
Next day, Unohana and Xin are about to get to the Shin'ō Academy for admission but something happens.

Unohana gets a massage that she needs to go somewhere, she doesn't have any choice but to leave Xin alone for his admission.

But before she left, she started to give Xin instruction about the things she needed to do and know, then left after giving a simple map of Soul Society.

Seeing that she really need to go, Xin, of course, push her to leave, maybe the thing she need to do is important,

And Xin is already big enough and has a lot of experience doing a School admission.

After seeing Unohana reluctant to look , she finally leaves after telling Xin that she will come after she finishes her work.

Seeing off Unohana, Xin takes the map and starts to walk to the Shin'ō Academy, following the map can help to easily find it.

While walking straight, a voice rang, "Are you also going to the Spiritual Arts Academy?"

Hearing this voice, Xin looked behind and saw two fellows walking to where Xin is. A boy and a girl.

The boy has long red-haired clothing but it still looks clean, carrying a wooden sword in his waist.

While the girl has short black hair wearing the same clothing but slightly better than the boy, she also carries a wooden sword.

"What's the matter?" Xin asked.

"Kid, are you going to Spiritual Arts Academy?" The boy asked again.

Xin nodded," yes"

"Really? But.. you look too young to take the assessment." The boy said.

"Hey Renji that's rude," The short-haired girl angry rebuke Renji and look back to Xin," Younger brother, please don't offend on what he said, he is just like that,"

Xin shook his head and said," Its fine,"

Looking at these two pair, Xin remember who this two young teenager, they are Renjo Abarai and Rukia

And it seems that they are both just going to join the Spiritual Arts Academy just like him.

"Are you going to attend the school assessment too?"

"That's right," Rukia said.

"We are going to be Shinigami in the future, so we want to take the assessment," Renji said.

"By the way, I forgot to introduce myself to you, I'm Rukia,"

"Im Renji, Renji Abarai"

Xin smiled at them and politely said," I'm Xin, Xin Fei, from the otherworld~"

Rukia and Renji looked at him confused, they both thought,' Otherworld? What's that.'

"Let's go maybe the admission is about to start, it's bad if we arrive later," Xin said.

Shinōreijutsuin, sometimes called the Shinigami Academy, is an institution founded by Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto. Located in the Seireitei, the academy trains Souls with spiritual powers for each of the three military arms of Soul Society.

Applicants to the academy must pass an entrance exam in order to be admitted, and likely must demonstrate that they have some Reiatsu. The entrance exam seems to be open to any and all who wish to apply, resulting in a wide range of individuals of all ages joining.

The social classes of the applicants range from nobles and residents of the more hospitable districts of Rukongai to its more barbaric outer regions.

The results of the entrance exam are used to divide up the successful applicants into different classes, with those who obtain the highest grades being placed in the first class. At the start of the academic year, there is a welcoming ceremony for the new students.

If an applicant fails the exam, it may be taken again.

"Spiritual Arts Academy Southern Assessment Location."

"Maybe this is the place of the assessment?" Xin said.

Renji asked curiously: "This is the place for assessment?"

"Let's go over."

The three of them came to the assessment point. There are already residents of Rukongai who are being assessed. Most of them are teenagers, between the ages of 15 and 19.

But Xin knows that their age is not the same as their face, in Soul Society, soul age is much lower than Human World, especially the higher Reiatsu, the slower the aging speed.

Most people are more than 100 years old on the appearance of young and teenage.

Xin looked at the assessment scene, found that the Shinigami responsible for the assessment, asked a few questions, then took out two instruments to test.

These two instruments are to test age, and to test Reiatsu of course if your Old but your Reiatsu did not come to the standard needed, you will fail the admission.

But even if you're young but your Reiatsu is on the line that you're good enough to enter, you will be admitted.

Age is useless here, the important thing is the Reiatsu, that is the baseline of admission here so everyone can test at any kind of age.

The three walk and take the test, the first one to take the test is Renji.


"Renji Abarai,"

The examiner takes a device and passes it to Renji, Renji grabs it and a number pops out to the device.

The examiner nodded and said: "102 years old."

Then he pays another device to him,the device is to test his Reiatsu level.

"Moderate Power level 4, Pass"

This level of spiritual power corresponds to those possessing an average level of spiritual power. This level of power is common among those of significant spiritual awareness and may even possess powers of their own but the power levels can vary among individuals. This is also a common level of power for a low ranking seated and unseated members of the Gotei 13 or lesser power individuals.

"Congratulations, you Pass," The examiner said.

While Renjo is happy laughing alone, Xin look and see Rokia's worry face, Xin of course know why Rokia Reiatsu is still not on the line that she can admit to the school.

Xin can't help but to smile, he grabs her hand and passes his Reiatsu to her so that she can pass too.

Rokia took back when Xin suddenly grabbed her hand, then she felt the warm energy flowing to her body, feeling up all the empty place inside of his body.

Discovering the change inside of her, Rukia can't help but look at Xin handsome face and whispered, "Thank you Little Brother,"