Rukia and Ichigo

"Were back!" Xin shouted.

"We're home~" Inoue said.


Inoue hurry drop her bag and run inside hearing the voice of the cat, a few seconds later she happily walks to Xin holding back the cat in her arms.

"Brother look, our cat is back," Inoue happily said.

Xin smiled and pett Inoue and scratch the cat's chin," The welcome back, Ms.Cat~"

"Heheh~," Inoue happily received her brother's petting while the Cat looked content, Inoue suddenly said," What about CatDog brother? When they will going back?"

"I give the catdog a mission. Maybe they will go back after a week or two if they are smart enough," Xin said.

He then walks to the kitchen after putting his bag in the couches, he then takes the apron and wears it, walks to the fridge and takes the incident and asks," What do you like to eat Inoue?"

"I want fish curry brother," Inoue said.


"And Ms. Cat also likes to eat your fish curry," Inoue said while teasing the black cat in her arms.

Xin mysteriously smiled hearing that Cat likes to eat fish curry even though she hides it Xin knows who she is.

She appears in their home after Xin eliminates a bunch of hollows 2 years ago that almost break the balance of the human world.

But who thought that when she paper she sees Xin eliminating all the hollow and menos easily while carrying a grocery bag in one hand.

After that she follows Xin at home. Of course, Xin lets her follow him, if he doesn't want to, he can easily escape from her.

And after that the cat starts appearing in his house on any occasion in any weather, she only disappears at night and she goes back after school.

And she also likes fish dishes just like the person Xin knew in the past, she likes eating the kind of fish dish that Xin makes.

After half an hour, Xin completes cooking dinner for them, and just like he always sees, Inoue and Cat relish eating the food he cooks.

"Brother, your fish curry is the best," Inoue said.


"Look even Ms.Cat agree to me,"

"Yes~ yes, eat more, and don't talk while you're eating, that's bad," Xin said.

Inoue cutely stick out her pink tongue and continue eating relish while Xin looking outside, he then said," Inoue, clean all of this and complete your homework, I'm going to check something outside,"

"Um," Inoue nodded.

After eating, Xin changes to a white hoody jacket and walks outside, and then a black shadow suddenly jumps on his shoulder.

Xin schar her cheek and said," You want to follow?"

"Meow~" The cat called and nodded.

"Then let's go, I want to see an acquaintance that arrives today," Xin then walked to the direction where Ichigo's family was.

The cat confusedly looked at Xin, as if she was thinking whose acquaintance he was talking about.

A few minutes later, they both arrive in front of Kurosaki Clinic

The Kurosaki Clinic is a privately owned medical clinic in Karakura Town, as well as home to the Kurosaki Family.

"Let's enter," Xin then started to chant.

"Dark Lord of the night, the unseen entity in the darkness, the concealment shadow, master of stealth"

"Self Made Art: Shadow Cloak"

Xin wave his hand and wrapt the two of them to a black mantel, he then grin," Don't make noise Ms, Cat, we will going to observe for now,"

He inside walks through the wall, Xin can see Ichigo being held down by invincible restriction and an acquaintance who is doing her work.

It's Rukia, who appears in the human world for the first time after getting her first mission to guard the Karakura Town.

She starts to teach Ichigo using the strange picture that she likes when they are still studying in the Soul Academy.

And the teaching materials that she uses and those drawings are Xin's masterpiece, those bunny, bear and those smirk looking emotions are also the product of Xin mischievousness whenever he teaches Rukia and Momo about hollows.

Ichigo who can't move on the floor angry shout," Can i ask? Why does your drawing abnormally suck?"

Xin helpless smiled, it's not Rukia's problem but its Xi fault why Rukia because obsessed with those kinds of things,

Rukai angry punch Ichigo's face resulting blood come out from his nose," I will counties, try to distract me again and i will give you a panda eye,"

"Dammit!! Just cuz I can't move, you can do everything to me!"

Rukia continues," We shinigami have two duties, one is to guide those who die to Soul Society using Soul Burial as you see,"

"And the second is to eliminate all hollows that want to eat those souls that are still lingering in the human world."

Xin then looked outside and walked to look, he then discovered a hollow who already came inside of the house starting to attack Ichigo's family.

The cat is about to move but Xin stops her, he said," We can't help them, this is her duty, and one fate is about to happen, we can only watch them to solve the problem."

And just watch Xin said, Rukia and Ichigo see and start fighting the hollow, Xin confused looking at Rukia, he doesn't know why Rukia's Reiatsu is too low, not even at the level of a lieutenant.

She should be in the Vice-Captain or Captain level this year, but for some reason, her Reiatsu seems to be held back inside.

Xin can clearly see a ball of pure is made from Elemental Reiatsu inside of her silently sleeping as if waiting for something to happen.

'What happened to her when I left?' Xin thought while looking at Rukia being wounded by a low level hollow.