles of domination from God"

"I laugh at the "infinite", and I grieve at the "dream"

"I shall become the Red Dragon of Domination"

"And I shall sink you to the depths of the crimson purgatory!"

Issie shout," Juggernaut Drive"

"So he can use it after absorbing that pervert potential," Xin thought," I hope he don't rampage here"


Juggernaut Drive appears very similar to the Scale Mail armor with a much more Dragon-like appearance. The armor possesses claw-like growths on the hands and feet, as well as horns and a fanged mouth on the helmet.

"Hey Issei, are you still there," Xin shouted to see if Issie retained his sanity from this overwhelming power.

"I-I can still think like a normal Little Master…" The red dragon said.

[ Partner, you need to move fast before you become insane, your potential can only help you for a couple of seconds"

"Ok, Ddrag!" The red dragon said.

[ Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! ]

[ Explosion! ]

The protective armor in the chest area of Issei opens while another charged particle beam starts to charge up.

"As if I let you shout that," Cao Cao said, making his spear extend.

"Too late, do it Ddrag!" Issei shouted.

[ Longinus Smasher! ]

"Shit!," Cao Cao feel that dangerous energy shooting at him,

"Balance Break! Polar Night Longinus Chakravartin"

Seven orbs appear behind Cao Cao, this is his sub-Balance Break Polar Night Longinus Chakravartin.

It creates seven orbs called the Seven Treasures, each having different abilities and an intense ring of light.

"Mala Ratana"

An orb behind him flies straight to the incoming Longinus Smasher and redirects it outside of the dimensional gap.

"Atsusa Ratana"

Another orb flies straight to Issei and then Issei disappears and appears where the Longinus Smasher is about to hit.

"Shit!" Issei shout one of his arm suddenly changes into color white.

[ Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide! ]

Issei is now using the Divine Dividing ability that he got last time, he did not expect that he needed to use it in times like this.

"Divine Dividing?" Cao Cao did not expect that Issei also had the power of Vali.

"Balinayaka Ratana"

Another fly straight to Issei, Ddrag hurry warn him [ Partner shoot that orb, i can feel that orb is dangerous! ]

[ Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! ]

[ Explosion! ]

[ Longinus Smasher! ]

He then activates Divine Dividing ability to that Orb, even though the orb is still far, Issie instinct screams that Orb is dangerous.

[ Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide! ]


"Arg!" Issei who used Divine Dividing absorbs special energy, destructive energy that almost crushes his internal organ.

Not far from them, a dimensional gap open and a voice rang," Just like i expected, Red Dragon Emperor Juggernaut Drive"

Vali arrives with his team after roaming around the dimensional gap, Vali feels that someone is actually fighting inside of the gap so he comes here with his team to see.

Xin see that Issei is in danger so he pull him back to help his stupid disciple.

He can feel that there's special energy from him that is trying to destroy him so Xin hurry removes it from him.

"Asia-chan, help this stupid to heal, i exhaust his potential and stamina so he can't move right now," Xin said and look at Cao Cao who sweating hard.

He can see that Cao Cao paid something to use that dangerous move, but even Xin doesn't know what he uses to activate that orb.