Bulb Head

After changing to their training uniform, all of them walk to the training field where Ikkaku is impatiently waiting for them.

Ikakku looked at them and said," Okay, I will call your name and you need to walk in front and fight me."

"For girls, you don't need to be nervous, you just need to show me what you learn from me and that's all,"

"And for the boys…. Kekekeke you need to do your best or else you can lie down on the bed for a month or two," Ikkaku devilish said.

"If I call your name, come here in front and dont be shy, don't worry i will not going to kill you, but I will not promise you guys that i will not hurt you, kekekekeke!!"

Then the Death training begins, Ikkaku starts to do a roll call. Those whose names are called by him start to become nervous and pale.

As if hearing your name to be called means death for them, each time someone calls, the tension starts to get high.

Just looking at the miserable condition of each boy who called makes everyone shiver, just imagining that you're the one who's lying on the ground while feeling the pain makes the student even nervous.

But thank goodness, Ikkaku stayed on his word, he did not beat the girls too hard, while the boys…. Well… he really beat them hard.

Renji and Kira look miserable, they both have some bruises and bumps on their face, thank goodness, Momo, and Rukia already master the new Kaido spell.

Seeing the line of students lying on the ground while being healed by the girls makes Xin slightly angry.

After all, they are his new friends in this world, even though this is training, it's still bad to see his friend get beaten.

"Okay next," Ikkaku look at his attendance sheet and said," Xin Fei,"

Xin calmly walked in front of Ikkaku, while Ikkaku took back seeing Xin, he did not expect that his name was Xin because he never took attendance.

But he knows that his kid never takes his class that's why his new face for him, Ikkaku asked," So your name is Xin."

Xin nodded.

"You have big guts kid, you did not even attend one of my class,"

"Sorry, i don't think I can learn something from you," Xin frankly said.

"Hohohoho~ that's new, i never heard someone talking to me like that, even in my squad." Ikkaku grinned at him.

"That's because they are weak, and they thought that it's not fun to talk to a walking bulb," Xin grinned while looking at Ikkaku's bald head.


The student wants to laugh but they forgot that this teacher has a delinquent attitude, they don't know if he suddenly flips out and beats them for good.

"What did you say kid?" Ikkaku calmly asked.

"Bulb, octopus, walking sun," Xin started to taunt him.


Hearing Xin taunting, all the students start to laugh hard, they don't know if they are angry with the teacher because they beat them or because Xin is too funny making a weird name for him.

A huge vain pop out in Ikkau's bald head, he ready himself and angry shout," Damn you kid, no one ever made a joke on my head like that,"

"Realy?" Xin asked.

"You can joke to me if your my friend or your my Captain or Vice-Captain, but your not, your just my student,"

"But you're weak, and…. Bald, I even suspect that the sun's son suddenly came to the ground and started to spread the shining light," Xin took his Stone Staff from his hair.

He hide it there so that he can easily take it out in case of an emergency, and this time it's an emergency because he can already feel that Ikkaku is really angry.

"So you're using a polearm too, let me teach you some lesson that you will never forget," Ikkaku then dash straight to Xin trying to smash him with the wooden stick in his hand.

"Kya!" The girls are horrified seeing that their teacher uses his strength to bash Xin, they know that Xin can be gravely hurt if that bash hits his head.

Xin grin and disappears in front of Ikkaku, Ikkau daze seeing he suddenly disappears.

Then he suddenly felt something hit on his rib cage that crushed two of his ribs and displace some of his organs.

He then threw outside of the ring and embed in the wall, Xin appear again and grin to him," Teacher, get up, you can't sleep like that"

Ikkaku pushes himself out from the wall and looks seriously at Xin.


Xin nodded.

"So you learn using Shunpo, this is going to be fun," Ikkaku grin the make his move.



Both of them use Shunpo at the same time, they both disappear in the view of the student and then.


A large explosion appears in the middle of the trading ground, Ikkaku who appears embedded in the ground this time.

"Cough!" Ikkaku caught blood then weakly looked to Xin," What the hell, how can you be so strong?"

With just a simple clash, Ikkkau realizes that the kid that he wants to beat is too strong for him to defeat.

Not only that, but the kid weapon is also a heavy weapon that can easily crush rocks into dush, much less his body made from flesh.

"Hey cue ball, did you just get beaten by a student?" Suddenly they heard a childish voice from afar.

Xin turns around and sees a young girl with pink hair, dark pink eyes, and a perpetual blush on her cheeks.

And it seems that the young girl notices Xin, they both look at each other when suddenly the pink girl appears in front of Xin.

The girl sniff Xin and said," You're like Ken-chan, i think Ken-chan will be happy to fight you,"

Xin looked at her and smiled. he patted her head gently and said," I don't like fighting, so I think I'll pass."

The girl dazed seeing what he did, she didn't know why she felt comfortable and peaceful form those small hands.