The Hallow

After leaving Soul Society, Xin hurriedly walked to a secure palace and looked around seeing no one follow him and he started to use chants.

"Dark Lord of the night, the unseen entity in the darkness, the concealment shadow, master of stealth"

"Self Made Art: Shadow Cloak"

Xin waves his hand and a black blanket appears and wraps around his body, like a shadow on the night, Xin presses start to dim.

He then starts running around and starts sensing the hollow that hides the new Soul Society.

He doesn't know what is the life signal of a hollow because he did not encounter one, much more to an experimental object.

But he can use the other means to track them by sensing the Reiatsu of the nearby Shinigami, after all, Mitako is not alone, she is on a team.


While Xin is trying to find any trace of Miyako's team, Miyako and the others already arrive at that hallow's lair.

"Is this the right place, Leader?" A shinigami asked.

The leader that they are talking about is a young woman with long dark hair. She keeps it tied up with a strand hanging down on each side. She has a warm smile and is quite beautiful. .

She wears the standard Shinigami attire.

She is Miyako Shiba the 3rd Seat of the 13th Division and served under Captain Jūshirō Ukitake. She is the wife of Kaien Shiba.

Miyako looked around and nodded," This is the right place, based on the information, this is the palace where the last Shinigami group suddenly disappeared."

The other people also start to look around to see if there's any trace of fight or any clue for the enemy.

The team consists of 5 individuals, Miyako as the team leader and the other are veteran Sginigami from 13th division.

"Get ready, I feel something's not right here," Miyako said, taking her Zampakuto out from her waist.

When suddenly from the ground a tentacle-like thing suddenly appears piercing 4 of them while Miyako successfully blocks the attack.

But even when she blocked it, she was shocked that her Zanpakuto scratched and destroyed into many pieces, she hurried to grab one of her team members to take the distance.

She looks around and sees that 4 of them are gravely wounded, she knows that they find a strong enemy this time.

"Hee ~ Hee~ hee~ your fast on your feet shinigami," Then a creepy voice rang around them, teh tentacles started to disappear and from the shadow of the trees a dangerous creature appeared.

A six-limbed creature with a large, flame-patterned mask and a flock of tentacles on his back. The creature looks hollow but his life energy is fundamentally different from hollow.

"What kind of creature are you? Your not looks like an Arrancar or more high-level Hallow, from your life energy you should be a low-level hallow, but how can you speak?" Miyako asked.

"I don't know what I am, but the ability to speak is from those Shinigami that I digest," The Hallow said.

"Just like you and your team, hee hee hee~ you guys will become part of me and your be my meal today,"

Miyako did not expect that this hollow is the one who takes the other shinigami, she now understands why there's no corpse left from the precious fight because he eats all of them.

And the most shocking thing is that this hollow is continuously evolving by consuming shinigami as a meal.

"Carriage of thunder, bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into six!"

"Way of Binding #61 Rikujōkōrō"

She points her index finger at the hallow, then she generates a spark of yellow energy, which summons six thin, wide beams of light that slam into a Hallow's midsection and hold him in place.

"A kido spell? This is new," The Hallow said.

"But it's weak," With only raw strength the Hallow breach the Six-Rod Light Restraint around his body.

Miyako's face became pale, she wanted to use that binding spell to at least give them time to escape but the hollow is abnormally strong.

"Hee hee hee~ Shinigami, let's play, as I can see your the leader of this group, why not play with me,"

"I will attack one of your people and try to prevent me from killing and eating them, of course, you can also escape from here if~ you can leave them all to die here,"

"Let's start, Shinigami~ please entertainer e before my meal~"

Then a tentacle suddenly shoots like an arrow straight to a nearby unconscious Shinigami.

"Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini!! Look upon yourself with horror and then claw out your own throat!"

"Way of Binding #9. Geki"

Miyako hurriedly drew the symbols of the spell in the air, releasing a red energy from her body and then the energy shot straight to Hallow stopping its attack midway.

"Hoo~ you succeed, then try it again, "The Hallow uses his raw strength to breach the bing around his body making Mitako's face become pale from the backlash of the spell.

"Ye lord! Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws."

Miyako suddenly starts to chant fast using all remaining Reiatsu that she has, she knows that they can never escape from here but she has the obligation.

The obligation that she needs to fulfill as Shinigami, even if she needs to use her life to take down this monster, she will do it without even thinking.

"Way of Destruction # Sōkatsui"

A blue flame appears in her palm and like gushing water, the wave of energy explodes straight to the unnamed hallow.

The energy only lasts for a couple of seconds then Miyako falls on her knee, all her Reiatsu is already empty, she doesn't know how many months she needs to wait until she recovers but still evening is worth it.

"Everything is worthwhile," Miyako said while looking at his team's saves even though they were wounded.

"Hee hee hee~ you almost got me there Shinigami~," Suddenly out of nowhere the creepy voice rang again.

From meth goring the Hollow came out, but not like his original form, half of the mask of the hollow destroyed some of the tentacles brun but the Hallow seems energetic even though he took huge damage.

"So~ you can pick, what part should I eat first? The head part or the torso part?"