
"Did they leave?" From a distance, a distinctive male voice rang.

"Yes they already left, it seems that they did this large commotion just to eliminate this new kid," The man said.

From the void, a two shadow appears, a man and a cat, the men looking at Xin who eliminates all the hallow around easily like sweeping the backyard.

"What do you think of Urahara?" The black cat asks.

Kisuke Urahara the former captain of the 12th Division, as well as the founder and 1st President of the S.R.D.I.

Kisuke is a tall, lean man with light skin and gray eyes. His hair is messy and light-blond, with strands framing the sides of the face and hanging between his eyes, and he has chin stubble. He wears a dark green Shihakushō without an undershirt.

"Maybe another threat appears so he tries to eliminate him with the other new Shinigami," Urahara said.

The Cat look at Xin's form and said," I felt i see this new Shinigami somewhere, but i don't know when I see him,"

Urahara took back hearing what she said," Are you sure?"

The cat look attentively at Xin with her golden eyes and said," Yes, but only remember his silhouette, but i don't know why i can't remember him but I'm sure I know him for a long time,"

"Well if you can't really remember, just forget it, what i want to know is why he was targeted by him in the first place," Urahara said.

"Then let me ask him," The cat said and leaped to ask Xin who just finished cleaning all the Hollows around.


"Ok, done, let's see what I get this time," Xin excitedly opened his system notification when suddenly he felt something fast running to his position.

He looks and sees a black shadow running around, he can only see shadow and golden eyes jumping around.

When he looked closely, he discovered it was only a black cat, he thought,' What is she doing here?'

He try to sense and discover a 2 unknown Reiatsu that left while ago and another own hiding in the dark.

'Maybe they discover the large commotion, well tis not hard to not notice that the number of hollows suddenly blow up here,' Xin thought.

'Let me close the Kumon first, I know they will not appear for the meantime,' Xin then started to close the black crack in the sky to stop the hollow to enter the human world.

Using just raw strength Xin grip the void and close the Kumon up in the air, Urahara look up and murmur," Incredible, he actually closes those door like that,"

After closing all the Kumon Xin felt that something landed on his head, he grabbed it and saw that the cat actually showed herself to him.

"You're pretty reckless, you actually show yourself to me," Xin then scratches her chin to tease her.

The cat felt comfortable for some reason, she doesn't know why she doesn't feel irritated while he is teasing her.

"Kid~ do you know that you're being targeted by someone~," The cat said.

"I know, but this kind of thing is not effective for me, so don't worry," Xin then hugged her and asked," What about you little cat, why do you even show yourself to me, did you not even think that maybe I'm a bad guy?"

"I don't know, but I feel that you don't have any malicious intent, just based on your aura," The cat snuggled in Xin's chest to find a comfortable position.

"What about you kid? Why are you here? And why do you know that your being target and the most surprising of them all is that, you don't even look surprised seeing a talking cat,"

Xin gently stroke her body and said," You become a spoiled cat now, i think it's better if you leave no or else other will going to see you here,"

He already felt the multiple Reiatsu that was about to arrive so he warned her to leave before they arrived.

The cat looked at Xin and asked," What's your name?"

"I'm Xin, Xin Fei from the other world," Xin gently said.

"My name is Yoruichi Shihōin, I will see you again, handsome kid," The cat stretched and jumped in the shadow leaving Xin alone.

A few seconds later, a white gap appears up in the sky, then the door opens, and multiple figures come out.

Xin can see almost all the members of the Shinigami Women's Association, the couple Shiba, Kenpachi, Gin, and Aizen.

Almost 4 Captain and 5 Vice-Captain arrive, it seems that the problem is pretty serious that the Captain Commander asks almost half of the Captain to come here.

Unohana who comes out first anxious looking around trying to find Xin, not only him but every member of the Shinigami Women's Association.

Kenpachi who first noticed XIn grip his sword and dash to him," Hey kid fight me!"

Xin waves his staff and smacks Kenpachi like a fly resulting in him falling into the ground embedded in the rocks.

"Stupid Ken-chan, did you not even see, that's Xin-chan," Yachiru who with him jump in Xin's shoulder and ask," Are you fine Xin?"

"Yachiru, get out of the way, I'm going to fight this kid," Kenpachi pushed himself out, but there's more faster than him.

Gin who arrives behind Xin stabs him to take Xin down but he is surprised seeing that only after the image of Xin that he stabs Gin.

Xin who appears behind him kicks and throws Gin next to Kenpachi, seeing Xin appear, almost all of them ready their weapon.

Every one of them is ready to battle except for Nemu, Unohana and suppressing is Rangiku

Rangiku looked closely at Xin and shouted," Master!" She then jumps straight to Xin while Xin subconscious catches her.

"Tsk," Gin who sees all happen is irritated, of course he also knows who he is.

Xin confused looks at Rangiku who is snuggling in his arms, he asks," What master? I don't know that?"

"Master, how can you forget, you're my master, the one who took me to Shin'ō Academy and paid all my living expenses," Rangiku said.

"Master, why did you leave me, you did not even contact me for a long time, did you not like Rangiku anymore?" Rangiku sobbing asks.

The other took back seeing Rangiku's expression, they felt that she really knew this unknown man in front of them, the only problem is that Xin looks clueless on what was happening.