
Months pass after Xin's disappearance, the Soul Society stops looking for him, but not the Shinigami Women's Association.

Every day, the Shinigami Women's Association takes turns trying to find him but still their search is fruitless.

Even Soifon who uses her authority as Captain of Onmitsukidō to try to find Xin whereabout still doesn't have any clue.

And for the plot that happens to trap Xin and the other, the case was already done, 4 unknown Shinigami confess what they did.

They said that they are jealous of Xin's popularity so they plan to trap him somewhere and use Momo as a scapegoat.

But the Council is not an idiot, they try to detect their Reiatsu and discover that one of them is already at the level of Captain.

After that, the sentence death for plotting to their comrade and then the case close like that.

But the Shinigami Women's Association is not an idiot to accept the confession of those 4 Shinigami.

They felt something is missing from what they confess, even Kaien and Mayaku also felt that way.

So they conduct their own investigation, and the result, nothing, they find nothing at all, they try and try until they eventually give up to find the true culprit.

But finding Xin did not stop, they feel that he is still alive hiding somewhere or maybe he is gravely wounded that's why they can't see him.

The next day the Shinigami Women's Association comes to their usual meeting place to exchange information that they got for the past week.

As usual, they find nothing at all, they search is fruitless again, Unohana who look haggard said," I don't really know where that kid hide this time, and it seems that he hiding place is pretty secured that even Captain Soifon cant find it,"

"Based on Xin's personality, he will not let others outsmart him, but what I don't know is why he is still hiding and into showing himself," Soifon said.

"There's only one possible answer to your question Captain Soifon, the first thing is that Xin's enemy is so dangerous that he chooses to hide," Nanao said.

"The second is that Xin is gravely wounded and in coma somewhere, that we don't know or pretty hidden palace,"

"The last thing is the thing I'm feared the most," Nanao seriously said.

All of them look at her, waiting for her deduction.

"I feared that he would fall to the Garganta," Nanao's face became pale just imagining what would happen if you fell to that place.

Not only her but also the others too, and almost all of them feel that Xin really falls to Garganta, after all, they never see Xin in the site, only open fractures all around the place.

"Then… if Xin really falls to that palace, maybe he already enters Hueco Mundo or the Human World, but I think the Hueco Mundo must be the place where Xin really falls," Unohana said.

Soifon nodded," That's right, after all, even the other personnel in Human World didn't notice anything different there.

Rangiku look at them and helpless sigh, she then said," I think i need to say something too about Master,"

All of them now look at her, Rangiju said," Actually, before Master go to his mission, he left something to me,"

"And what is that?"

Rangiku take a large bundle of cloth and put it in the table," This is the thing Master left to me when eh go to that mission,"

"He said that never give it to you guys until you confirm that you can't find him, and i think it's time to give this thing,"

Rangiku unfolds the bundle of cloth in front of them, they all look and see a bunch of notebooks inside.

"A notebook?" Soifon took one and looked at the content, she became serious when she read the content of the note.

"T-This is… a new Shunpo technique, from basic to mastery!" Soifon excitedly said SHunpo is almost impossible to upgrade so what they need is to recreate a new one based on Sunpass origin.

Seeing a new technique makes Soifon agitate because the content is written more detailed than the book available for Shunpo.

Isane took one and surprise seeing different kinds of Healing Kido that are available inside of the book, from basic to master, some even complicated Healing Kido that can help almost all the Soul in Soul Society.

All of them take out and check all the books that Xin left, from Zanjutsu, Hakuda, Hohō, and Kidō.

Everything is perfect, there is also personal experience teaching what they need to do and what they need to have to accomplish the thing inside of the book.

Miyako took a book and was surprised to see that it's actually a cookbook, a complete recipe book from Ingredients to procedure.

There is also some unique food that will help the training of the Shinigami faster than the normal trading guide they have.

"This is for Rukia," Rangiku gives Rukai a particular book that Xin made only for her.

Rukia took the book and see the title, she felt weird seeing the title, after all, she don't know how to dance at all.

[ Sword Dance ]

"Sword dance? That's pretty weird for someone like you," Kiyone said.

"What do you mean?" Rukai asks.

"For a tomboy like you, dancing is pretty impossible," Kiyone said.

Isane smacked her in the head with the book that she was holding, she angrily said," You're also one, you don't even know how to move like a proper lady!"

"B-But… Sis, doing such an embarrassing thing is really a nuisance," Kiyone pouted.

Rukia flustered hearing what she said but she still couldn't help but open the book and read it. After a few seconds Rukia's attention is fully occupied by the book she read, she even forgets the others.

"This is for Hinamori,"

"For Captain Soifon,"

"For Lieutenant Nemu."

"Lieutenant Nanao"

"Lieutenant Miyako"

"Isane and Kyone,"

"Then last is for Lieutenant Yachiru and a letter for Captain Unohana," Rangiku gives all the things that Xin wants to give for them.

Each one of them gets a book from Xin, the book ranges from Zanjutsu, Hakuda, Hohō, and Kidō, then to financial book and some secretarial book.

There's also a cookbook, tailoring book, and some engineering books, and most important of the mall is the Zanpakuto experience book that helps them to develop their own Zanpakuto.

Looking at the book and the letter that Unohana got, she felt empty somehow, after all, the person who gave this thing is still missing.

While the book and the letter that they get is the thing that Xin patently wrote for the past years.

She sees how XIn wrote it, after all, she is near while Xin is writing it, but the thing she dont know is the content of each book that he made.

"And before I forget, this is the book that you guys should master," Rangiku gives them a simple scroll.

"Master said that you will need it in the distant future, but mastering it is pretty hard, maybe you will never master it so he told me to master it as soon as possible," Rangiku said.

They all take the scroll while confused looking at it.