Mochi vs Momentum

Xin takes his stone staff from his inventory and smacks it in the ground creating a layer of cracks in the ground.

The mochi that turns into ice break like a piece of cracker, and even the softness and glutinous of mochi can't even stop from benign smash after being frozen by Xin.

Xin uses his 'Golden Gaze Fiery Eyes' to see Katakuri stats.


Charlotte Katakuri

Class: Pirate ( Vice Captain )

Strength: SS+

Agility: A+

Endurance: SS+

Intelligent: A+

Luck: B+


Mochi Mochi no Mi SS+


Marksmanship A+

Haki A+


Busoshoku Haki

Excess Liquid


Seastone Seawater


Xin lean and a stab passes to his head, he then grabs the trident and pulls it with Katakuri holding it, he then smashes it in the ground.

Katakuri suddenly turn into a mochi body to prevent being hurt, but Xin already know some habit of Devil Fruit User much less Paramecia

Before benign hit or hurt, a Paramecia user will subconsciously use his ability to neutralize the damage they recessive.

In that phase they are pretty open and defenseless, that is the good chance to give them a good blow.

Just like right now, Katakuri turns his back to mochi but he did not expect Xin's feet already coming to his stomach, he wants to turn into mochi but Xin's feet already turn into gold using armament Haki.


"Urggg!?" Katakuri felt that he was stamped by a giant without any defense or guard, his inside slightly dislocated and disarranged.

He endure the pain and turns his arms and hands into mochi and compresses them until they acquire a square shape.

He then hardens them with Busoshoku Haki and punches a super uppercut to Xin.

"Square Mochi"

Xin calmly grabs his hand but still he slightly pushes upward from the force of the uppercut, seeing the opening, Katakuri hurries to take distance.

Xin looked at his palm slightly turned red, he did not expect that he would get slight pain from that desperate attack.

While Katakuri grabs his stomach and starts to use his ability to arrange his organ back to its position.

"Your good," Xin said.

"The only one who hurt me is Grandpa Garp, even Admiral Kizaru did not hurt me even a bit."

"But your different, you have an abnormal strength that a normal human don't have, abnormal endurance that even Giant don't have,"

"And lastly you're pretty smart enough to be called a genius by others," Xin said to him.

"Of course I'm Katakuri grom Charlotte Family, I'm the strongest and smarter of us siblings," Katakuri said,

Xin grinned at him and said," The use all your strength to try to defend, I only prepare to fight Big Mom to test my strength but seeing you makes me change my original plan."

"I will give you a test, a test of strength if you can survive then you will have a good future but if not you need only need to lie down for your whole life,"

Xin waves his stone staff and starts to tie up, he then uses his armament Haki and transforms his hand into a gold armament.

He wants to try to embed his armament into his stone staff but he always fails, but well, maybe the stone staff is stronger even if you don't need armament.

Staff Stance - 'Iron Bridge Blocks the River'

Xin then uses the basic staff stance and starts gathering hsi momentum, the people around start to get nervous after feeling the momentum that Xin is gathering.

Even the other Big Mom's children start to get agitated, the momentum that Xin releases is not a joke even for them.

"T-This is not good, this momentum is too much we need to stop it before it hits Big Brother," Smoothie hurriedly said.

"The problem is, we can't stop it even if we combine our strength," Custard said.

"I can even feel that my devil fruit ability will be easily penetrated by this kid staff if I try to block it." Cracker said.

"Big Brother Katakuri will get angry if we try to stop this fight for sure….. The only thing we can do is to wait… wait until Mama made his move," Galette said.

Katakuri starts to collect a huge amount of mochi on his left hand and compresses it to make it harder, then he adds his own armament haki to make it stronger and more powerful.

"Grilled Mochi"

Katkakurin then lunch a super-fast blazing mochi straight to Xin who gathered momentum.

"Die, kid!"

When suddenly all of the people felt that the momentum suddenly stopped, Big Mom who was watching from afar suddenly flinched and shouted," DODGE KATAKURI!!"

"Too late, take this,"

"First Style – 'Flood Dragon Goes to Sea'"


Xin's simple thrust creates a lifelike dragon road when he releases it, the gathered momentum concentrated at the tip of it.

Seeing the incoming attack, Katakuri knows that his attack is useless in front of that thrust, he only can do is to build up his defense before it hits him.

Xin's simple thrush hits the blazing mochi and destroys it easily, then it flies straight to Katakuri who already built a large amount of mochi armor around him.


Katakuri's armor mochi is crushed by Xin while Katakuri flies out from the castle and lands in the ship dock at the end of the Island.