Older Brother's Love

Xin looked around and saw a big difference in the Human world when he came here in the past.

Everything changes from traditional to modern, the fast pahce of evolution and improvement makes Xin wonder if he is just dreaming or what.

But well, almost 70+ years passed when he last visited the Human World, and in a blink of an eye, everything changed.

While walking Xin started to notice why everyone was looking in his direction, he was confused why he knew that it's pretty impossible for humans to see a Shinigami so he was confused.

A girl suddenly walked to Xin and nervously asked," Um….. can i get your number?"

"Me?" Xin pointed to himself.

The girl nodded while flustered waiting for his answer.

Xin hunch is right, everyone can see him except for his pet following him, he look at the girl and awkwardly scratches his cheek," Well…. I don't really have a number.."

The girl's face suddenly became red, she nervously said," Then a picture, can I get you a picture?"

"Picture? Sure," Xin answered.

After taking a picture, the girl happily ran back to her friend while waving back to Xin, Xin smiled at them and walked in another direction.

He thought,' System is there something wrong about me?'

System,' Nothing Xin, the only thing that change is that your Soul already solidified to the extreme level that even normal human can see you,'

'Is my presence can damage the balance of the human world?'

System,' No, your solidified soul is different from other souls, yours is pretty perfect, the mixture of different energy is perfectly balanced,'

'And the Sage Art that you develop for almost 30 years also helps you to balance all the energy inside of you, so your presence is harmless for everyone.'

Xin who has nothing to do creates different varieties of Kido, and one of them is Sage Art, a version of Sage Art from Naruto but he uses a Reiatsu.

Sage Mode is an empowered state that can be entered by blending natural energy with one's chakra, creating senjutsu chakra. Sage Mode allows users to tap into the natural force of the world, opening up new techniques to them and allowing them to power up existing ones with the new senjutsu chakra.

Xin who uses Reiatsu perfectly blends with the energy around the world, so we can say that Xin is nature and the world itself.

But well after perfecting the Sage Art, Xin only used it once because of the change from his own Reiatsu.

While walking around the town, Xin suddenly felt a presence that he almost forgot for past years.

"Self Made Art: Shadow Cloak"

After hiding himself, Xin uses shunpo to the direction of the presence that is calling him, he appears in a two-story apartment.

"It's here," Xin is sure that the presence calling him is inside. He walks on the 2nd floor, he feels the presence is in the place.

He looks around and jumps inside of the door without opening it, penetrating walls and doors is easy for Soul.

He come inside and sees a pretty simple-looking house, a 10sqm apartment without a room.

Xin sees an orange-haired girl wearing a school uniform sleeping in the corner of the room holding a picture frame of a man.

He walked and saw the hairpin beside him calling for him, Xin took it and looked carefully.

Xin remembered something," Isn't this the six-petal flower-shaped hairpin that I lost when I fought Aizen that year?"

He look at the young girl and thought,' So that how she get the ability to heal,'

He then put the six-petal flower-shaped hairpin beside the girl and looked around, he thought," Is this the year when her brother dies?"

"Who are you?"

Xin turns around and sees a tall, slim man with chin-length brown hair. He wore a blue suit and a chain attached to his chest.

"Are you the older brother of a young girl?" He asked.

The man nodded and look sad to his younger sister, Xin look at him and said," It seems that you know it already,"

"That's right…. I die leaving my little sister alone…" The man sadly said.

"That's right, you are already dead, and you need to cross over now, if not, something bad will going to happen to you and to this girl in the future,"

"But…. I can't leave my baby sister….. She is alone….."

The man looks at Xin and asks," Can you grant my simple wish, Mister?"

Xin look at his face and eventually nodded," If I can grant it then I will try to accomplish your wish,"

"Then.. can you stay and become the guardian of my baby sister,"

Xin is confused looking at him, he doesn't know why this man asks a stranger to take care of his sister, how can he trust someone that he just met.


Ding! Congratulation you receive Main Quest: The last wish of a Loving Brother


Looking at the quest, Xin who want to go back home helpless nodded," Okay, I will grant your wish, I will protect her until the day she can finally live alone,"

The man happy nodded, he look at his sister and smiled," Then Sir, I'm ready to cross to the other side"

Xin nodded and pointed his finger on his forehead, but before he even transformed into a black butterfly, the girl who accidentally awakened saw everything.

The man looked at his sister and said," I'm leaving, but look, before I leave, I find you a handsome guardian, Inoue... take care…."

The man transformed into a black butterfly and flew somewhere leaving the young Inoue crying while being comfort by Xin.