Having a Child


Inside of the territory of Youkai Faction, Xin and her peerage is having fun after a day of the dangerous fight.

Yasaka, Serafall, and Azazel are talking in the opposite table about the alliance. Of course, Yasaka didn't even think twice.

She joins the alliance not just because of their protection but because of Xin, she knows that Xin will never endanger her and their daughter.

Xin whos eating beside Kunou and Ophis look natural, but not the others like Issei and Saji, they were both nervous and scared.

They both know that this small child is the big boss of Khaos Brigade, a strong dragon, she can easily squash them in her finger.

"So what your next plan Xin," Rossweisse asks.

"Of course enjoy our last day of the school trip, after that enjoy the school festival," Xin said while munching the cake.

Ophis looks at the cake in his hand and asks," Is it good?"

Xin nodded, then scoop a bite-size cake and give it to Ophis," here"

Opis sniffed it and slowly opened her mouth, Xin fed her like a baby, carefully and gently.

Ophis carefully tastes, Xin notices a sharp glint from her eyes, Xin knows that this dragon has a special sweet tooth-like him.

Ophis then looked at him again and opened her mouth, as if saying 'Feed me one more'.

Xin scoop again and feed her like a baby chick, Kunou feels jealous, she can't help but to tug Xin's shirt and says.

"Father me too, feed me too," Kunou spoiled said.

Xin then feeds her too, after seeing it, Ophis tug Xin's shirt asking for more.

Xin then feeds both of them while keeping them clean without any mess, he constantly feeds them until he feels that it's not and having children at home.

The girls look at Xin design the two children, even though they know Xin and Kunous are father and daughter, they can still help to look at the milk brother and sister duo.

Yasaka gently smiles looking at her daughter and little husband, she feels that all her suffering from the past years is worthwhile.

"I still can't believe Xin-tan has a daughter that is the same age as him," Serafall said while jealous looking at Xin and the two girls.

She wants to be spoiled like that too by Xin but she can't, it's still embarrassing doing that in front of the younger generation.

But she can do that if they are both alone with Xin.

"Life is full of miracles, a globe of energy from Xin can make a demigod child easily," Azazel sighs, seeing the interaction of Xin and her daughter.

Azazel feels that Xin is already a winner in life, not only he is powerful he also has a cute daughter.

"So how did you create Kuno-tan?" Serafall Ask.

"After Xin gave me his energy globe, I put it on my navel area to fertilize my egg and create a new life," Yasaka said.

"Like that? It's too easy, I think I need to ask Xin later for that," Serafall said, if having cute children like Kunou is easy, then she can wait to have Xin's energy.

Yasaka feels this bubbly Mao is to nave, she can't help but pull her in the corner to educate her when it comes to being a parent.

Xenovia who overheard Serafall said can't help to feel excited, having a child from Xin is easy and she doesn't need to wait for Xin to grow up.

She hurry walk at Xin and said, "Xin give me fist-size energy,"

"Why do you need that?" Rossweisse asked.

"I overheard Yasaka-sama say that she created Kunou-chan by doing it," Xenovia said.

"Realy?" Rossweisse asked.

Xenovia nodded.

Aisa, Xenovia, Rossweisse, Melan even Ophis look confused and look at Xin.

"You guys can have my energy but I am going to remind you, Yokai, and humans have different physiologies so I think your plan is going to be useless," Xin said.

They thought that Xin is right, Youkai has different physiology to them, maybe that's their difference.

"Aw~ so i need to wait for Xin to grow up," Xenovia sadly said.

The girls feel sad too, but even if they don't have now, they can still have it in the future. They are still young and there are still plenty of things to develop and to learn before becoming full-fledged parents.

Ophis looks at Xin and asks," A child? Can I have that too?"

The boy's face looks weird, while girls look at Ophis, they feel if Ophis gets Xin's energy, they feel that there's a chance that they will see a small Ophis following her 1 year later.

Kunou hurry hug his father, she childish said," I will never give you my father, i will marry father in the future"

"Oh my ~ Oh my ~," Yasaka happily looked at her bold daughter, she was already protecting what she wanted.

Ophis looks at Kunou and grabs Xin's other hand and hugs it too as if she is copying her.

Issei and Saji feel that their teenage life is too bleak, they don't have a girlfriend, not powerful, don't have any beautiful wife, and even a cute daughter.

They both feel that God really is unfair to create all of them equally, well God is already dead so they thought they would not go to her even if they wanted.

Irian and Sona's peerage look at the two of them, they are here but these two idiots can't see them.

They are beautiful, busty, they can easily rank as the most beautiful girls in the school.

Why these two boys can't see their own motives? Do they need to take initiative to confest so that they realize that they are only waiting for them?

Kiba smiled at them and patted their back, he felt that they needed a friend in time like this.