Zampakuto Exhibition

After the drunk accident, everyone in Soul Society knows that the Captain of 4th Division Unohana Retsu has a hidden man that no one knows.

Everyone knew that Unohana did not even have any juicy gossip about her private life, not even any man tried to court her.

But hearing some people seeing Unohana being carried by a mysterious man makes the myth fade, they thought 'Even Captain Unohana needs a man in his life'.

Well, some of the Shinigami did not really marry for a lifetime while some noble married to continue their lineage.

The next thing is the mysterious treasure wine that Captain Shunsui gets from Nanao when she gets back after the small feast.

Everyone knows that Captain Shunsui likes to drink wine, lots of wine, after the new world opens in his eyes he suddenly stops going out to buy sake.

And the thing is, he started pestering Nanao about the supplier of the wine that he gave to him, and not only him who discovered it.

Other Captain, Vice-Captain and some Lieutenant also discover the new wine, while some of them taste it, some only smell it from afar.

And the most frustrating of all is the smell from a group of women who just leave from the Shinigami Women's Association English the next day.

Yes, that's right, the smell of the wine that they take is still lingering from their body, so when the next day they leave to go back to their own base, the smell of the wine spreads where they pass by.

After that incident, 2 days pass and another thing happens, a super rare trading card starts to paper in the black market.

A mysterious handsome man with silver-white hair is on the card, they thought that maybe it's CaptainToshiro but it's not.

And the most amazing of them all is that the card sells in action with an enormous amount of money that a noble bid for it.

It said that it takes 2 hours to close the deal because of the number of women who want to get the card.

But all of this did not change Xin's everyday life, after that incident, Xin chooses to go back to his original form and continue what he usually does and wait for the next step to happen.

The only thing added to his life is Rangiku calling him master and some unrelated things like a love letter delivered in his office every day.


Twenty years later, after that incident Xin's life starts t ogo back to normal, the man in the dark did not try to do something stupid again. Soifon was sitting on a large rock while looking at Xin's training.

"Okay, that's enough, you can continue it next week," Soifon said, after 20 years, Soifon sees Xin's improvement.

She is pretty surprised that Xin learns all of the things she teaches easily but still, she did not let him leave in her hand, she still trained him even though he already mastered all the things she needed to know.

He does this to stop Xin going to another division, after all, she trains him to be one of her right hand men.

As days pass, she starts to become close to him, not because his food is super delicious that she is already addicted to it, not because he can fight her in any kind of training she wants, or not because Xin starts to grow up that he is already as tall as her.

But because she can't bear to let her leave her, she felt that having him in her everyday life makes her gloomy life more colorful.

Just imagining training those lifeless members of the Onmitsukidō makes her day gloomy, it is much fun to train with Xin neven he likes to tease her from time to time.

While thinking she suddenly heard Xin's voice," Captain Soifon, Let's go, the Captain Zampakuto exhibition is about to start."

"Let's go," Soifon said.

Zanpakuto Exhibition is an exhibition for the students who inspire to become Captain, this exhibition will let them see the power of Zampakuto.

This exhibition not only will show the Captains Zampakuto but also share their knowledge about awakening your own Shikai.

This exhibition only takes place every 50 years for those students and for those who still have not awakened their own Shikai.

So this is one of those important days in Soul Society, everyone can't miss it because the nest will be 50 years in the future.

When they both arrive at the venue, Xin can see a bunch of students running in a hurry. They want to take a good position so that they can see the exhibition clearly.

But Xin is different, he already has a good position that the Shinigami Women's Association saves for their members.

Momo who see Xin coming wave and said," Xin-kun, here sit beside me,"

Xin nodded and walked to their position, the chair that the Shinigami Women's Association gets is in front of the ring where the exhibition is about to happen.

"What about the other?" Xin asks to see Unohana, Soifon is not with them.

"Captain Unohana and Captain Soifon need to sit with the other Captain, after all they will be going to show their Zampakuto too," MiyakuRangiku said.

"What about you? Why Are you here? I heard that not only the Captain and Vice-Captain can show their own Zanpakuto, but even the lieutenant can," Xin said.

"Well, my Zanpakuto is still half awake, that's why I'm here," Miyako said.

Xin gentle smiled and said, "Don't worry, you will eventually awake it, maybe we don't know you suddenly awake it while watching the Captains,"

"I hope so," Miyako said.

Xin looks and sees that all the Captain and Vice-Captain is here, not even Kenpachi who practically doesn't like this kind of thing is also here.

Unohana who seems to notice Xin's smile waves to him, Xin grin and wave back to her.

Then an old man with red eyes, a very long white beard, and long eyebrows.

Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto the captain of the 1st Division in the Gotei 13 and also the Captain-Commander of the whole Gotei 13

"It seems everyone is here, then let's start the Zanpakuto Exhibition," Yamamoto said.

"First from 13th Division with their Captain Jūshirō Ukitake"